Probabilistic structural atlas and connectome of brainstem nuclei involved in arousal and sleep by 7 Tesla MRI in living humans
Maria Guadalupe Garcia Gomar1, Kavita Singh1, and Marta Bianciardi1
1Radiology, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, Charlestown, MA, United States


Brainstem nuclei such as the medullary reticular formation, raphe nuclei, pontine nuclei, locus coeruleus and subcoeruleus, among others, play a crucial role in arousal and sleep. Despite their involvement in critical functions, their study in living humans is challenging due to limited resolution and contrast of conventional MRI. First, we precisely delineated nine arousal/sleep brainstem nuclei in 7 Tesla MRI of healthy humans and generated their validated in-vivo stereotaxic probabilistic atlas. Second, we evaluated their structural connectivity using 7 Tesla High-Angular-Resolution-Diffusion-Imaging and probabilistic tractography. This atlas and connectome might help evaluating disorders of consciousness, sleep disorders and neurological disorders.


Several brainstem nuclei are involved in the maintenance of arousal and generation of sleep cycles1. These are the: raphe obscurus (ROb) and pallidus (RPa), involved in neuromodulation2; inferior and superior medullary reticular formation (iMRt, sMRt respectively), involved in arousal and muscle atonia during REM sleep; parvocellular reticular nucleus–Alpha-part (PCRtA) involved in cardiovascular and visceral homeostasis2; subcoeruleus (SubC) generating the REM sleep atonia2; locus coeruleus (LC) involved in arousal, autonomic function, motivation and attention1; pontine reticular formation nuclei (oral and caudal part, PnO-PnC) involved in eye and head movements2, and in the generation and maintenance of REM sleep3; laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDTg) involved in neuromodulation and limbic function2. Despite their involvement in critical functions, their study in living humans remains sparse due to the lack of an in-vivo stereotaxic probabilistic atlas of these nuclei.


Aim1: To create in living humans a stereotaxic probabilistic structural atlas of nine arousal/sleep brainstem nuclei by using high-resolution multi-contrast (diffusion fractional anisotropy —FA— and T2-weighted—T2w) MRI at 7 Tesla. Aim2: To investigate their structural connectivity in living humans by the use of high-spatial and high-angular-resolution-diffusion-imaging (HARDI) at 7 Tesla.


Aim1, data acquisition: Twelve subjects (6m/6f, age 28±1) underwent 7 Tesla MRI under IRB approval. We adopted a common single-shot 2D-EPI readout for 1.1 mm isotropic diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI, using a prototype sequence which supports unipolar diffusion encoding), and T2w sagittal images, with matrix size/GRAPPA-factor/nominal echo-spacing = 180 × 240/3/0.82 ms. This yielded multi-contrast anatomical images with exactly matched resolution and geometric distortions4. Additional MRI parameters were: slices/echo-time/repetition-time/partial-Fourier/n. diffusion-directions/b-value: 61 /60.8 ms/5.6 s/“6/8”/60/ ~ 1000 s/mm2, 7 interspersed “b0” images (non-diffusion weighted, b-value ~ 0 s/mm2), 4 repetitions, acquisition time/repetition 6’43”. Aim1, data analysis: DTIs were rotated to standard orientation, motion- and distortion-corrected (FSL). We then computed the diffusion tensor invariants (e.g. fractional anisotropy, FA) and S0 image (employed as T2w MRI) from the preprocessed DTI (FSL, dtifit). Single-subject FA were coregistered to Illinois-Institute-of-Technology Montreal-Neurological-Institute (IIT-MNI) space through high dimensional non-linear transformations (ANTs)5. On a single-subject basis, two independent raters performed manual segmentation of nine brainstem nuclei on multi-contrast (FA, T2w MRI) images (Figure 1). Voxels rated by both raters as belonging to a nucleus were included in the final nucleus label. A probabilistic atlas for these nuclei in MNI space was created by computing the overlap of nuclei labels across subjects (highest probability = 100 %). Atlas validation: The probabilistic nuclei atlas was validated by the: (i) inter-rater agreement, as the modified Hausdorff distance6 between labels delineated by two raters; (ii) internal consistency across subjects of the final label, as the modified Hausdorff distance between each final label and the probabilistic atlas label (thresholded at 35%) generated by averaging the labels across the other 11 subjects (leave-one-out cross validation); (iii) computation of the nucleus label volume in native space and comparison to literature postmortem volumes7.
Aim 2, data acquisition: Nineteen healthy subjects (10m/9f, age 29±5) underwent MRI under IRB-approval using a 7 Tesla scanner. HARDI: common single-shot 2D spin-echo-EPI (using a prototype sequence which supports unipolar diffusion-encoding) with parameters n. slices/echo-time/repetition-time/phase-encoding direction/bandwidth/partial-Fourier/n. diffusion-directions/b-value: 82 /66.8 ms/7.4 s/“anterior/posterior”/“1456 Hz/pixel”/“6/8”/60/2500 s/mm2, seven interspersed “b0” images (T2-weighted, non-diffusion-weighted, b-value = 0 s/mm2), acquisition-time: 8′53′′. To perform distortion-correction we also acquired seven “b0” images with opposite phase-encoding direction. T1-weighted MEMPRAGE image: parameters: repetition-time/echo-times/inversion time/flip-angle/FOV/bandwidth/GRAPPA-factor/ acquisition-time: 2.51s/1.6, 3.5, 5.3, 7.2 ms/1.5 s/7°/256×256×176 mm3/“651 Hz/pixel”/2/6′34′′. Aim 2, data analysis: MEMPRAGE was rotated to standard-orientation, bias field corrected and parcellated with Freesurfer8. HARDIs were de-noised9, motion and distortion-corrected (FSL, topup/eddy). To map the Freesurfer parcellation to native HARDI-space, we computed an affine boundary-based transformation (FSL, FLIRT-BBR) between the preprocessed MEMPRAGE and single-subject S0. To map the brainstem nuclei atlas to native HARDI-space, we computed the bivariate diffeomorphic transformations (ANTs) between IIT-MNI FA/S0 templates10 and single-subject FA/S0images using an intermediate group-based bivariate optimal-template. We performed probabilistic tractography using MRtrix3-iFOD2 algorithm, (90-degree maximum angle between successive steps, 0.07 cut-off, 1-mm minimum streamline-length, Figure 2). We used as seeds the probabilistic labels of nine brainstem nuclei thresholded at 35%, and as targets the Freesurfer parcellations and the nine nuclei labels plus twenty-four additional brainstem nuclei. We propagated 100,000 streamlines from each seed-mask, and computed a “structural-connectivity-index” (range: [0 1]) for each pair of seed-target masks (= fraction of streamlines propagated from the seed reaching the target mask). Wilcoxon test was performed on the connectivity-index values, and significant values were displayed with a 2D circular diagram11.


The probabilistic neuroimaging structural labels in MNI space of the nine brainstem nuclei and their validation are shown in Figure 1. All the investigated brainstem arousal/sleep nuclei displayed specific structural connectivity to cortical, subcortical areas and among themselves (Figures 3-5).

Discussion and Conclusions

Our findings demonstrated the feasibility of delineating on a single-subject basis brainstem nuclei in high-contrast and high-sensitivity 7 Tesla MRI, and of generating a validated in-vivo stereotaxic probabilistic atlas of these structures after precise image coregistration to MNI space. We built an in-vivo human 7 Tesla HARDI-MRI based diagram of structural connectivity pathways of these arousal/sleep brainstem nuclei in living humans, in line with animal studies12. This atlas and connectome might help evaluating disorders of consciousness, sleep disorders and neurological disorders.


MGH-Claflin-Distinguished-Scholar; Harvard-Mind-Brain-Behavior-Faculty-Award; NIH-NIBIB-K01EB019474; NIH-NIDCD-R21DC015888; NIA-R01AG063982. Dr. Thorsten Feiweier for providing the diffusion sequence used in this study.


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Figure1: A) Probabilistic (n = 12) atlas label of nine brainstem nuclei overlaid on the group averaged FA or T2w image. We observed very good (up to 100 %) spatial agreement of labels across subjects indicating the feasibility of delineating these nuclei based on 7 Tesla MRI contrast and neighborhood rules7. B) For each nucleus, the inter-rater agreement and internal consistency of nuclei labels were below (p < 0.05) the linear imaging resolution (1.1 mm), thus validating the nuclei atlas. Except for sMRt, volumes of nuclei labels in-vivo did not differ (p < 0.05) from literature values7.

Figure 2: Probabilistic tractography of the right locus coeruleus (LC) for an example dataset (A. sagittal view, and B. coronal view). From the propagated streamlines, it is noticeable the dense connectivity of the right LC with other brainstem nuclei, thalamus and cortex as expected from previous literature2,7,12.

Figure 3. Structural connectome of nine brainstem nuclei (green bracket) involved in arousal and sleep based on probabilistic tractography of 7 Tesla diffusion MRI. Specifically, we show the -log10(p-value) of the Wilcoxon test thresholded, for display purposes, at p < 0.0005 false-discovery-rate (FDR) corrected for multiple comparisons. Note the strong connectivity of these nuclei with bilateral subcortical areas, cortical (frontal/parietal/temporal/occipital) parcellations, basal forebrain, hypothalamus and other brainstem nuclei.

Figure 4. Top) Structural connectome and Bottom) streamline density (n=19) of two pontine brainstem nuclei: A. right LC-r and B. left LDTg-CGPn (-log10(p-value) displayed, Wilcoxon test). LC showed connectivity with bilateral iMRt, sMRt, HTH, striatum and widespread cortical connectivity including limbic areas in line with previous studies2. LDTg-CGPn, described previously as the most extensive group of the rostral braintem2 showed connectivity with HTH, VTA, PAG, basal forebrain, frontal and limbic areas as expected from previous literature2,7.

Figure 5. Top) Structural connectome and Bottom) streamline density (n=19) of two medullary brainstem nuclei: A. RPa and B. right-sMRt (-log10(p-value) displayed, Wilcoxon test). RPa showed connectivity with HTH, PAG, SubC and VSM (containing dorsal motor vagal, solitary and hypoglossal nuclei) in line with previous literature2. sMRt showed ipsilateral connectivity with SC, Ve and PAG in line with previous studies2,7, also it showed higher connectivity with ipsilateral cortex. Yet, both nuclei lacked expected connectivity with spinal cord.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)