Altered Functional Connection and Neuroinflammation in Fibromyalgia Using Independent Component Analysis and Diffusion Kurtosis MRI

Analysis of high-resolution 3T diffusion MRI data obtained with minimal CUSP acquisition scheme from a Non-Human Primate

b-Value Dependency of Diffusion Parameters Derived from the DTI and DKI Models in Postmortem Human Brain Hemispheres

Can Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and 3D-Arterial Spin Labeling perfusion imaging improve the diagnostic accuracy of Binswanger's Disease?

Characterizing axonal and myelin microstructure development across early childhood using NODDI and qihMT

Clinical correlations of DTI and volumetric metrics in people with multiple sclerosis

Cognitive training-derived microstructural and functional neuroplasticity and the neural mechanisms underlying the far-transfer effect

Column-based cortical depth analysis of the diffusion anisotropy in submillimeter whole-brain DTI of the human gray matter

Decreased sciatic nerve fractional anisotropy in diabetes and prediabetes associated with lower and upper limb function impairment

Differentiation of spinal epidural hematoma and infection in vertebral decompression patients using Diffusion-Relaxation Matrix (DRM)

Evaluation of Multi-shot DTI Metrics at Non-Compressed Levels for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM)

Exploring the epileptic rat hippocampus using oscillating gradients, 3D electron microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations

g-Ratio in the common marmoset: a comparison across different myelin-sensitive MRI metrics with b-tensor encoded diffusion

Harmonization of multi-site diffusion MRI data of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study

In vivo validation of a data driven algorithm for multicomponent T2 mapping on a mice model of demyelination

Investigating cortical microstructure in preterm-born adolescentsusing three-tissue compositional analysis

Investigating the Relationship Between Morphology and Microstructure in the Hippocampus

Measuring apparent water exchange using Filter Exchange Imaging and diffusion time dependent kurtosis imaging in post-mortem mouse brains

Microstructural alterationsinthe white matterofchildrenwith dyslexia assessed by multi-fascicle diffusion compartment imaging

Microstructural Diffusion MRI in Mouse Models of Severe and Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Microstructural Gray Matter Abnormalities in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Syndrome: Evaluation by Free-water Imaging

More than just axons: A positive relationship between an intracellular isotropic diffusion signal & pubertal development in white matter regions

Nonparametric D(O)-distributions for model-free analysis of b(O)-encoded multidimensional diffusion MRI on ex vivo rat brain

Pre- and post-neonatal in vivo DTI on mice: Targeting brain microstructures at 15.2T

Probabilistic structural atlas and connectome of brainstem nuclei involved in arousal and sleep by 7 Tesla MRI in living humans

Probing human cortical microstructure using diffusion MRI: Insights from N=17,646 individuals of the UK Biobank.

Quantifying tissue microstructural changes associated with short-term learning using model-based diffusion MRI

Robust estimation of the fetal brain architecture from in-utero diffusion-weighted imaging

Super-resolution and CNN denoising to improve the accuracy of small brainstem structure characterization with in vivo diffusion MRI

Surface based analysis of cortical diffusion metrics:associations with cortical myeloarchitecture and underlying white matter anisotropy

Tensor-valued Diffusion MRI Shows Elevated Microscopic Anisotropy and Tissue Heterogeneity in White and Grey Matter of Acute Ischemic Stroke

Using Sub-Millimeter Isotropic DTI to Observe the Cortical Depth Dependence of Diffusion Anisotropy and Diffusivity in-vivo