Assessment the Preponderant Diagnostic Performances of Oligometastatic Prostate Cancer Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging

Biomimetic phantoms of impeded diffusion in prostate cancer using lipid nanoparticles

Brain microstructure at 1.5mm resolution via RMT reconstruction on a high-slew rate MAGNUS system

Cerebrospinal Fluid Partial Volume Effects in Microscopic Fractional Anisotropy Imaging

Correcting B0 inhomogeneity-induced distortions in whole-body diffusion MRI of bone metastases

Data driven algorithm for multicomponent T2 analysis based on identification of spatially global sub-voxel features

Developing a deep learning model to classify normal bone and metastatic bone disease on Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging

Developing a multi-parametric model of response based on biomarkers derived from Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging

Development of in vivo human brain DTI-MRE: Optimization of experimental parameters

Diffusion and perfusion MRI predicts response preceding and shortly after stereotactic radiosurgery to brain metastases

Diffusion MRI based on a gamma distribution model for the differentiation of primary central nervous system lymphomas and glioblastomas

Diffusion MRI study of chemoradiation treatment response in patients with HPV positive oropharyngeal carcinoma

Evaluate the micro-vascular invasion in HCC with a Fractional Order Calculus DWI Model

Evaluation of bone marrow infiltration in the newly diagnostic Multiple Myeloma with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-weighted MRI

Evaluation of Synthetic-DWI with T2-based Water Suppression for DTI

Ex vivo and In vivo Diffusion Weighted MRI highlights the Microarchitecture of mouse Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia

Grading of glioma with histogram analysis of multiparameter using advanced diffusion models

Histogram analysis in prediction of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Genotype in Gliomas with MRI: The Gaussian versus non-Gaussian Diffusion Models

Imaging attributes of H3K27M mutation in Diffuse Midline Gliomas on Multiparametric MRI

Improved assessment of prostate-cancer bone metastases through multicompartmental analysis of whole-body DWI data

Leveraging a multicompartmental signal model for improved classification of prostate-cancer bone metastases in whole-body DWI

Looking Inside a Voxel through the Lenses of Non-Gaussian Diffusion MRI: Correlation between Imaging- and Histology-based Tissue Heterogeneity

Microstructural mapping with diffusion-time dependent diffusion MRI improves diagnosis of prostate cancer at 3T

Multi-component diffusion technique acquisition protocol optimization for different microstructure models

Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging in Evaluation of Glioma-induced Corticospinal Tract Injury

Non-gaussian IVIM DW-and fast exchange regime DCE- MRI for predicting of locoregional failure in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Optimizing DWI b-value Sampling for Accurate Metabolic and Cytometric Parameter Extraction: Activity MRI [aMRI]

Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo-Based Time-dependent Diffusivity Reflects Regional Microstructure Differences in Human White Matter

Qualitative and quantitative comparison between IVIM-DKI and PET/CT imaging in lymphoma

Recovering almost everything that diffusion could reveal

Author:Evren Özarslan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:Diffusion in Cancer: Clinical Studies & Validation  

Session Name:Microstructure: Models, Sampling & Analysis  

Program Number:3637  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:Linköping University  

Relating tumor site-specific volume and ADC changes following neoadjuvant chemotherapy to histopathology in epithelial ovarian cancer

Repeatability of VERDICT diffusion MRI in a model of human neuroendocrine tumour

A tale of two frequencies: optimizing oscillating gradients for frequency dependent differential kurtosis mapping

Toward high-resolution mapping of microscopic anisotropy in the cortex using b-tensor diffusion imaging with a spiral readout at 7 Tesla

Towards a computational framework for task-driven experimental design

When Averaging Only Gets You So Far: Repulsion and Peanut Squashing in Diffusion Tensor MRI