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SNR boost in whole-body DWIBS utilizing deep learning constrained Compressed SENSE reconstruction

SNR enhancement in rapid high b-value prostate single-shot DW-EPI utilizing deep learning constrained Compressed SENSE reconstruction

Spatial encoding with a 48-ch Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation coil array: Application to diffusion imaging

Spatial alignment of structural images on common and RESOLVE diffusion images in the optic nerve

Spatial properties of noise in prostate DWI acquired with an endo-rectal coil as critical information for clinical QA

Spatially resolved FID spectroscopy using a 3D spiral UTE imaging sequence

Spectrally encodedmulti-spectral imaging (SEMSI) for off-resonance correction near metal with multi-spin echo and parallel imaging

Author:Xuetong Zhou  Philip Lee  Daehyun Yoon  Brian Hargreaves  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 29: Processing & Analysis  

Session Name:Processing & Analysis III  

Program Number:4977  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Stanford University  

The spectrum of MRI-PDFF, MRS, and two different histopathologic methods (AI vs. pathologist) in the quantification of hepatic steatosis

Author:Jeong Woo Kim  Chang Hee Lee  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 3: Gastrointestinal & Lungs  

Session Name:Gastrointestinal & Lungs II  

Program Number:4258  

Room Session:5  

Institution:Korea University Guro Hospital  

Spherical Harmonic Active Shim Set Design for a Shoulder Cut-out MRI Platform

Author:Eric Lessard  William Handler  Blaine Chronik  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 32: New Systems & Devices  

Session Name:New Systems & Devices IV  

Program Number:5025  

Room Session:5  

Institution:Western University  

Spikes-on-demand. A simple method to generate realistic spikes to test artifact detection algorithms

Author:Jagjit Sidhu  Ken Sakaie  Ajay Nemani  Mark Lowe  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 15: Data Acquisition & Artifacts  

Session Name:Data Acquisition & Artefacts II  

Program Number:5020  

Room Session:1  

Institution:Cleveland Clinic  

Spin Echo-Echo Planar Imaging Sequence Validation for MR Elastography of Intervertebral Discs

Author:Megan Co  Huiming Dong  Daniel Boulter  Xuan Nguyen  Safdar Khan  Brian Raterman  Brett Klamer  Arunark Kolipaka  Benjamin Walter  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

Session Name:MR Contrasts II  

Program Number:3939  

Room Session:3  

Institution:The Ohio State University  

Spin-Echo Revisited: Improved Visualization of Accelerated T2W Spin-Echo Spiral Imaging with Compressed Sensing with SENSE (CS-Spiral)

Spin-lock dispersion imaging detects changes in the intrinsic susceptibility microstructure of brain induced by oxygen

Author:Zhongliang Zu  Fatemeh Adelnia  Kevin Harkins  Feng Wang  John Gore  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:Molecular Imaging III  

Program Number:4421  

Room Session:3  

Institution:Vanderbilt University Medical Center  

SSTN: Self-supervised Triple-Network with Multi-scale Dilated-Convolution for Fast MRI Reconstruction

Staging liver fibrosis through a machine learning model built from radiomics features of T2WI images

Standardization of breast dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI signal for assessment of background parenchymal enhancement rate

Static and temporal dynamic changes of intrinsic brain activity in adolescents and adult OCD patients

Author:Xu huan  Zheng ping  Wei rui  Han qiang  Zhang yan  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 1: fMRI  

Session Name:fMRI & Connectivity in Disease  

Program Number:3610  

Room Session:1  

Institution:The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University  

Static-fluid MR Urography with three-dimensional Gradient and Spin-echo and Respiratory-trigger Fast Spin Echo sequences: A Comparison Study

Author:Wei Wang  Jing Liu  Wei Li  Ke Xue  Yongming Dai  Jianxing Qiu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 19: Genitourinary & Women's Imaging  

Session Name:Body: GU & Breast II  

Program Number:3680  

Room Session:2  

Institution:Peking university first hospital  United Imaging Healthcare  

Statistical Shape Models of Bone and Cartilage for Predicting Demographics: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

Author:Anthony Gatti  Kuan-Chieh Wang  Garry Gold  Scott Delp  Akshay Chaudhari  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK II  

Program Number:4432  

Room Session:4  

Institution:Stanford University  

Stochastic Fibrosis Signatures from 3D LGE: Novel Threshold-Free Quantification of Left Atrial Fibrosis

stratification of axillary lymph node metastasis burden with standard breast MRI in breast cancer

Stratified Parkinsonism classification based on multi-modality MRI

Author:Yijun Leng  Xueling Liu  Daoying Geng  Fengtao Liu  Pu-Yeh Wu  Yuxin Li  Liqin Yang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 10: Neurological Conditions  

Session Name:Imaging in Parkinson's Disease  

Program Number:2951  

Room Session:4  

Institution:Fudan University  GE Healthcare  Huashan Hospital  

Streak reduction in radial imaging with CACTUS

Author:Zhiyang Fu  Kevin Johnson  Ali Bilgin  Maria Altbach  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 15: Data Acquisition & Artifacts  

Session Name:Data Acquisition & Artefacts II  

Program Number:5018  

Room Session:1  

Institution:The University of Arizona  

Striatum-thalamus microstructural alterations in levodopa-induced dyskinesia using four advanced diffusion models

Structural abnormalities in olfactory brain regions in early Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients measured by high resolution MRI at 7T

The structural and functional change of glymphatic system in children with ADHD

Structural and functional changes of the cerebellum in patients with Parkinson's disease: a VBM and rs-fMRI study

Author:xiu Cheng  Jun Wang  Pengfei Zhang  Jing Zhang  Kai Ai  Wanjun Hu  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 10: Neurological Conditions  

Session Name:Imaging in Parkinson's Disease  

Program Number:2953  

Room Session:4  

Institution:Lanzhou University Second Hospital  Philips Healthcare  

Structural covariance of diffusion metrics in mild COVID19: Spatially coherent effect on fractional anisotropy but not free water.

Structural connectivity abnormality in trigeminal neuralgia with pain relief using graph theory analysis

The structure-function coupling of aging brain

Author:Hui Zhang  Peng Cao  Henry Mak  Edward Hui  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 1: fMRI  

Session Name:fMRI & Connectivity in Healthy Conditions  

Program Number:2994  

Room Session:1  

Institution:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  The University of Hong Kong  

Structure-function relationships in the human hippocampus: new insights using track-weighted dynamic functional connectivity

Study of Aging Muscles using 3D Strain and Strain Rate Projected along Muscle Fiber DTI Eigenvector Directions

Author:Brandon Cunnane  Vadim Malis  Usha Sinha  Ryan Hernandez  John Hodgson  Shantanu Sinha  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK V  

Program Number:4941  

Room Session:3  

Institution:San Diego State University  UC Los Angeles  UC San Diego  

Study of B1 and SAR Field Distribution for loop coil with different bending angles at 3T

Author:Tripta Sharma  Xiaoliang Zhang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 8: Safety, Low-Field, and Interventional  

Session Name:Safety, Low Field & Interventional I  

Program Number:3578  

Room Session:4  

Institution:University at Buffalo  

Study of Neurometabolic Signature in Alzheimer’s Disease using High-Resolution 3D 1H-MRSI

A study on MRI arterial spin labeling in predicting early response to chemoradiotherapy in patients with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Study on Plasma BDNF Concentration and Rs-fMRI Characteristics Related to Motor Function

A study on structural changes of limbic systems in cerebral small vascular disease patients with mild to moderate depression

Study on the relationship between accurate quantitative fat fraction of quadriceps femoris and patellofemoral arthritis by IDEAL-IQ

Author:Binbin Yang  Xiao Wei  Xiao Ma  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

Session Name:MSK III  

Program Number:4634  

Room Session:4  

Institution:GE Healthcare  Honghui Hospital,Xi'an jiaotong University  

Studying cerebrospinal fluid bulk flow in mice using high-resolution dynamic macromolecular gadolinium enhanced MRI on a whole-body 3T system

Subcortical Gray Matter Nucleus Lateralizationof Amide Proton Transfer Weighted Signals in Young Healthy Subjects

Subcortical Parcellation of the Human Brain via Automated Voxel Annotation with Fiber Clusters

Author:Ye Wu  Sahar Ahmad  Pew-Thian Yap  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 29: Processing & Analysis  

Session Name:Processing & Analysis III  

Program Number:4971  

Room Session:2  

Institution:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  

Subcutaneous adipose tissue water fraction increases with weight loss in persons with obesity

Subject-specific Analysis for Diffusion and Kurtosis Changes in mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) Patients

Subject-specific multi-echo fMRI derived seed-based connectivity as a biomarker for mild traumatic brain injury