Jess E Reynolds1,2, Emma Tarasoff3, R Marc Lebel1,4, Bryce L Geeraert1, and Catherine Lebel1
1Department of Radiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2Telethon Kids Institute, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 3Department of Neuroscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 4GE Healthcare, Calgary, AB, Canada
There is a need to
better understand white matter development across early childhood, as it is a
time of rapid brain development that supports ongoing cognitive and behavioral
maturation. Here, we aimed to apply NODDI and qihMT techniques longitudinally to
provide a more specific understanding of early brain development. Consistent
with diffusion MRI research, these advanced diffusion and non-diffusion methods
indicated earlier development of central tracts compared to more peripheral
regions. NODDI and qiHMT metrics demonstrate that white matter development
during early childhood is dominated by increasing axon density, alongside
ongoing myelination and slightly decreasing axon coherence.
White matter
develops rapidly across early childhood and into adolescence and young
adulthood, as shown by a comprehensive body of diffusion MRI research
demonstrating increases in FA and reductions of MD.1-4
Advanced dMRI methods and
analysis techniques (e.g., neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging
(NODDI)), and non-diffusion imaging techniques (e.g., myelin water imaging, inhomogeneous
magnetization transfer (ihMT)) offer increased specificity to different
microstructural components.
Neurite density
index (NDI) from NODDI appears to be more sensitive to age-related changes than
FA and MD,5 with increases during late childhood and adolescence
suggesting white matter development at this time is dominated by increased axon
density and myelination.5-9 Myelin
water imaging studies show rapid myelination in infants and young children (up
to 6 years old) following familiar spatial patterns of central‐to‐peripheral
and posterior‐to‐anterior development.10-12 In late-childhood to
adolescence, one study observed no relationships between ihMT and age,
suggesting that myelination is not driving white matter development during
later childhood.13
However, the
development of qihMT (specific to myelin in the brain) has not been examined across early childhood, and most
existing NODDI studies are cross-sectional, across a wide age range, and/or
focused on older children.5-9,14
There is a need to better understand white matter development across early
childhood, as it is a time of rapid brain development that supports ongoing
cognitive and behavioral maturation. Here, we aimed to apply NODDI and qihMT
techniques longitudinally to provide a more specific understanding of early brain
Participants were
scanned longitudinally using the same 32-channel head coil on a GE 3T Discovery
MR750w (GE, Milwaukee, WI) system at Alberta Children’s Hospital. NODDI data
(b750 and b2000) were available for 191 scans on 85 typically developing
children aged 2.4 – 8.0 years (44 female/41 male; 1-11 scans for each
participant, average = 2.2 scans/participant, SD = 1.68). The DTI preprocessing
pipeline included removal of motion and artifact corrupted volumes by visually
quality checking, signal drift correction, eddy current and motion corrections,
and registration to TI images (resliced to 1mm isotropic voxels).15 DTI scans were normalised to account for TR/TE
differences between the b=750 s/mm2 and b=2000 s/mm2 scans,16 following which NODDI processing was performed
in the NODDI Matlab toolbox for calculation of isotropic (fiso) and
intracellular (ficvf, or NDI) volume fractions and ODI.17
High quality ihMT
data was also available for 129 scans on 76 of these children (38 female/38
male). Volumes within each individual’s ihMT scan were co-registered to the
middle volume using MCFLIRT,18 and
qihMT and MTR image maps were calculated,19
brain extracted,20 and then warped to the DTI FA map using ANTs.21
Semi-automated tractography
was undertaken on the b750 DTI data as per
previous methods.4 NDI, ODI, and
qihMT values for each white matter tract were extracted using binary masks of
the tracts delineated. Linear mixed effects models (y = age + sex + age*sex
+ (1|subject)) were run in
RStudio 1.1.46322 to
determine the developmental trajectories of these metrics for each tract.Results
Figures 1-3 show
developmental trajectories for NDI, ODI, and qihMT for white matter tracts
across the brain. All tracts showed significant age-related increases of NDI
(Figure 1). There were small age-related increases in ODI (Figure 2) in the Genu,
Body, IFOF, ILF, SLF, and UF. Small increases in qihMT were observed, most
notably in the left hemisphere (Figure 3).Discussion/Conclusions
We observed
consistent, though small, increases of qihMT across childhood, suggesting
ongoing myelination. Small increases of ODI in several tracts suggest decreased
axon coherence, though these changes were very subtle, particularly when
compared to NDI. Large increases of NDI were observed, suggesting increased
axonal packing across this age range, consistent with previous literature.5-8 Taken together, these results show ongoing
myelination and slightly decreasing axon coherence, but suggest that FA
increases in early childhood are dominated by increased axon density. Similar
spatial patterns were observed to previous studies, with earlier development of
central tracts compared to more peripheral regions. Although the intercepts for
each of the tracts were different relative to one another, tracts had very
similar rates of increase (positive slopes) for NDI and qihMT when compared to
each other suggesting that slower increases in FA across early childhood in the
callosal and frontotemporal tracts may reflect slower changes in axon density
across this age range. Age related increases in qihMT were predominantly identified
in the left hemisphere. Although one study across this age range did not
identify hemispheric differences in myelination,23 a DTI study
assessing changes in white matter microstructure in participants aged 4 -11
found greater changes in the left hemisphere2 and one study of adolescents found myelin volume fraction
increases were greater in the left hemisphere when compared to the right13 suggesting the possibility of asymmetry of
myelination across development. In conclusion, our results comprehensively map the
specific contributions to white matter development during early childhood,
providing data that could be used to examine deviations from typical
development in children.Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (funding reference numbers IHD-134090, MOP-136797, New Investigator Award to C.L) and a grant from the Alberta Children's Hospital Foundation. J.E.R was supported by an Eyes High University of Calgary Postdoctoral Scholarship, a T. Chen Fong Postdoctoral Fellowship in Medical Imaging Science, and a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Postdoctoral Fellowship (MFE-164703). E.T was supported by an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award. B.L.G was supported by an NSERC PGS-D, and the NSERC BRAIN CREATE program.References
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