Detecting schizophrenia using structural and synthetic cerebral blood volume MRI with deep learning
Junhao Zhang1, Nicolas Acosta1, Vishwanatha Mitnala Rao1, Pin-Yu Lee1, Sabrina Gjerswold-Selleck1, Zihan Wan1, Xinyang Feng1, Jeffrey A. Lieberman2, Scott A. Small3, and Jia Guo2 1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
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Currently discrimination of patients with
schizophrenia from normal healthy subjects remains challenging. In this study, it
is aimed to improve the performance of schizophrenia detection using structure
T1-weighed scans and synthetic functional maps with one 3D Convolutional neural
networks. The results show that our approach could outperform the current state-of-the-art
method in terms of AUROC and discriminative brain regions related are also
Discrimination of patients with
schizophrenia from normal healthy subjects currently remains challenging. In this study, it
is aimed to improve the performance of schizophrenia detection using T1-weighed structure scans and synthetic cerebral blood volume maps with one 3D convolutional neural
network. The results showed that our approach could outperform the current state-of-the-art
method in terms of AUROC and discriminative brain regions related are also
one kind of common psychosis, is a neurological disorder characterized by
progressive symptoms such as hallucinations and emotion dysregulation. Accurate
and rapid detection of schizophrenia is a pressing problem as there is
currently no apparent biomarker that indicates the onset of the disease. The prior
research utilized deep learning to capture the schizophrenia-related pattern from
structure scans but the model could not generalize well1.
Additionally, functional and structural scans were fused in deep learning for
schizophrenia detection but the performance could be still improved2.
As a result, in this study, we aim to propose one 3D CNN-based neural network
using structural and synthetic cerebral blood volume MRI to improve the detection
of schizophrenia. The proposed method outperforms the current benchmark model
and accurately localizes the brain regions related to schizophrenia
Material and Methods
neuroimaging data used in the study was downloaded from the SchizConnect
database (
Data from several studies like COBRE3, BrainGluSchi4 and NmorphCH5
were collected and organized in this public database. Detailed information
regarding these datasets is illustrated in Fig. 1A. In our study, all of the
input MRI images went through standard pre-processing operations including
skull stripping6, affine registration, histogram warping7.
The preprocessing pipeline is shown in Fig. 1B. One pre-trained network
called DeepContrast8 was utilized to perform quantitative
structural-to-functional mapping of MRI brain scans. DeepContrast takes in T1W
scans and generates voxel-level predictions of the cerebral blood volume (CBV).
The details of DeepContrast are illustrated in Fig. 2B.
architecture 3D “VGG-11 with batch normalization” adapted from (VGG-19BN)9
was developed (Fig. 2A). This modified single-stream 3D VGG model with batch
normalization and squeeze-and-excitation block (SE-VGG-11BN) is composed of two
basic components: feature extraction and classification. In the feature
extraction part, 3D squeeze-and-excitation (SE)10 operations were
introduced to effectively fuse the information from different channels. When
structural and synthetic functional MRI were used as input, a dual-stream
SE-VGG-11BN composed of two single-stream SE-VGG-11BN was used (shown in Fig.
2C). To validate the models, gradient activation maps (Grad-CAM)11
were introduced to our study to confirm whether the model focused on
task-related patterns instead of irrelevant information in the data. We further
investigated the brain regions that had the most contributions to the
schizophrenia classification task by visualizing the class activation maps
(CAM). The details of gradient activation map generation are shown in Fig. 4.
training the models, we tested the models on the same stand-alone set of scans,
51 with schizophrenia and 49 without schizophrenia. Firstly, the SE-VGG-11BN
model using structural T1 WB scans exhibited better performance than the
benchmark model across all metrics. The quantitative performance metrics are
summarized in Fig. 3B and Fig. 3C. Secondly, when inspecting the ROC curves (Fig.
3A), we found that the dual-stream SE-VGG-11BN model with the input of
structural T1 WB scans and synthesized functional aCBV maps performed
significantly better than the benchmark model only using structural T1 WH scans
based in the DeLong’s test. Thirdly, we observed significantly superior AUROC
performance of SE-VGG-11BN and dual-stream SE-VGG-11BN over the benchmark model
when the BrainGluSchi dataset was used only for test and the COBRE and NMorphCH
datasets were used for the training and validation (Fig. 3D). These results
validate the generality of our model. The class activation map of the
best-performing classifier is illustrated in Fig. 5. The most highly
contributing structural feature information comes from the temporal and frontal
lobe, while the most highly contributing functional feature information comes
from the parietal and occipital lobe and the ventricle area.
Discussion and Conclusion
either SE-VGG-11BN or dual-stream SE-VGG-11BN exhibit better performance than
the benchmark model. The introduction of attention blocks could help the model
fuse the extracted information. Additionally, standard preprocessing pipelines
absent in the benchmark method could help alleviate the misleading and
disease-unrelated factors.
The dual-stream SE-VGG11-BN integrating T1W structure data and synthesized
functional aCBV data outperform the SE-VGG11-BN only using T1W structure data.
Notably, the marriage of structure data and synthesized functional data greatly
improved classification across all metrics. The integrated features provide
information from different perspectives. Besides this, two independent streams
could allow information effective extraction before information incorporation.
class activation map for the best-performing model (dual-stream SE-VGG-11BN)
reveals some interesting patterns, which are closely related to brain lobes12-15.
study was funded by the Seed Grant Program for MR Studies of the Zuckerman Mind
Brain Behavior Institute at Columbia University and Columbia MR Research Center
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1: Sample characteristics, distribution
of public schizophrenia MRI datasets and
the pre-processing pipeline. A. Scan parameters of the T1W MR data and the
patient demographic information of each dataset. B. Data pre-processing
pipeline to generate the input of different schizophrenia classification deep
learning models.
Fig 2: The architecture of the
deep learning models. A. Proposed 3D VGG-11 network with
squeeze-and-excitation (SE) block and batch-normalization (SE-VGG-11BN) uses
T1W MRI as the model input. B. The architecture of DeepContrast model. C.
Proposed SE-VGG-11BN network with double encoding streams
(dual stream SE-VGG-11BN) uses both T1W MRI data and the aCBV maps as the model
3: The performance of three candidate
models in schizophrenia classification. A. Receiver operating
characteristics (ROC) curves for schizophrenia classification on the dataset.
B. Classification performance of models in terms of Accuracy (at
threshold=0.5), Sensitivity, Specificity and AUROC. C. Table quantitatively
summarizes the performance of different models. D.Generalizability of the
three models trained by COBRE and NMorphCH dataset on unseen BrainGluSchi test
Fig 4: The workflow of class
activation map (CAM) generation in the best-performing model. In the
best-performing model dual-stream SE-VGG-11BN, the class of one given T1W scan
and aCBV map is predicted by two steps in the model: 1) extracting hierarchical
features; 2) fusing features and classifying these features.
5: The visualization of 2D and 3D
discriminative regions of the dual stream SE-VGG-11BN in the last convolutional layer. A. The 2D regions derived from T1W feature maps. B. The 2D most discriminative regions derived from T1W feature maps. C. The 3D most discriminative regions derived from T1W feature maps. D. The 2D
discriminative regions derived from
aCBV feature maps. E. The 2D most
discriminative regions derived from
aCBV maps. F. The 3D most discriminative regions
derived from aCBV maps.