Investigating cortical microstructure in preterm-born adolescents using three-tissue compositional analysis
Thijs Dhollander1, Claire Kelly1,2, Ian Harding3,4, Wasim Khan3, Richard Beare1, Jeanie Cheong2,5,6, Lex Doyle2,5,6,7, Marc Seal1,7, Deanne Thompson1,2,7, and Peter Anderson2,8
1Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2Victorian Infant Brain Studies (VIBeS), Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 3Department of Neuroscience, Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 4Monash Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 5Newborn Research, The Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 6Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 7Department of Paediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 8Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health and School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia


While many studies have used diffusion MRI to investigate white matter microstructure, fewer studies have investigated cortical grey matter microstructure. We investigated cortical microstructural tissue and fluid composition using diffusion tissue signal fractions from Single-Shell 3-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution, in a cohort of preterm-born children at 13 years of age (n=130). Compared with term-born controls (n=45), we identified several cortical regions exhibiting a relative shift from a grey matter-like composition towards a more fluid-like composition, potentially reflecting reduced cell density and increased free-water content. This illustrates the utility of 3-tissue compositional analysis for studying cortical microstructure in neurodevelopment.


Many studies have used diffusion MRI (dMRI) to investigate brain white matter (WM) microstructure[1]. In contrast, there has been a relative dearth of studies on microstructure of the cortical grey matter (GM). Existing prior studies of cortical microstructure were generally based on the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model[2-4]. The introduction of multi-tissue signal representations, such as Single-Shell 3-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (SS3T-CSD)[5], has enabled estimation of WM fibre orientation distributions (FODs), along with GM and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) signal compartments. More recently, SS3T-CSD has been used to study pathological brain tissue microstructure, in terms of the relative "WM-like", "GM-like" and fluid-like composition of the diffusion signal[6,7]. In this work, we aimed to investigate cortical microstructural composition using SS3T-CSD in a cohort of typically and atypically developing (preterm-born) children at 13 years of age. Given the major transformations occurring in the cortex during the perinatal period[8], developmentally vulnerable preterm-born children may exhibit alterations to cortical microstructural organisation.


We acquired dMRI data on a Siemens 3T scanner, with 60 gradient directions, b=2800s/mm², 4 b=0s/mm² images and 2.4 mm isotropic voxels. Images were acquired for a group of n=130 preterm-born children (born <30 weeks' gestation; M (SD) age at scan 13.3 (0.4) years; 54% males) and n=45 typically developing, term-born children (born ≥37 weeks' gestation; M (SD) age at scan 13.3 (0.5) years; 49% males). T1-weighted anatomical images were also acquired for all participants with 0.9 mm isotropic voxels. The dMRI data were processed predominantly using MRtrix3[9], MRtrix3Tissue (https://3Tissue.github.io, a fork of MRtrix3) and FSL[10]. Images were corrected for Gibbs-ringing artefacts[11], and motion and distortions[12-16]. 3-tissue response functions were estimated[17] and averaged across participants. Images were upsampled to 1.5 mm isotropic voxels, before performing SS3T-CSD[5]. The resulting WM, GM and CSF signal compartments were normalised by the total sum of all three, generating the 3-tissue signal fractions: respectively TW, TG and TC[6,7,18]. T1-weighted images were linearly registered to the dMRI data and processed using FreeSurfer[19]. Region-averaged TW, TG and TC values were sampled from 34 cortical regions per hemisphere defined using the Desikan-Killiany atlas (Figure 1)[20]. Next, we calculated a pair of isometric log-ratios (ilr1 and ilr2) from the average TW, TG and TC values for each region. Briefly, the ilr transform is designed to account for the interdependence and boundedness of the 3 signal fractions (i.e., TW + TG + TC = 1 and all bounded between 0 and 1)[6,7]. This then allows us to compare the ilr transformed values between both subject groups using multivariate analyses (MANCOVAs)[6,7]. From this, we obtained an FDR-corrected p-value per region, indicating whether the 3-tissue composition "as a whole" differs between the groups in that region. For regions that differed significantly (p<0.05, FDR-corrected, adjusted for age and sex) between groups, the direction and size of the effect, i.e., the TW, TG and TC values themselves, were visualised using ternary plots.


Several cortical regions were identified in which the overall 3-tissue composition differed significantly between the preterm-born and typically developing children (Figure 2). These regions were distributed across the cortical grey matter, in the temporal cortex (superior temporal, banks superior temporal, transverse temporal, insula), occipital cortex (lateral occipital, pericalcarine, lingual), frontal cortex (precentral, paracentral, caudal middle frontal), parietal cortex (inferior parietal), and cingulate cortex (isthmus cingulate, rostral anterior cingulate; Figure 2). Several of these regions were identified bilaterally, although a few more regions were identified in the right hemisphere than the left hemisphere (Figure 2). We show plots of the ilr transformed values and 3-tissue compositions (TW, TG and TC values) for representative temporal, sensorimotor and occipital regions in Figures 3-5. All of these regions exhibited a relative shift from a "GM-like" (TG) signal towards a more fluid-like (TC) signal in the preterm-born children compared to the typically developing controls.


We used SS3T-CSD to study cortical microstructural tissue and fluid compositions in typically and atypically developing preterm-born children. We found alterations to the microstructural composition of the cortical GM in the preterm-born children, which are distributed across the cortex and primarily associated with a shift from a "GM-like" (TG) composition towards a more fluid-like (TC) composition. From a diffusion signal representation perspective, this reflects an increase in diffusivity in these regions. Biologically, this is compatible with and may thus reflect decreased GM cell density and increased free-water content in these regions. The regions affected include some with established vulnerability in preterm-born children based on volumetric MRI, such as the temporal lobe[21,22]. The results are also broadly in line with studies that reported increases in mean diffusivity in the cortex of preterm-born neonates compared to term-born neonates, albeit based on the limited DTI model[2-4]. Our study suggests there is a longer-term adverse effect of preterm birth on cortical microstructure in adolescence.


This study demonstrates the ability of compositional data analysis of SS3T-CSD derived tissue signal fractions for probing the microstructure of the cortical grey matter. Application to a pediatric cohort identified alterations to the cortical microstructural tissue and fluid composition of vulnerable preterm-born children compared to typically developing children.


We thank members of the VIBeS and Developmental Imaging teams at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, the Royal Children's Hospital Medical Imaging staff for their assistance and expertise in the collection of the MRI data included in this study, and the children and families who participated. This research was supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council [NHMRC; Project Grant 1066555; Centre for Research Excellence 1153176; Investigator Grant 1176077 to PA; Career Development Fellowship 1085754 to DT and 1141354 to JC], the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, the Royal Children's Hospital, the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation, the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne, and the Victorian Government's Operational Infrastructure Support Program.


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Figure 1. TW, TG and TC maps for a representative participant, with cortical regions overlaid (34 regions per hemisphere).

Figure 2. Cortical regions in which the overall 3-tissue composition differed significantly (p<0.05, FDR-corrected) between preterm-born and term-born children, when performing compositional data analysis via multivariate statistical analysis on the isometric log-ratio transformed 3-tissue compositions.

Figure 3. For a region in the temporal (right transverse temporal) cortex, this shows: a scatter plot of the isometric log ratios (ilr), highlighting the overall group difference in tissue compositions (left); a ternary plot of the relative fractions of WM-like (TW), GM-like (TG), and CSF-like (TC) signal per participant, highlighting the relative shift from TG towards fluid-like (TC) composition (right). Ellipses are 95% confidence areas (the same area takes on a different shape in the ternary plot visually).

Figure 4. For a region in the sensorimotor (right paracentral) cortex, this shows: a scatter plot of the isometric log ratios (ilr), highlighting the overall group difference in tissue compositions (left); a ternary plot of the relative fractions of WM-like (TW), GM-like (TG), and CSF-like (TC) signal per participant, highlighting the relative shift from TG towards fluid-like (TC) composition (right). Ellipses are 95% confidence areas (the same area takes on a different shape in the ternary plot visually).

Figure 5. For a region in the occipital (right pericalcarine) cortex, this shows: a scatter plot of the isometric log ratios (ilr), highlighting the overall group difference in tissue compositions (left); a ternary plot of the relative fractions of WM-like (TW), GM-like (TG), and CSF-like (TC) signal per participant, highlighting the relative shift from TG towards fluid-like (TC) composition (right). Ellipses are 95% confidence areas (the same area takes on a different shape in the ternary plot visually).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)