Noise2DWI: Accelerating Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Self-Supervision and Fine Tuning

On the importance of fetal brain numerical models for domain adaptation strategies in fetal brain MRI tissue segmentation

A Ontology-guided Attribute Partitioning Ensemble Learning Model for Early Prediction of Cognitive Deficits using sMRI in Very Preterm Infants

Paired CycleGAN-based Cross Vendor Harmonization

Patch-based AUTOMAP image reconstruction of low SNR 1.5 T human brain MR k-space

Perivascular Space Quantification with Deep Learning synthesized T2 from T1w and FLAIR images

Predicting Breath-Hold Liver Diffusion MRI from Free-Breathing Datausing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Predicting isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation status using contrastive learning and graph neural networks

Predicting PDFF and R2* from Magnitude-Only Two-Point Dixon MRI Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Predicting Perfusion Augmentation Using Deep Learning without Vasodilators

Prediction of new diffusion MRI data is feasible using robust machine learning algorithms for multi-shell HARDI in a clinical setting

Prior-knowledge MRS Metabolite Quantification using Deep Learning Frameworks: A proof-of-concept

QC of image registration using a DL network trained using only synthetic images

Author:Yiheng Li  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 5: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence  

Session Name:Quality Assessment & Data Harmonization II  

Program Number:1880  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:Subtle Medical  

Quantifying Domain Shift for Deep Learning Based Synthetic CT Generation with Uncertainty Predictions

Quantitative MRI parameter estimation with supervised deep learning: MLE-derived labels outperform groundtruth labels

Quantitative Radiomic Features of Deep Learning Image Reconstruction in MRI

Radiomics to Predict Pathological Complete Response in Patients with Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Rapid myelin water fraction mapping through the combination of artificial neural network and under sampled mcDESPOT data

Registration and quantification net (RQnet) for IVIM-DKI analysis

Author:Wonil Lee  Giyong Choi  Jongyeon Lee  Hyunwook Park  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 5: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence  

Session Name:Deep/Machine Learning-Based Image Analysis  

Program Number:0556  

Room Session:N11 (Breakout B)  


Residual Non-local Attention Graph Learning (PNAGL) Neural Networks for Accelerating 4D-MRI

A residual-spatial feature based MR motion artifact detection model with better generalization

Author:Xiaolan Liu  Yaan Ge  Qingyu Dai  Kun Wang  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

Topic:Module 5: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence  

Session Name:Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence IV  

Program Number:4335  

Room Session:3  

Institution:GE Healthcare  

ResoNet: Physics Informed Deep Learning based Off-Resonance Correction Trained on Synthetic Data

Resting-state functional connectivity predicts subsequent pain-related threat learning

Revised-NODDI with conventional dMRI data enabled by deep learning

Self-supervised and physics informed deep learning model for prediction of multiple tissue parameters from MR Fingerprinting data

Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Highly Accelerated 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Pulmonary MRI

Self-supervised learning for multi-center MRI harmonization without traveling phantoms: application for cervical cancer classification

Signal prediction in echo dimension of multi-echo gradient echo using multi-layer seq2seq model

Single-Shot Adaptation using Score-Based Models for MRI Reconstruction

SKM-TEA: A Dataset for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction with Dense Image Labels for Quantitative Clinical Evaluation

Solving T2-blurring: Joint Optimization of Flip Angle Design and DenseNet Parameters for Reduced T2 Blurring in TSE Sequences

Spherical-CNN based diffusion MRI parameter estimation is robust to gradient schemes and equivariant to rotation

SSFD: Self-Supervised Feature Distance Outperforms Conventional MR Image Reconstruction Quality Metrics

Super Resolution of MR Images with Deep Learning Based k-space Interpolation

SUPER-IVIM-DC, A supervised deep-learning with data consistency approach for IVIM model parameter estimation from Diffusion-Weighted MRI data

T2-deblurred deep learning super-resolution for turbo spin echo MRI

Toward a 1-minute high-resolution brain exam - MR Fingerprinting with fast reconstruction andML-synthesized contrasts

Transformer based Self-supervised learning for content-based image retrieval

Tumor Aware Temporal Deep Learning (TAP-DL) for Prediction of Early Recurrence in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Ablation using MRI

Ultra-thin slice Time-of-Flight MR angiography for brain with a deep learning constrained Compressed SENSE reconstruction