Perivascular spaces (PVS) are a component of the glymphatic system, the brain-wide waste drainage pathway, but the pathophysiological significance of enlarged perivascular space volume is incompletely characterized. We obtained PVS segmentations from 167 cognitively intact or mildly symptomatic older subjects from high-resolution T1-weighted MRI using an automated approach and correlated PVS volume with both amyloid status, as determined by amyloid PET, and cortical thickness changes from normative values. Automated PVS segmentations required additional masking of CSF spaces and manual exclusion of some lacunar infarcts. PVS volume was correlated with brain atrophy and not amyloid status.
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Figure 1: Artifacts from Automated PVS Segmentation
a) demonstrates the artifacts (yellow arrows) due to the misclassification of CSF at ventricles using the method described in Sephrband et al7. b) shows that the artifacts are eliminated by the automated postprocessing without the manual correction. c) shows the artifacts (yellow arrow) due to the misclassification of lacunar infarcts, d) shows that the automated postprocessing failed to remove the artifacts and the manual correction was performed instead.
Figure 2: Association Between Age and White Matter PVS Volume
Linear regression was performed on 138 WM PVS segmentations. The result shows a strong correlation between age and WM PVS volume as suggested qualitatively in previous literature (p = 0.0112)6.
Figure 3: Correlation Between Amyloid Status and White Matter PVS Volume
A two-sample t-test was performed based on amyloid status for WM PVS volume. The result suggests no statistical significance among the two groups (p = 0.471). This may indicate PVS volume is less reflective as altered glymphatic function.
Figure 4: Correlation Between WM PVS Volume and Overall Cortical Thickness
Linear regression was performed between WM PVS volume and a weighted average of cortical thickness w-scores for all cortical regions. The result shows a correlation between higher PVS volume and thinner overall cortical thickness. Note w-score is a standard score; higher w-scores indicate thinner cortical thickness compared to the control group.
Figure 5: Correlation Between WM PVS Volume and Regional Cortical Thickness
Regression analyses were performed for 200 subregions. a) uses uncorrected significance threshold (p = 0.05). Significant correlations were observed across all but a few parcellations located dorsally. b) uses significance threshold (p = 2.5x10-4) adjusted by Bonferroni correction. Significant correlations remain primarily in prefrontal, orbitofrontal, and visual cortices.