We propose to combine the gSlider acquisition and blip-up/down acquisition (BUDA) to achieve high-resolution and distortion-free T2 mapping. Firstly, we incorporate Hankel structured low-rank constraint into BUDA reconstruction to recover distortion-free images from blip-up/down shots without navigation. To utilize the similarity among RF-encodings and TEs, we introduce a model-based shuffling-gSlider joint reconstruction to recover high-resolution thin-slice images by gradually eliminating the weak coefficient components during the iterative reconstruction. Finally, the reconstructed images are used to obtain quantitative T2 maps. The proposed method enables distortion-free high-quality whole-brain T2 mapping with 1 mm isotropic resolution within ~1 minute.
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Figure 1.
(A) The sequence diagram of the BUDA-gSlider acquisition with multi-TE and spin-echo EPI readout.
(B) The acquisition trajectory of the blip-up/down 2-shots EPI.
(C) The flowchart of BUDA reconstruction. The individual reconstructed images by respectively using blip-up shot and blip-down shot are used to estimate the field map using FSL TOPUP. Then the field map is incorporated into the Hankel structured low-rank constrained forward model to jointly reconstruct distortion-free images.
Figure 2. Reconstruction process including:
(A) Subsampling initialization step, where images of different TEs are subsampled and recovered by T2 fitting.
(B) Generating T2 dictionary by using EPG algorithm and corresponding temporal basis by principle component analysis.
(C) The gSlider-Shuffling joint reconstruction to generate the high-resolution thin-slice images by utilizing the similarity of images between different TEs and RF encodings.
(D) Template match the high-resolution thin-slice images with a pre-calculated T2 dictionary to obtain the final T2 maps.
Figure 3.
(A) Reconstructed RF-encoded slab images of RF1/TE1 and reference 3D-FSE images. The images using BUDA reconstruction has reduced artifacts compared to hybrid-space SENSE and high geometric fidelity consistent to the reference images.
(B) RF-encoded slab images of different TEs by using BUDA reconstruction.
Figure 4.
The comparison of straight-forward approach (separate gSlider reconstruction and T2 fitting) and joint shuffling-gSlider reconstruction. With sub-sampled interleaved TEs acquisition, the scan time was reduced from 105 sec to 63 sec with similar image quality.
Figure 5.
The comparison between the proposed T2-BUDA-gSlider method and gold standard spin-echo method. The proposed method can achieve higher resolution (1×1×1 mm3 vs 1×1×5 mm3) and wider coverage (130 mm vs 55 mm in the slice direction) within short acquisition time (63 sec vs 30 min).