Microstructural alterations in the white matter of children with dyslexia assessed by multi-fascicle diffusion compartment imaging
Nicolas Delinte1, Claire Gosse2,3, Laurence Dricot3, Quentin Dessain1, Mathieu Simon1, Benoit Macq1, Marie Van Reybroeck2,3, and Gaetan Rensonnet1
1ICTEAM, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2IPSY, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 3IoNS, UCLouvain, Brussels, Belgium


Dyslexia is a deviant development of both reading and spelling abilities affecting 5-12 % of children, yet the microstructural changes it induces in the white matter (WM) remain incompletely understood. This study analyzed multi-shell diffusion MRI on a population of 17 dyslexic children and 18 controls. Advanced models (Diamond & Microstructure Fingerprinting), able to separately characterize intersecting fascicles within a voxel, obtained stronger correlations with children's reading and spelling performances than traditional DTI and showed increased sensitivity. The novel indices, obtained from these models, suggested refined interpretations of the microstructural characteristics of dyslexia in WM pathways.


Dyslexia is characterized by a deviant development of both reading and spelling abilities and affects 5-12% of children in elementary school1. Since it probes the microstructural diffusion of water in the tissues, diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI) can provide insight into the microstructural underpinnings of dyslexia in the white matter (WM). Most DW-MRI studies of dyslexia have relied on the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model and found alterations in WM tracts of the left hemisphere involved in literacy, phonological and orthographic processing, as well as in tracts of the right hemisphere2.

DTI is, however, limited in its ability to characterize fibers in area of crossing fascicles, as is overwhelmingly the case in the WM regions linked to dyslexia. This study addresses this limitation by leveraging high-quality multi-shell, high-gradient DW-MRI data in a population of dyslexic children and controls, analyzed with two advanced models of the WM microstructure: Diamond3 and Microstructure Fingerprinting (MF)4. These models provide indices specific to each of the fascicles intersecting in a voxel and were used to refine the interpretation of DTI results and increase sensitivity to microstructural differences.


Data acquisition

17 children with dyslexia and 18 age-matched healthy controls (Table 1) underwent DW-MRI on a 3T GE SIGNA Premier scanner (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL) with the following parameters : TR=4842 ms, TE=77 ms, 2 mm isotropic voxels (in-plane FOV: 220x220 mm²), $$$\Delta=\,$$$35.7 ms, $$$\delta=\,$$$22.9 ms, 64 gradients at b=1000, 32 at b=2000,3000,5000 s/mm², corresponding to diffusion gradients up to 68.9 mT/m, and 7 interspersed b0 images. Preprocessing included thermal denoising5, Gibbs ringing correction6, eddy-current distortion and movement correction7. A 3D T1 image (TE=2.96ms, TR=2188.16ms, TI=900ms, FA=8°, 156 slices, 1mm isotropic, in-plane FOV: 256x256mm²) was also acquired.
Participants' spelling and reading abilities were assessed using clinical standardized tasks in French8.

Data analysis

In each voxel, DTI-derived fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean/radial/axial diffusivity (MD/RD/AD) were computed.
As illustrated in Figure 1, Diamond provided the NMR-apparent signal fractions $$$f_{large}\,$$$and$$$\,f_{small}$$$ of each fascicle (by definition $$$f_{small}\leq f_{large}$$$) and fascicle-specific properties such as a heterogeneity index $$$HEI_{large,small}$$$ and DTI-like metrics $$$FA_{large,small},MD_{large,small},RD_{large,small},AD_{large,small}$$$.
Similarly, MF provided (T2-weighted) occupancy fractions $$$\nu_{large,small}$$$ and fascicle-specific fiber volume fraction (representing axonal density) $$$fvf_{large,small}$$$ and extra-axonal diffusivity $$$D^{ex}_{large,small}$$$. Both models accounted for partial voluming via a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contribution.
For each fascicle-specific metric$$$\,M,\,$$$a voxel-wide weighted average$$$\,wM\,$$$was defined as $$wM=\frac{w_{small}M_{small} + w_{large}M_{large}}{w_{small}+w_{large}},$$with $$$w$$$ being $$$f$$$ for Diamond and $$$\nu$$$ for MF.

From FSL’s probabilistic white matter and cerebellar atlases9 and the NatBrainLab10 atlases, several regions of interest (ROIs) were identified: the posterior, anterior and long segments11 of the arcuate fasciculus (AF, involved in literacy), the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculi (IFOF, ventral orthographic pathway), the 3 superior longitudinal fasciculus segments (SLF I-III, dorsal phonological pathway). Because of their suspected causal implication in developmental dyslexia12, the cerebellar pedunculi (CP) and the cerebellum were also examined. The ROIs (displayed in Figure 2) were registered to each patient’s native space, thresholded and intersected with a WM mask obtained from segmenting the T113.
The mean of each metric was computed in every ROI and a two-tailed t-test corrected for ROI size and subject age was performed to detect differences between controls and dyslexic children with a significance level of 0.05.


DTI indices only varied in the right superior CP (decreased FA for dyslexic patients) and left SLF-III (decreased MD).
Diamond and MF detected a wider range of variations with the most recurring change being a larger $$$f_{large}$$$ and $$$\nu_{large}$$$ for controls in the AF and CP, which correlated with reading and spelling performances. MF’s $$$\nu_{large}$$$ also displayed this trend in the right SLF-II and III.
Overall, more inter-population changes were observed in the right hemisphere.
Table 2 shows the statistically significant differences in the mentioned ROIs, except the differences found in the cerebellum. The trends were different in the cerebellum ROIs where dyslexic patients generally showed a decreased MD,RD,AD with DTI and decreased wMD,wRD,wAD with Diamond.


Although traditional DTI indices did vary in WM tracts involved in phonological and orthographic functions, multi-fascicle models detected differences in more ROIs and more strongly correlated with spelling and reading tests, suggesting an improved sensitivity.
The results of Diamond and MF suggest a reorganization of WM fibers in the ROIs rather than morphological differences of the axons within each fascicle, as few fascicle-specific metrics changed while important differences were observed in the fractions$$$\,f$$$ and $$$\nu$$$. These results hint towards dyslexic patients having a less dominant main tract and more secondary fibers in the considered ROIs.
The patterns observed in the cerebellum were less directly interpretable, in part because the associated ROIs likely contained more gray matter, which our models were not designed for.
This study suggests the potential of advanced microstructural modeling for the finer interpretation of the biophysical processes at play in dyslexia. On a broader scale, looking at neuropathologies through the scope of multiple models with the addition of behavioral results could improve our understanding of the microstructural impact of said pathologies and shine a light on the biological reasons behind the results obtained with DTI.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Snowling, M.J. (2000). Dyslexia: Wiley.

2. Banfi, C., Koschutnig, K., Moll, K., Schulte-Korne, G., Fink, A., and Landerl, K. (2019). White matter alterations and tract lateralizationin children with dyslexia and isolated spelling deficits. Human Brain Mapp.,40:765–776. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.24410

3. Scherrer, B., Schwartzman, A., Taquet, M., Sahin, M., Prabhu, S., and Warfield, S.K.. (2015). Characterizing brain tissue by assessment of the distribution of anisotropic microstructual environments in diffusion-compartment imaging (diamond). Magnetic Resonance in Imaging, 76(3):963–77. http: //onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mrm.25912/abstract.

4. Rensonnet, G., Scherrer, B., Girard, G., Jankovski, A., Warfield, S. K., Macq, B.,Thiran, J-P., Taquet, M. (2019). Towards microstructure fingerprinting: Estimation of tissue properties from a dictionary of Monte Carlo diffusion MRI simulations. NeuroImage, 184: 964-980. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.09.076.

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6. Kellner, E., Dhital, B., Kiselev, V.G. and Reisert, M.. (2016). Gibbs‐ringing artifact removal based on local subvoxel‐shifts. Magnetic resonance in medicine, 76(5):1574-1581.

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8. Jacquier-Roux M., Lequette Ch., Pouget G., Valdois S., Zorman M. (2010). BALE : Batterie analytique du langage écrit. Laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurocognition CNRS

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Table 1. Age mean and standard deviation (SD), number of patients (boy/girl) in the dyslexic and control populations.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the metrics representing the fraction of each compartment in the Diamond (A) and Microstructure Fingerprinting (B). Isotropic compartments are represented in red and fiber population compartments in light blue (larger population) or green (smaller population). Neural fibers are represented in a darker shade of blue or green in their compartment. In this 2D example, fvflarge would correspond to the area in dark blue divided by the area in (light + dark) blue.

Table 2. Statistically significant differences between the control (C) and dyslexic (D) populations per region and per metric. The models from which the metrics are obtained are mentioned : Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Microstructure Fingerprinting (MF) or Diamond (DMD). The correlation observed between each metric and the spelling and reading performances in both populations are also provided in the leftmost columns.

Figure 2. Sagittal view of a 3D representation of the regions of interest described in this report : arcuate fasciculus (in blue), inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (in green), inferior cerebellar pedunculus (in yellow), middle cerebellar pedunculus (in orange) and superior cerebellar pedunculus (in red).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)