Junye Yao1, Zihan Zhou1, Benjamin C. Tendler2, Karla L. Miller2, Lei Zhang3, Keqing Zhu3, Aimin Bao3, Hongjian He1, and Jianhui Zhong1,4
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumental, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging, FMRIB, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, London, United Kingdom, 3National Human Brain Bank for Health and Disease, School of Brain Science and Brain Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 4Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States
Diffusion weighted images of formalin-fixed human
brain hemispheres were used to study b-value dependence of diffusion parameters
with the diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis model. Consistent decreases of
FA with increasing b-values were observed in all hemispheres. Meanwhile, the
mean kurtosis was found to increase with the discrepancy of FA
between high and low b-value datasets. These results indicate that the b-value
dependence of FA could be explained by non-gaussian diffusion effects
consistent with tissue microstructure.
In diffusion magnetic
resonance imaging (dMRI), it has been previously reported that higher b-values are
associated with a decreased fractional anisotropy (FA).1-6 This association
has been previously attributed to either (1) contributions from noise to the
measured signal1-4 or (2) non-gaussian diffusion effects driven by
tissue microstructure.5
Diffusion weighted
imaging (DWI) of post-mortem brains provides the opportunity to acquire diffusion images of sufficient SNR through long scan times, whilst inherently
eliminating motion artefacts and potential incoherent perfusion confounds.7 In this study, DWI images acquired in fixed human brain hemispheres were
investigated, to explore the intrinsic cause of the FA dependency on b-value.Methods
This study was conducted with the prior approval of
the ethics committee of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Four left
hemispheres of formalin-fixed human brain were obtained from the National Human Brain Bank for Health and
Disease. Each brain hemisphere was immersed in 10% formalin for four weeks.
After fixation, the samples were rinsed in running tap water for 24 hours and
placed in a Fomblin (Fomblin, YL VAC25/6, Solvay) container. Air bubbles were
removed from the containers by vacuuming for 24 hours.
MRI acquisition was performed on a MAGNETOM Prisma 3T
scanner using a 64-channel head-neck coil (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen,
Germany). For each hemisphere, diffusion images were obtained with a Readout-Segmented
Echo-Planar Imaging (RS-EPI) sequence.8 At each b value (2000, 4000, 6000 s/mm2) 30 diffusion directions and 3 non-diffusion weighted datasets were acquired. All images had an isotropic resolution of 1.8 mm. Other parameters are
listed in Table 1.
The DWI datasets were first denoised by dwidenoise implemented in MRtrix3 (https://github.com/MRtrix3/MRtrix3).
Voxel-wise DTI estimates were obtained using tools provided with the FMRIB
Software Library (www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl).
After image alignment and eddy current
correction with eddy_correct, calculation
of diffusion tensor and scalar measures was
performed using dtifit.
A numerical simulation
based on a multi-tensor model,9 with varied levels of
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was designed to investigate the noise effect. We
only included a single fiber in a voxel, with SNR levels set to [5, 10, 20,
30, 40, 50]. The diffusion coefficients were set to [0.0002, 0.0001, 0.0001]
(mm2/s), in close approximation to the diffusivities in the acquired
data. All the simulated diffusion signals at different b values and SNR levels
were fitted with a tensor model to estimate the diffusion parameters.
In order to further verify the influence of non-Gaussian
diffusion, mean kurtosis (MK) was computed from the 0-, 4000-, and 6000-s/mm2
shells of experimental data by the proposed algorithm implemented with the use
of the open-source software DESIGNER (https://github.com/NYU-DiffusionMRI/DESIGNER/),
with constraints of Dapp > 0 and Kapp > 0 employed. The b-shell of 2000
s/mm2 was excluded due to its lack of diffusion weighted
Five representative regions of interest (ROI) were
manually drawn in regions (each contains 50-70 voxels) containing no crossing white
matter fibers (anterior limb of internal capsule, ALIC; posterior limb of
internal capsule, PLIC; genu-, body-, splenium-corpus callosum, GCC; BCC; SCC)
(Figure 1).Results & Discussion
Figure 2 displays the FA profiles at three b-values
for the chosen ROIs in 4 subjects. The variation across regions are similar
at each b-value, consistent with prior reports in which the FA values decrease
as b-value increases.6 Across b-values the
profiles have a similar shape but different absolute values. The observed variation in FA across sub-regions
of the corpus callosum (lower FA in BCC) is also consistent with a previous
The estimated SNR, defined as the ratio of the median voxel
value of the DWI image to the noise level, was 18.2, 23.1, 23.0, 17.7 (the
minimal SNR in the selected five ROIs for the four subjects).
The simulation results in Figure 3 indicate that the FA overestimation
caused by noise becomes negligible when the SNR is greater than 20 even at the
much lower diffusivity of fixed post mortem tissue. This suggests that
the impact of noise in data is unlikely to induce alterations in
FA when the SNR is sufficiently high. As our data has an SNR greater than 20 (Individual
ROIs with a SNR below 20 will be excluded from the analysis, Figure 4), this
suggests that our data quality is sufficient to explore factors other than the
contribution from noise.
For quantitative evaluation, the root-mean-squared
errors (RMSEs) estimated from the difference between FA values derived from
high (b=6000 s/mm2) and low (b=4000 s/mm2) b-value
datasets were computed. The number of voxels included in the quantitative
calculation in each ROI was fixed at 50. Figure 3 plots linear correlations
between RMSE and MK in the five ROIs of all subjects. RMSE and MK shows
positive correlation (adjusted R2=0.2619), indicating that the
b-value dependency of FA could be due to a non-Gaussian diffusion effect.Conclusion
this work, the dependence of FA on b-values was investigated in fixed human
brain hemispheres. Based DTI and DKI model fitting on the simulation signals
and the acquired data, we concluded that there a contribution from non-gaussian
diffusion to the b-value dependence. This may reflect the contribution of microstructure
in white matter. Future work will examine this relationship further using
comparisons to histology acquired within these hemispheres. Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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