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Contrastive Learning of Inter-domain Similarity for Unsupervised Multi-modality Deformable Registration

Convolutional neural networks to differentiate hypertrophic cardiomyopathy from hypertensive heart disease based on cardiac cine imaging

Author:Qiming Liu  Yezi Chai  Meng Jiang  Chenxi Hu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Heart I  

Program Number:4123  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Ren Ji Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine  Shanghai Jiao Tong University  

Co-registration of cardiac PET and late gadolinium enhancement MRI for integrated PET/MR

Author:Zheng Zhang  Xing Chen  Zhiwen You  Jianmin Yuan  Lingzhi hu  Jun Zhao  Chenxi Hu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Heart I  

Program Number:4128  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Shanghai East Hospital  Shanghai Jiao Tong University  United Imaging Healthcare Co. Ltd.  

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Impact of First and Second Waves on CT and MRI Patient Volumes at a Large Tertiary Center

Correction of Bias in Single Reference Variable Flip Angle T1-mapping with Simple Extrapolation Method

Author:Michael Malmberg  Henrik Odéen  Dennis Parker  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

Session Name:MR Contrasts II  

Program Number:3936  

Room Session:3  

Institution:University of Utah  

Correction of Gibbs ringing artifact improves visualization of epileptogenic pathology

Correlated and specific features fusion based on attention mechanism for grading hepatocellular carcinoma with Contrast-enhanced MR

Correlates of Perivascular Spaces Volume Based on Automated Segmentation of T1-weighted MRI

Correlating Raised Intracranial Pressure with Increased ­Brain Motion in a Ovine Model

Correlation between changes of pelvic bone marrow fat content and hematological toxicity in concurrent chemoradiotherapy for cervical cancer

Correlation between hippocampal subfields volume and white matter hyperintensity in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Correlation between Iron Burden and Cognitive Status in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping

Correlation between liver function indexes and T1/T2 relaxation timein patients with liver cirrhosis

Correlation between LV fractal dimension and impaired strain in patients with excessive trabeculation and normal LV ejection fraction

Correlation between MRI texture analysis and histo-pathology of Alzheimer’s disease: evaluation in the hippocampus of the Tgf344-AD rat model.

Correlation between SUV, tumor blood flow and ADC of extra-axial tumors on FDG-PET/MRI

Correlation between T1, T1rho, T2*, MMF, and Biomechanics in Human Interspinous Ligament Using quantitative Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) MRI

Correlation of 4D MRI and Motion Capture during Dynamic Wrist Movements

Correlation of metabolomics of intestinal mucosal biopsies with enzyme and secretory activity of duodenal enterocytes in celiac disease

Correlation of the 23Na Triple-Quantum Signal with Protein Size

Author:Simon Reichert  Dennis Kleimaier  Lothar Schad  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:Molecular Imaging III  

Program Number:4426  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Heidelberg University  

Correlation analysis between quantitative parameters of mDIXON-Quant sequence and liver function in patients with liver cirrhosis

Correlations between functional connectivity and glucose uptake in white matter

CoSimPy: an Open-Source Python Library for MRI RF Coil EM/Circuit Cosimulation

Coupled Metabolic and Functional Changes in Default Mode Network Subsystems of Alzheimer's Disease: A Hybrid 3D 1H-MRSI/FDG-PET/fMRI Study

COVID-19 as an Opportunity for Quality Improvement in MR Neuro Imaging.

Cross-correlation between metabolites due to spectral overlap

Author:Sungtak Hong  Li An  Jun Shen  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 14: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Novel Image Reconstruction Techniques II  

Program Number:3456  

Room Session:3  

Institution:National Institutes of Health  

A cross-modality deep learning model for esophageal cancer segmentation and quantitation on 18F-FDG PET/CT and diffusion weighted MRI

CSE-MRI Detects the Changes in Bone Marrow Fat after Weight Loss Induced by Healthy Low-carbohydrate Diet

Author:Lin Gengyun  Wu Junying  Wen Zhibo  Zhao Chen  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK I  

Program Number:3087  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Philips Healthcare  Zhujiang Hospital  

Customized whole-brain covering GRASE in multi-delay pCASL for distinct contrasts and adequate SNRs in hemodynamic parameter mappings

Author:Yichen Hu  Qing Wei  Zhongyang Zhou  Junpu Hu  Jun Xie  Jian Xu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 26: Perfusion and Permeability  

Session Name:Perfusion & Permeability III  

Program Number:4881  

Room Session:1  

Institution:UIH America, Inc.  United Imaging Healthcare  

Daily Measurement of Prostate ADC in Patients Undergoing SABR and Conventional Treatment for Prostate Cancer on an MR-Linac

Data driven whole-brain cardiac signal regression from highly accelerated fMRI acquisitions

Data Selection for Deep Learning via diversity visualization and scoring

Author:Deepa Anand  Dattesh Shanbhag  Rakesh Mullick  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 22: Processing & Analysis  

Session Name:Processing & Analysis II  

Program Number:3168  

Room Session:4  

Institution:GE Healthcare  

A Data-Driven Sequential Backward Selection Framework to Accelerate Diffusion-Relaxation Prostate Microstructure Mapping

Deblurring 3D FSE Images via Regularized Iterative Demodulation of T2 Decay

Author:Yan Wen  Ek Tsoon Tan  Maggie Fung  Darryl Sneag  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK II  

Program Number:4434  

Room Session:4  

Institution:GE Healthcare  Hospital for Special Surgery  

Deblurring for Spiral Imaging with Intra-Voxel Dephasing Modeling

Author:Dinghui Wang  James Pipe  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 14: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Image Reconstruction II  

Program Number:3504  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Mayo Clinic  

Decrease in magnetic susceptibility correlates with reduction in cortical blood flow in a model of systemic inflammation: A 9.4T in-vivo study

Decreased brain GABA levels in patients with migraine without aura: an exploratory 1H-MRS study

Decreased the stability of brain hubs and the heterogeneity of whole brain dynamics in early onset schizophrenia

Author:Mukesh Kumar  S Senthil Kumaran  Pankaj Pankaj  Rajesh Sagar  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 10: Neurological Conditions  

Session Name:Neurological Conditions II  

Program Number:3070  

Room Session:6  

Institution:All India Institute of Medical Sciences  

Decreased LC MRI Contrast and Relationship with Orthostatic Hypotension in Multiple System Atrophy

A Dedicated Transceiver 8Tx/16Rx pTx Coil Array for Ex-vivo MRI Histology of Post-infarction Myocardium on a Whole-body 7T Scanner