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Design of a 13-Channel hybrid RF array with field rectification of dielectric material for foot/ankle imaging at 7T

Author:Aditya Bhosale  Leslie L Ying  Xiaoliang Zhang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK II  

Program Number:4433  

Room Session:4  

Institution:University at Buffalo  

Design of a Metamaterial-inspired Flexible Structure for MRI Field Enhancement at 3T: a Numerical Approach

Author:Morteza Teymoori  Arda Yalçinkaya  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 32: New Systems & Devices  

Session Name:New Systems & Devices II  

Program Number:3865  

Room Session:5  

Institution:Bogaziçi University  

Design of an asymmetric spiral RF coil for RF spatial encoding

Design of ultrahigh dielectric constant uHDC helmet for 3T and its intrinsic resonance modes

Detail-preserving multi-scale deep learning reconstruction for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

Author:Juan Zou  Cheng Li  Ruoyou Wu  Zhenzhen Xue  Xin Liu  Hairong Zheng  Shanshan Wang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Cardiac I  

Program Number:4166  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences  

Detect the etiology of single small subcortical infarction with High Resolution-Vessel Wall Imaging

Detecting dopamine in vivo using paramagnetic CEST-MRI at 11.7T

Author:Ying Liu  Xianfu Meng  He Wang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:Molecular Imaging II  

Program Number:3844  

Room Session:4  

Institution:Fudan University  Tongji University Cancer Center  

Detecting longitudinal dynamic functional connectivity changes using multiband multi-echo fMRI in high school football athletes

Author:Alexander Cohen  Michael McCrea  Yang Wang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 1: fMRI  

Session Name:Resting-State fMRI & Novel fMRI Techniques  

Program Number:3323  

Room Session:1  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  

Detecting Residual Iron Contrast after Ferumoxytol Infusion in Cerebral Vasculature Using High-Resolution SWI at 7T

Detecting schizophrenia using structural and synthetic cerebral blood volume MRI with deep learning

Detection of cranial nerve degeneration in a transgenic Parkinson’s disease model marmoset using multi-contrast mechanism MRI

Detection of crossed cerebellar diaschisis in subacute ischemic stroke using 3D PCASL with two post-labeling delay time method

Detection of Early Cirrhosis by Means of Curvature Analysis of Liver Surface Nodularity in MRI

Detection of early metastatic lymph nodes using inflow-based vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) MR imaging

Detection of Metabolic Biomarkers of Response to BRAF and MEK Inhibitor Therapy of Melanoma

Detection of IDH mutation in brain tumors using RAFF, continues wave T1rho, adiabatic T1rho, adiabaticT2rho and high b-value DWI

Detectionof prostatic peripheral zone cancer based on quantitative analysisof3.0T MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Determining Relative Diglyceride to Triglyceride Levels with STEAM MRS at 3 T

Author:Elliot Saive  Logan Fairgrieve-Park  Atiyah Yahya  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 22: Processing & Analysis  

Session Name:Processing & Analysis V  

Program Number:4494  

Room Session:1  

Institution:University of Alberta  Cross Cancer Institute  

Determining the conditions for robust acidoCEST MRI to measure extracellular pH in tumors in vivo

A detunable multi-row self-decoupled Transmit Array for 7 T ASL and brain spinal cord Imaging

Development and evaluation of a comprehensive array of gray matter labels for the MIITRA atlas: Interoperability with complementary atlases

Development and robust analysis of 3D fat-suppressed T2 MRI for head and neck radiotherapy treatment planning

Development and validation of an MRI-based radiomics nomogram for distinguishing multiple myeloma from bone metastasis of breast cancer

Development of a High-Speed MRI Protocol with Deep Learning Reconstruction Method for Brain Imaging in a Clinical Setting

Author:Patrick Quarterman  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 10: Neurological Conditions  

Session Name:Advanced Imaging in Neuropsychiatric & Neurodegenerative Diseases  

Program Number:3967  

Room Session:1  

Institution:GE Healthcare  

Development of a MRI radiomic-based ML model to predict aggressiveness of prostate cancer

Development of a Prospectively Motion Corrected Free-breathing FLASH Sequence

Development of high impedance microstrip resonators for ultrahigh field MR imaging

Author:Tianyu Gao  Xiaoliang Zhang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 24: RF Coils, Technologies & Sequences  

Session Name:RF Coils, Technologies & Sequences IV  

Program Number:4505  

Room Session:2  

Institution:University at Buffalo  

Development of high resolution PD-weighted, T2-weighted, and T2 map templates for use in studies on older adults.

The Development of Hollow Gd2O3 Nanospheres for T1 Contrast Agent

Author:Hongyun Li  Zhenxiong Wang  Zhongping Zhang  Jie Fang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

Session Name:MR Contrasts IV  

Program Number:4733  

Room Session:6  

Institution:Guangzhou First People's Hospital  Nantong University  Philips Healthcare China  

Development of in vivo human brain DTI-MRE: Preliminary results

Development of measurement method of metabolite concentration in 1H MRS under B1 inhomogeneity at high magnetic field

Author:Hidehiro Watanabe  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 7: Spectroscopy & Hyperpolarization  

Session Name:MRS & Hyperpolarization II  

Program Number:4363  

Room Session:5  

Institution:National Institute for Environmental Studies  

Diagnosis value of T2 mapping on the of vascular invasion in rectal Cancer

Diagnostic evaluation of the Kaiser scoring combined with breast vascular assessmentfor the characterization of breast lesions

Diagnostic performance of ADC and CBV imaging intersecting MRS for identifying molecular status in adult gliomas