Time-dependent anisotropic diffusion in the mouse heart: feasibility of motion compensated tensor-valued encoding on a 7T preclinical scanner
Samo Lasic1,2, Henrik Lundell1, Beata Wereszczyńska3, Matthew Budde4, Nadira Yuldasheva3, Filip Szczepankiewicz5, Erica Dall’Armellina3, Jürgen E. Schneider3, and Irvin Teh3
1Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Random Walk Imaging, Lund, Sweden, 3Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, 4Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 5Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden


Tensor-valued diffusion encoding with simultaneous nulling of velocity, acceleration and concomitant gradients can be applied with high b-values on a preclinical 7T scanner. Results for ex-vivo mouse hearts confirm that time-dependent diffusion can significantly affect estimation of mean diffusivity. The estimated restriction sizes are consistent with results from pig hearts. Signal attenuations at high b-values suggest relatively low microscopic anisotropy and a strong influence of time-dependent diffusion on microstructure characterization.


Tensor-valued diffusion encoding can probe microstructure unconfounded by macroscopic anisotropy1-9. In contrast to the conventional linear tensor encoding (LTE), it employs b-tensors of varying shapes. Spherical tensor encoding (STE)3,5 yielding isotropic diffusion weighting10-12 has the potential by itself to accelerate measurements of mean diffusivity (MD). In addition, STE can be combined with LTE to probe microscopic anisotropy from data at higher b-values1,2,13.

Motion compensated diffusion encoding14-16 is required to mitigate motion artefacts, which can severely affect image quality in cardiac imaging. STE with simultaneous nulling of arbitrary diffusion encoding gradient moments and concomitant gradients were recently proposed17,18.

As we have demonstrated in ex-vivo pig hearts19, time-dependent diffusion effects20-26 could lead to significantly different MD values from different protocols. At high b-values, these effects may bias estimation of microscopic anisotropy or they can be used advantageously to simultaneously assess cell size and anisotropy26.

In this study, we examined the time dependence of MD in ex vivo mouse hearts on a 7T scanner to support microstructure characterization and faster MD estimation in the high-field preclinical setting.

Restricted diffusion model

For diffusion restricted in impermeable cylinders23,26 of varying radii, diagonal components of diffusion spectra $$$D_{ii}(\omega,R)$$$ were used to predict MD from27$$b\cdot\text{MD}(R)=\sum_{i=1}^3\int_{\infty}^{\infty}s_{ii}(\omega)\,D_{ii}(\omega,R)\,d\omega.$$
Here $$$s_{ii}(\omega)$$$ are diagonal elements of the dephasing cross power spectral density given by Fourier transforms of dephasing waveforms $$$q_{i}(t)$$$ as$$s_{ij}(\omega)=q_{i}(\omega)\overline{q}_{j}(\omega).$$

Total encoding power (b-value) is given by the spectral trace $$$s(\omega)$$$ (shown in Figure 1 for all waveforms) as27$$b=\sum_{i=1}^3\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}s_{ii}(\omega)d\omega\equiv\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}s(\omega)d\omega.$$

Data fitting

The hindered-restricted diffusion model was fitted globally to the ROI average data from 13 different waveforms:$$\text{MD}_{\text{calc}}=f_{\text{res}}\text{MD}_{\text{res}}(R)+(1-f_{\text{res}})D_{\text{h}},$$where $$$f_{\text{res}}$$$ is an apparent restricted fraction and $$$D_{\text{h}}$$$ is an apparent hindered Gaussian diffusion coefficient. $$$D_0 = 2.48 \, \mu \text{m}^2/\text{ms}$$$ was used for $$$\text{MD}_{\text{res}}$$$.


Two mouse hearts were arrested in slack state, perfusion fixed, excised, immersion fixed in PFA and embedded in 1% agarose PBS gel for MRI. All animal procedures were performed in accordance with UK Home Office authorization and the University of Leeds Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Committee.

Multi-shot 3D DW EPI data were acquired at 28 ºC on a Bruker Biospec 7T MRI scanner using a custom diffusion waveform sequence: TR = 2 s, TE = 34.8 ms, NSA = 1, FOV = 10.8×9×9 mm, resolution = 225×225×450 μm3. Twelve different diffusion encoding waveforms, i.e. LTE (3x3) + STE (3) with all gradient moments nulled up to zeroth, first and second order (M0, M1, M2) were applied with 24 ms encoding time (6 non colinear directions) and b = 50, 800 s/mm2 (Figure 1). For the M2-waveforms, b = 50, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 s/mm2. The sensitivity to time-dependent diffusion was extended by employing a traditional PGSE.

Results and discussion

ROI average MD in the left ventricular myocardium was in the range of 0.91-1.28 µm2/ms for heart 1 and 1.04-1.27 µm2/ms for heart 2 (Figure 2). Due to sample preparation and data acquisition issues related to heart 1, only a small region of heart 1 was viable for analysis, and we had to exclude the M0-LTE2 data point.

Our waveforms covered a similar range of diffusion times (frequencies) compared to a previous mouse heart study with PGSE and oscillating gradients (OGSE)28 (Figure 1). However, our experiment was not optimized for probing size, since our encoding spectra were broad and overlapping. Nevertheless, we obtained reasonable size estimates:

  • heart 1 (Figure 2-top): $$$R = 7.2$$$ µm, $$$f_{\text{res}} = 0.24$$$, $$$D_{\text{h}} = 0.97$$$ µm2/ms, root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.0076 µm2/ms.
  • heart 2 (Figure 2-bottom): $$$R = 5.8$$$ µm, $$$f_{\text{res}} = 0.19$$$, $$$D_{\text{h}} = 1.06$$$ µm2/ms, RMSE = 0.015 µm2/ms.

These results are consistent with our previous results in pig hearts19 and the estimated sizes correspond well to those observed in human hearts with microscopy and Coulter Channelyzer29. The differences between two hearts could be due to biological variation or differences in sample preparation.

ROI average signals from M2-LTE and M2-STE are shown in Figure 3. A deviation between the STE and LTE can be attributed to microscopic anisotropy. The largest deviation occurs for M2-LTE3 (Z-axis in M3-STE), which has more power at low frequencies compared to M2-LTE1 and M2-LTE2 (see Figure 1). These results suggest a low microscopic anisotropy consistent with our additional experiments (separate abstract) allowing for simultaneous assessment of cell size and anisotropy26.


Our pilot ex vivo experiments in mouse hearts are a first step toward motion compensated tensor-valued encoding in vivo. We confirmed time-dependent effects on MD estimation. The results suggest the possibility for probing microstructure on a preclinical system. We are therefore encouraged to explore both ex-vivo and in-vivo on healthy and diseased mouse hearts.


SL and HL have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 804746). SL is supported also by Random Walk Imaging. This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation, UK (PG/19/1/34076, SI/14/1/30718). We thank Markus Nilsson for his expert inputs, and Joanna Koch-Paszkowski and Leah Khazin for their work on the sample preparation.


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Figure 1: Effective gradient waveforms g(t), dephasing waveforms q(t), normalized spectral trace s(ω) and diagonal components of the dephasing cross power spectral density. Individual gradient components (XYZ shown in red, green, blue) from the motion compensated STE waveforms (M0-, M1-, M2-STE) were used as M0-, M1-, M2-LTE. with all moments nulled up to zeroth, first and second order (M0, M1, M2). Their power spectra is shown below s(ω). Note the shift of spectra from zero frequency to higher frequencies, which alters sensitivity to time-dependent diffusion.

Figure 2: ROI-average mean diffusivity in the left ventricle myocardium in hearts 1 (top) and 2 (bottom) and theoretical prediction. The ROIs are shown the right. Left column: measured MD (markers) and prediction (lines) vs cylinder radius, R. Right column: measured MD vs prediction with error bars corresponding to the distance between measurement and prediction (dotted line for unity relation). The n=1,2,3 labels for Mn-LTE correspond to the X,Y,Z channels of Mn-STE.

Figure 3: ROI average signals from heart 2 measured with acceleration compensated waveforms (M2-LTE and M2-STE). The LTE waveforms correspond to the individual channels from the STE. A small deviation can be seen between the STE and LTE, attributed to microscopic anisotropy. The largest deviation occurs for the Z-axis (M2-LTE3), which has more encoding power at low frequencies.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)