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Synchrotron microCT tractography connectomics: comparison with diffusion MRI and neural tracer injections

Author:Scott Trinkle  Sean Foxley  Narayanan Kasthuri  Patrick La Rivière  

Institution:The University of Chicago  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

Topic:Diffusion Modeling, Tractography and Applications  

Session Name:Orientation Modelling & Fibre Tractography  

Program Number:0854  

Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 4  

A Synthetic Combination of Accurate De-enhanced Registration and Dynamic Artificial Sparsity for Robust High-Resolution Liver DCE-MRI

Synthetic magnetic resonance imaging-derived histogram metrics for prediction of lymph node metastasis in rectal cancer

Synthetic MRI reveals leukoaraiosis is associated with cerebral small vessel diseases rather than cerebral atherosclerosis

Author:jingdong Yang  Juan Huang  Yan Song  Pu Yeh Wu  

Institution:Beijing Hospital  GE Healthcare  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  


Session Name:Neurodegeneration: Small Vessel Disease & More  

Program Number:1555  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Synthetic T1rho dispersion imaging for improved myocardial tissue characterization using dispersion reconstruction

Author:Maximilian Gram  Daniel Gensler  Patrick Winter  Michael Seethaler  Peter Jakob  Peter Nordbeck  

Institution:University Hospital Würzburg  University of Würzburg  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:CEST, MT, Zero-TE and Relaxometry  

Session Name:Relaxometry & Zero-TE  

Program Number:0530  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 1  

Synthetic T2-weighted contrasts of the lumbar spine derived from fast quantitative mapping – the icing on the cake

T1 and T2 relaxometry of arterial and venous blood: reliability of different methods

Author:Koen Baas  Bram Coolen  Gustav Strijkers  Aart Nederveen  

Institution:Amsterdam UMC  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

Topic:Perfusion and Permeability  

Session Name:Novel Spin Labelling Methods  

Program Number:0036  

Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 1  

T1 Mapping & ECV

Author:Sebastien Roujol  

Institution:Kings College London  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Live Q&A Date:Sunday, 9 August 2020  

Topic:Cardiovascular MRI: The Heart  

Session Name:Cardiovascular MRI: The Heart  

Program Number:

Room Live Q&A Session:Sunday Parallel 2  

    T1 relaxation in fat and its dependence on fat content

    Author:Véronique Fortier  Ives R. Levesque  

    Institution:McGill University  Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:CEST, Magnetization Transfer and Relaxometry  

    Session Name:Relaxation  

    Program Number:3150  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    T1, T2, and T1? Relaxation Mapping of the Lower Leg Muscle in Diabetic Neuropathy Patients with MR-Fingerprinting (MRF): Exercise Intervention

    Author:Azadeh Sharafi  Smita Rao  Martijn A. Cloos  Ryan Brown  Ravinder R. Regatte  

    Institution:New York University  NYU Langone Health  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

    Topic:Muscle, Cartilage, Knee stabilizers  

    Session Name:Muscle  

    Program Number:0339  

    Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 4  

    T1? could be a complementary tool for T2* in the assessment of rat liver iron overload

    Author:Qianfeng Wang  Hong Xiao  He Wang  Xuchen Yu  Fuhua Yan  

    Institution:Fudan University  Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Quantitative MRI  

    Session Name:Quantitative Multi-Parameter Mapping  

    Program Number:3780  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    T2 Analysis of the Entire Osteoarthritis Initiative Dataset (N=25,729)

    T2 mapping in healthy and diseased muscle using optimized extended phase graph algorithms in four clinical cohorts

    T2 Relaxation Time Reveals Improvement of Articular Cartilage Quality After Bariatric Surgery at 12-month Follow-up

    T2 relaxation times of seven individual macromolecules in rat brain 1H MR Spectra at 9.4T: single inversion recovery and AMARES post processing

    Author:Dunja Simicic  Veronika Rackayova  Cristina Cudalbu  


    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:New Techniques in MRS  

    Session Name:MRS Technical 3  

    Program Number:2890  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    T2 and diffusion tensor imaging of kidney disease in an epicutaneous TLR7 enhanced lupus mouse model

    Author:Luke Xie  Vineela Gandham  Kai Barck  Eric Suto  Wyne Lee  Oded Foreman  Richard Carano  Alex De Crespigny  Robby Weimer  


    Session Type:Combined Educational & Scientific Session  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

    Topic:MRI of the Kidneys  

    Session Name:Renal MRI: Past, Present & Future  

    Program Number:0950  

    Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 3  

    T2*-weighted MRI as a non-contrast enhanced method for assessment of focal laser ablation zone extent in prostate cancer thermotherapy

    T2-BUDA-gSlider: fast T2 mapping with blip-up/down acquisition, generalized SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution and subspace reconstruction

    T2-mapping of MR imaging for discriminating mucinous adenocarcinoma from nomucinous adenocarcinoma in rectal cancer and compared with diffusion weighted image

    Author:yuxi ge  Weiqiang Dou  

    Institution:GE Healthcare, MR Research  Wuxi Fourth People's Hospital  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Cancer Imaging: Therapy Planning, Response & Breast  

    Session Name:Cancer Imaging: Miscellaneous 2  

    Program Number:4866  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    T2-Weighted Foetal Brain MRI: Utilising Slice-To-Volume Reconstruction to Reduce Repeat Acquisition Due to Fetal Motion

    T2w-FLAIR generation through deep-learning using distortion-free PSF-EPI DWI

    Tackling Degeneracy in Linear Tensor Encoding Diffusion MRI

    Author:Khoi Huynh  Ye Wu  Hoyt Taylor IV  Weili Lin  Pew-Thian Yap  

    Institution:UNC-Chapel Hill  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

    Session Name:Diffusion: Microstructure 2  

    Program Number:4436  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Tag Removal in Cardiac Tagged MRI using Edge-guided Adversarial Learning

    Author:Botian Xu  Yaqiong Chai  John Wood  

    Institution:University of Southern California  Children's Hospital Los Angeles  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

    Session Name:CMR: Machine Learning & AI  

    Program Number:2232  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Tagging Error Robust pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling using Multiplane Labeling and Low Rank Methods

    Author:Chenwei Tang  Mu-Lan Jen  Laura Eisenmenger  Kevin Johnson  

    Institution:University of Wisconsin-Madison  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:MR Elastography and Perfusion  

    Session Name:Arterial Spin Labeling: Acquisition  

    Program Number:3279  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Tailored 3D Inner Volume Suppression Pulses for MR Corticography

    Tailored spectral-spatial saturation pulses for spatially uniform saturation in CEST imaging

    Targeted fast spectroscopic imaging at 7T

    Author:Jullie Pan  Victor Yushmanov  Chan Moon  Frank Lieberman  Hoby Hetherington  

    Institution:University of Pittsburgh  UPMC  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:New Techniques in MRS  

    Session Name:MRS Technical 2  

    Program Number:2877  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Task-Based UltraFast MRI: Simultaneous Image Reconstruction and Tissue Segmentation

    tcaCALC: MATLAB Software for Quantitative Analysis of 13C Metabolic Isotopic Tracer Experiments

    A Technique for Quantitative Measurement of Pulmonary Gas Uptake using Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI in Free-Breathing Mice

    Author:Luis Loza  Stephen Kadlecek  Mehrdad Pourfathi  Kai Ruppert  Tahmina Achekzai  Ian Duncan  Rahim Rizi  

    Institution:University of Pennsylvania  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Thoracic and Breast MRI  

    Session Name:Lung, Mediastinum & Hyperpolarized  

    Program Number:2365  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    TE-dependence of NODDI-derived parameters and its modelling with compartmental T2 relaxation times

    Author:Ting Gong  Qiqi Tong  Hongjian He  Jianhui Zhong  Hui Zhang  

    Institution:University College London  Zhejiang University  University of Rochester  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

    Session Name:Diffusion: Microstructure 1  

    Program Number:4422  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Temperature-induced chemical shift in single-shot echo-planar imaging

    Temporal progression patterns of brain atrophy in CBS and PSP determined using Subtype and Stage Inference

    Temporal variability of local brain activity in medication-free patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    Testing white matter tissue modeling with multiple diffusion encoding MRI

    Author:Hunter Moss  Emilie McKinnon  Jens Jensen  

    Institution:Medical University of South Carolina  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

    Topic:Diffusion Microstructure Modeling and Validation  

    Session Name:Microstructure: Validation  

    Program Number:0726  

    Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 4  

    A test-retest analysis of motion compensation in image-guided radiation therapy using hands-free simultaneous MR-U/S system.

    Test-Retest Reproducibility of in vivo Cortical GABA and Glx Measurements with MEGA-PRESS: Comparing 32-Channel and 8-Channel Head Coils

    Author:Peter Truong  Napapon Sailasuta  Sofia Chavez  

    Institution:Centre for Addiction and Mental Health  University of Toronto  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:New Techniques in MRS  

    Session Name:MRS Technical 3  

    Program Number:2893  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Texture analyses based on multiple high b-value diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) for evaluation of tumor heterogeneity in prostate cancer

    Texture Analysis of T2-weighted Lumbar Spine MRI Predicts Presence of Low Back Pain

    Texture-based radiomics of peritumoral tissue predict subsequent progression into cancer in Glioblastoma Multiforme

    Author:Ike Zhang  Tim Duong  

    Institution:Stony Brook University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Brain tumors  

    Session Name:Brain Tumour: Radiomics  

    Program Number:1731  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    TFIR - A Spatial Frequency and R2* Informed Regularization for Total Field Inversion in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.

    Author:Priya Balasubramanian  Lingfei Guo  Weiyuan Huang  Pascal Spincemaille  Yi Wang  

    Institution:Cornell University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:Quantitative Tissue Properties and Novel Contrast Mechanisms  

    Session Name:QSM & Its Methods  

    Program Number:3203  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    TGSE diffusion-weighted pulse sequence in the evaluation of optic neuritis: A comprehensive comparison of image quality with RESOLVE DWI

    Thalamic structural connectivity abnormalities in minimal hepatic encephalopathy: a probabilistic tractography study

    Author:Hua-Jun Chen  Tian-Xiu Zou  Nao-Xin Huang  

    Institution:Fujian Medical University Union Hospital  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  


    Session Name:Encephalopathies & Systemic Diseases  

    Program Number:1674  

    Room Live Q&A Session: