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Comparison of 4D, 2D, and 1D phase-contrast MRI quantification of aortic pulse wave velocity in healthy adults

Comparison of analytical BOLD-fMRI models againstTwo-Photon Microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations

Comparison of BOLD detectability of ‘multi shot EPI’ and ‘single shot EPI with GRAPPA’ at 7T

Comparison of Computed DWI with actual scanned DWI for nasopharyngeal carcinoma detection using DWI TSE MVXD

Comparison of conventional and spiral TOF-MRA in clinical applications

Comparison of detection rate using compressed SENSE accelerated 3D T2-weighted FSE acquisitions and standard 2D acquisitions in bladder cancer

Comparison of different T2 fitting models in renal tissue relaxometry

Comparison of Double Quantum (DQ) Suppression Methods for Inversion Recovery TQTPPI (IRTQTPPI) Sequence

Author:Simon Reichert  Dennis Kleimaier  Lothar Schad  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:Molecular Imaging III  

Program Number:4428  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Heidelberg University  

Comparison of fat quantification in abdomen and vertebrae by IDEAL-IQ and mDIXON Quant

Comparison of high-resolution quantitative peripheral nerve imaging in CMT1A and healthy controls using Double-Echo in Steady-State at 7 Tesla

Comparison of integrated slice-speci?c dynamic shimming (ishim) and single shot EPI techniques in patients with Crohn’s disease

A comparison of model-based deconvolution methods for estimating the carbon-dioxide response function in resting-state fMRI

Comparison of multi-echo MRSandradial TSE sequences in patients with HCC

Comparison of Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding and Reduced Field-of-view Technique for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Prostate

Comparison of Quantitative BOLD and Vascular MRF for Mapping Brain Oxygenation

Comparison of RF-Induced Heating of a Vascular Stent in an ASTM Phantom and Two Virtual Human Anatomies in Open and Closed Bore MRI Systems

Comparison of simulated parallel transmit head arrays at 7T using excitation uniformity, local SAR, and global SAR

Comparison of Single- and Dual-R2* Relaxivity and Estimation of Fat Fraction Using Steatosis Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulations

Comparison of T1 mapping from StarVIBE and conventional variable flip angle in abdomen: a preliminary study

Comparison of TGSE-BLADE, RESOLVE and SS-EPI for diffusion weighted imaging after cerebral aneurysmal clipping

Comparison of the image quality and ADC values on diffusion weighted imaging at both low and high b-values with gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging

A Comparison of the Magnetic Force of MR-Conditional Cardiac Implants

Comparison of time-encoded and sequential variable-TR scheme for multi-delay pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling

Comparison of Velocity Selective ASL and PCASL
with Phase-Contrast MRI for Measuring
CO2-induced Cerebrovascular Reactivity

Author:Feng Xu  Cuimei Xu  Dapeng Liu  Dan Zhu  Hanzhang Lu  Qin Qin  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 26: Perfusion and Permeability  

Session Name:Perfusion & Permeability IV  

Program Number:4907  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Johns Hopkins University  Kennedy Krieger Institute  

Comparison of the Accuracy between High-resolution B-TFE and 3D T1-FFE MR Sequences on Human Spinal Artery Lesions

Comparison and Optimization b-Values combination of liver Diffusion-Weight Imaging in hepatic stiffness discrimination

Comparison between image quality of 3D T1 GRE sequence with and without deep learning reconstruction at gadoxetic acid-enhanced liver MRI

Comparison of 5T and 3T MRI in patients with moyamoya disease: An initial study

Comparison of Brain Metastasis Detection Capability among 3D FFE with Parallel Imaging and CS and FASE MPV with Fast 3D Wheel

Comparison of multi-atlas based and template based method in the quantitative analysis of [18F]-FP-DTBZ PET

Comparison of Spiral and Cartesian Acquisitions for Rapid Hyperpolarized 129Xe Ventilation Mapping in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Comparison of Ultrashort Echo Time MRI with High-Resolution CT for the Assessment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

A comparisonstudy of novel and conventional diffusion weighted imaging techniques in subjective and objective evaluation ofthe pancreas

Comprehensive 3D quantitative transient response MRI

Comprehensive MRI reveals compromised baseline cardiac function in lung cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy treatment

Author:El-Sayed Ibrahim  Elizabeth Gore  Sherry-Ann Brown  Carmen Bergom  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

Session Name:Cardiac III  

Program Number:4925  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  Washington University  

Compressed Sensing and Deep Learning Reconstruction: Efficacy for Women’s Pelvic MRI at 1.5 T MR System in Routine Clinical Practice

Compressed sensing chemical exchange saturation transfer for simultaneous APT, ssMT, and rNOE imaging

Compressed sensing for motion-robust real-time fetal cardiac imaging

Author:Nicholas Rubert  Quin Lu  Gaurav Jategaonkar  Luis Goncalves  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 14: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Image Reconstruction II  

Program Number:3502  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Philips  Phoenix Children's Hospital  University of Arizona  

Compressed SVD for L+S Matrix Decomposition Model to Reconstruct Undersampled Dynamic MRI

Compressed sensing improved the assessment of the corticospinal pathways in stroke brains scanned with traditional DTI

Concomitant Field Effects on Asymmetric Gradient Systems: Impacts on Slow Flow Imaging

Confirming conduction defect in fatty acid oxidation compromised heart using MRI strain imaging

Consistent White Matter Parcellation in Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD): A ~10k Harmonized Diffusion MRI Study

Author:Fan Zhang  Suheyla Cetin-Karayumak  Steve Pieper  Yogesh Rathi  Lauren O'Donnell  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 16: Diffusion  

Session Name:Diffusion & Susceptibility I  

Program Number:3306  

Room Session:4  

Institution:Harvard Medical School  

Contrast-free MR Angiography and Venography for Visualization of Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome in less than 10 minutes