White matter microstructure associated with functional connectivity changes following short-term learning of a visuomotor sequence
Stefanie A. Tremblay1,2, Anna-Thekla Jäger3, Julia Huck1, Chiara Giacosa1, Stephanie Beram1, Uta Schneider3, Sophia Grahl3, Arno Villringer3,4,5,6, Christine Lucas Tardif7,8, Pierre-Louis Bazin3,9, Christopher J Steele3,10, and Claudine J. Gauthier1,2
1Physics, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Neurology, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 4Clinic for Cognitive Neurology, Leipzig, Germany, 5Leipzig University Medical Centre, IFB Adiposity Diseases, Leipzig, Germany, 6Collaborative Research Centre 1052-A5, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 7Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 8Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada, 9Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 10Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada


To characterize the temporal dynamics of plasticity, we conducted a longitudinal MRI study at ultra-high field (7T) during the learning process of a sequential visuomotor task, in a learning and control group. WM microstructure was altered in the tracts underlying the primary motor and sensorimotor cortices, and in tracts adjacent to the right supplementary motor area (SMA), where changes in functional connectivity were also found in this cohort. Our study provides evidence for short-term white matter plasticity in the sensorimotor network, where the SMA would play a key role in linking the spatial and motor aspects of motor sequence learning.


Efficient neural transmission is crucial for optimal brain function, yet the plastic potential of white matter (WM) has long been overlooked 1–3. Growing evidence now shows that modifications to axons and myelin occur not only as a result of long-term learning, but also after short training periods 4–8. As sequential behaviors are part of nearly every human function, studying the neural correlates of motor sequence learning (MSL) provides a highly valuable window into how the brain can be reshaped through learning and how these alterations then support new functions. MSL occurs in overlapping learning stages (i.e., initial fast stage, slow subsequent stage and retention) and different neural circuits are involved in each stage 9–12. However, few studies investigating WM plasticity have characterized stage-specific changes in microstructure as several studies either use cross-sectional 4–6 or pre-post longitudinal designs 7,8.


In this study, 40 healthy right-handed subjects performed a sequential pinch-force task (SPFT) 13,14 with their right hand on 5 consecutive days: inside the MRI scanner on days 1 (d1), 2 (d2), and 5 (d5), and outside the scanner on d3 and d4. The task was also performed inside the scanner at a retention session, 12 days after cessation of training (d17). Twenty subjects learned a complex visuomotor sequence (LRN) and 20 performed a simple sequence (SMP). The control condition (SMP) allowed to distinguish structural alterations related to motor execution from those that are specific to sequence learning. DWI data were acquired from an EPI sequence (TR/TE=10100/62.8ms, 1.2mm isotropic, b=1000s/mm2, 20 directions) with simultaneous multi-slice imaging in a Siemens 7T scanner. Resting-state fMRI data were acquired with a blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) sequence (TR/TE= 1130/22ms, 1.2mm isotropic, flip angle= 40°). DWI data were preprocessed and then fitted to a tensor model (DTI) to compute maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), medial, axial and radial diffusivities (MD, AD and RD) 15-17. Voxel-wise analyses were conducted on DTI metrics maps within a WM mask, using a flexible factorial design in SPM. This allowed the identification of WM regions involved in different learning stages. To relate structural changes in WM to functional changes, ROIs were defined from results of similar voxel-wise analyses in functional connectivity metrics (i.e., Eigenvector and degree centrality; EC and DC), assessed by our group using resting-state fMRI data (unpublished). ROIs were generated from rs-fMRI clusters in the right supplementary motor area (SMA), bilateral superior parietal cortex (SPC), right pars opercularis (R PO), and right globus pallidus (GP) by inflating ROIs in the underlying WM. Repeated-measures ANOVAs were conducted on the mean DTI values within those regions.


Consistent with behavioral results, where most improvements in temporal synchronization (SYN) occurred between the two first days in the LRN group (Fig. 1), structural changes in WM were observed only in the early phase of learning (d1-d2), and over the entire learning period (overall learning; d1-d5). WM microstructure was altered in the tracts underlying the primary motor and sensorimotor cortices (M1 and S1) during the overall learning period (Fig. 2). FA in the left corticospinal tract (CST) inferior to M1 was found to decrease in the LRN group, while it increased in the SMP group (t= 4.20, 𝘱FWE= 0.002). FA also decreased in the right ascending sensorimotor tract (SMT) adjacent to S1 in the LRN group (t= 5.01, 𝘱FWE= 0.005). Moreover, our structural findings in WM were spatially related to changes in functional connectivity. WM microstructure was altered during the early phase of learning (d1-d2) in the ROI underlying the right SMA (Fig. 3), where a sequence-specific decrease in functional connectivity was found during overall learning in this cohort (unpublished). Significant decreases in FA and AD (F(2, 36)= 5.82, p=0.006; F(1.38, 24.91)= 6.27, p=0.012, respectively), as well as an increase in RD (F(1.44, 25.99)= 3.93, p= 0.044), across time were found in this ROI.


Decreased FA in fiber tracts connecting to the right S1 during overall learning may reflect suppression of activity in S1 ipsilateral to the hand used in the SPFT, which may contribute in enhancing processing of task-relevant inputs by the contralateral S1 18,19. The slow decrease in FA in WM tracts underlying M1 is consistent with other studies in which activity in M1 was shown to progressively decrease as motor learning progresses, perhaps reflecting enhanced network efficiency 9,20–22. Similarly, we hypothesized that the decreases in FA and AD in the SMA ROI, and decreased functional connectivity in this region, which is known for its role in sequence processing, reflected a reduced need for resources to plan and coordinate movements as a skill is mastered 23–25.


Together, our findings provide evidence for highly dynamic WM plasticity in the sensorimotor network during short-term MSL, where the SMA would play a key role in linking the spatial and motor aspects of motor sequence learning 9,26. Interestingly, the changes that were revealed in WM microstructure paralleled the functional changes in connectivity that were found in the same cohort, indicating a potential link between structural and functional plastic processes. A better understanding of how learning can structurally shape neural networks could have important implications in other fields of research such as in stroke rehabilitation, to optimize interventions through motor learning.


We would like to thank Elisabeth Wladimirov and Domenica Wilfling for their help and involvement in data acquisition and logistics of the multi-modal plasticity initiative (MMPI) dataset. This work was supported by the Max Planck Society, the MaxNetAging Research School (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, ATJ), the NWO Vici grant (PI: Birte Forstmann)(PLB), the National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC; CJG: RGPIN 2015-04665, CJS: RGPIN-2020-06812, DGECR-2020-00146), the Michal and Renata Hornstein Chair in Cardiovascular Imaging (CJG), the Heart and Stroke Foundation (New Investigator Award, CJG and CJS), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (HNC 170723), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologies (CJS and JH), the Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé (JH), and the Réseau de Recherche en Santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité (CMDO; JH).


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Figure 1. Behavioral Results. Temporal deviation (SYN; in ms) for each group and each task across training days (d1-d5 and d17), where the SYN value of each day is the mean across training blocks. LRN – LRN task: learning group performing the LRN task (in blue); SMP – SMP task: control group performing the SMP task (in orange); LRN – SMP task: learning group performing the SMP task (in grey). Error bars represent the standard error of the mean.

Figure 2. Changes in FA from voxel-wise analyses. a) Decrease in FA in the LRN group in WM tracts underlying S1 during overall learning (d1-d5). b) Decrease in FA in LRN and increase in SMP in WM tracts underlying M1 during overall learning (d1-d5). c-d) Mean changes in FA across time in both groups in the right S1 (c) and in the left M1 (d). Expressed as relative changes from baseline (d1). LRN: learning group (in blue); SMP: control group (in orange).

Figure 3. Changes in WM microstructure in the ROI underlying the right supplementary area (SMA) where changes in functional connectivity were found (unpublished). a) The right SMA ROI from resting-state analyses (in red) and the WM ROI (in blue; overlaid on the WM mask in white) are both overlaid on the MNI152 template. b-d) Mean changes in DTI metrics from baseline (d1) in both groups: FA (b) and AD (c) decreased in the LRN group between d1 and d2 and remained lower at d5 and d17. RD increased between d1 and d2 in LRN and remained higher at d5 and d17 (d).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)