MRI Monitoring of Therapeutic Efficacy of Novel Heme targeting drugs in Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Orthotopic Tumors in Mice

MRI tracking of genetically engineered extracellular vesicles as SARS-CoV-2 mimetics for studying viral-induced pathologies

Author:Andrea Galisova  Jiri Zahradnik  Hyla Allouche-Arnon  Gideon Schreiber  Amnon Bar-Shir  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Brain & Body  

Program Number:0159  

Room Session:S11 (Breakout B)  

Institution:Weizmann institute of Science  

MRI assessment of abscopal effect induced by radiation/immune checkpoint blockade combination therapy

MRS to assess changes in total choline as a potential marker of treatment response to choline kinase inhibition in GL261 mouse glioblastomas

Multimodal molecular imaging assessment of tumor microenvironment. Hyaluronan depletion induces tumor reoxygenation and radiosensitization

Multimodal MRI of cervical spinal cord injury before and after surgical myelotomy

Author:Seung-Yi Lee  Briana Meyer  Shekar Kurpad  Matthew Budde  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Imaging II  

Program Number:3435  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  

Multiparametric MRI assessment of the sex influence in the development and response to anti-inflammatory treatment of a glioblastoma rat model

Non-Invasive Multi-Modal Imaging of Body Composition and Bone Density in Genetically Modified Fshb Mice

Open-source modular 3D printed platform for in-vivo MRI experiments in awake mice and anesthetized mice and rats

Author:Zakia Gironda  Mihály Vöröslakos  Youssef Wadghiri  Omid Yaghmazadeh  Leeor Alon  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Neuro I  

Program Number:2331  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:NYU School of Medicine  

Optimization of a highly sensitivity 19F MRI probe for NK cell immunotherapy tracking

Optogenetic fMRI investigation of the anterior cingulate cortex in pain processing

Optogenetically-evoked Brain-wide Spindles Alleviate Associative Memory Dysfunction in Aging Animal

Author:Xunda Wang  Alex T. L. Leong  Pit Shan Chong  Lee-Wei Lim  Ed X. Wu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Imaging IV  

Program Number:4668  

Room Session:2  

Institution:The University of Hong Kong  

Oral delivery of2H-labeled fumarate for deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging of tumor cell death in vivo

Author:Friederike Hesse  Alan Wright  Vencel Somai  Flaviu Bulat  Kevin Brindle  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Cancer  

Program Number:0674  

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 14-16  

Institution:University of Cambridge  

Peri-conceptional Alcohol Exposure Shapes Placental Functions in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Phase-Based T2 Mapping for Assessment of Liver Fibrosis in a Porcine Model

Preclinical MR spectroscopy of GABA: conventional PRESS versus spectral editing with MEGAPRESS and HERMES

Preclinical platform for the identification of deuterium magnetic resonance spectroscopy-based biomarkers of tumor metabolism

A preliminary study of real-time imaging for MRguidedvascularintervention and image quality assessment

Probing compartment-specific diffusion in the brain with 13C diffusion-weighted MRS of hyperpolarized pyruvate and lactate: initial results

Author:Mélissa Vincent  Xiao Gao  Myriam Chaumeil  Julien Valette  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Neuro II  

Program Number:2417  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:CEA  UCSF  

Probing Mitochondrial Function in Intact Fetal Brains with Ungated 4D Oxy-wavelet MRI in an Irradiation Injury Mouse Model

The protective effect of silymarin on TAA-induced liver injury model as assessed by MRI for a long-term follow-up study

Proton and hyperpolarized 13C MRS based biomarkers response to the BAY-1436032 IDH inhibitor in cell and in vivo glioma models

Qualitative assessment of Ex-vivo Manganese-Enhanced MRI of gyrencephalic brains

Quantitative cerebrovascular reactivity MRI in mice using acetazolamide challenge

Quantitative MR Imaging of Whole Intervertebral Disc: A Pre-Clinical Sample Study

A Radial Flow Cell Perfusion System for Hyperpolarized 13C NMR Metabolic Studies at Low Oxygen Levels

The relationship of arterial input function between abdominal aorta and hepatic artery

Renal fibrosis investigated by in vivo multifrequency MR elastography in a rat model of chronic kidney disease.

Resting-state single-vessel cerebral blood velocity by phase contrast fMRI

Author:Yuanyuan Jiang  David Hike  Xin Yu  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Neuro II  

Program Number:2411  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging  

Reusable 3D Printed Ex-vivo Brain Enclosure and Two-Piece Cutting Guide for Axial and Coronal MRI Registration with Gross Anatomy Photographs

Sequence comparison and test-retest analysis for 31P-MRS in mouse brain at 7 Tesla

Author:Antoine Cherix  Mohamed Tachrount  Jason Lerch  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Body  

Program Number:2318  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:University of Oxford  Hospital for Sick Children  

T2/T1-weighted MRI revealed the therapeutic role of microglial SMAD7 in a traumatic brain injury (TBI) mouse model

Tales of Two Environments: Enriched Mice show Stronger Sensory Evoked BOLD fMRI Responses, while Socially Isolated Ones Respond Less

Temperature and Concentration Dependence of Diffusion Kurtosis Parameters in a Quantitative Phantom

The effect of gadolinium contrast agent on T1 and T2 relaxation of brain in live and fixed zebrafish MRI

Author:Noémie Hamilton  Claire Allen  Steven Reynolds  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Neuro I  

Program Number:2332  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:University of Sheffield  

Time dependence of the diffusion and kurtosis tensors in strongly filtered diffusion signals

Towards an ultra-high resolution structural connectivity atlas of the parrot brain using extreme high-field 17.2T diffusion MRI

Tracking disease progression in mouse models of polycystic kidney disease with high resolution MRI and automated postprocessing

Author:Florian Schmid  Georgios Koukos  Matt Sooknah  Sanam Assili  Johannes Riegler  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Body  

Program Number:2320  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:Calico Life Sciences  

Tumor microvasculature and microenvironment characterizationin mouse models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma using multiparametric MRI

Ultra-high-resolution multi-parametric imaging on rats using MULTIPLEX at 9.4T

Author:Yongquan Ye  Renkuan Zhai  Hongxia Lei  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Brain & Body  

Program Number:0156  

Room Session:S11 (Breakout B)  

Institution:UIH America, Inc.  Wuhan United Imaging Life Science Instrument Co., Ltd.  

Using amide proton transfer-weighted (APTw) MRI to detect severity and predict outcome after traumatic brain injury (TBI) in rats

Author:Yinfeng Dong  Yanting Gu  Jianhua Lu  Jieru Wan  Shanshan Jiang  Raymond Koehler  Jinyuan Zhou  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 13: Preclinical Imaging  

Session Name:Preclinical Imaging I  

Program Number:3278  

Room Session:6  

Institution:Johns Hopkins University  

VEGF overexpression in breast cancer xenograft significantly increases nanoparticle-mediated siRNA delivery and target gene downregulation

White matter microstructure changes in a Bcan knockout mouse model

Whole brain mapping of transcranial electrical stimulation-induced effects by BOLD-fMRI in rats