Predicting isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation status using contrastive learning and graph neural networks
Yiran Wei1, Chao Li1, and Stephen John Price1
1Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom


The isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) gene mutation status is a prognostic biomarker for gliomas. As an alternative approach to the invasive gold standard of IDH mutation detection, radiogenomics approaches using features of MRI showed promising results in the same task. Here, we proposed an approach to predict the IDH status based on the image and morphology features extracted using contrastive learning. We then constructed a large patient graph based on the extracted features, which could predict the IDH mutation using graph neural networks. The results showed the proposed method outperforms the classifiers which leverage either image or morphology features only.


The mutation status of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) gene is an important prognostic biomarker for glioma patients established by the World Health Organization1. Patients with IDH mutation generally have longer survival than patients with IDH wild-types. However, assessing IDH mutation status currently relies on the tumor tissue obtained using invasive approaches1.
Recent radiogenomics studies showed that MRI could be used to predict the IDH mutation status 2. In addition to conventional texture and intensity features, morphology could provide useful information for characterizing tumor genotype3. In parallel, deep learning has shown promising performance to predict IDH status using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based on MRI4. Moreover, recent development of graph neural networks (GNNs) showed state-of-the-art performance in geometric learning, which could potentially be leveraged to effectively extract morphology-based features from gliomas5. Particularly , GNNs also show excellent performance in classification tasks where patients are treated as nodes of the graph and edges describe their similarities6.
In this study, we hypothesized that integrating tumor image and morphology using deep learning models could better characterize glioma patients. First, we extracted imaging features using a contrastive learning approach. Next, we combined the extracted features to construct a large graph where each node represents a patient. Finally, we leveraged the GNN to predict IDH mutation status from the constructed graph.


We included 389 glioma patients from both public and in-house datasets7-9. The MRI modalities include pre-contrast T1, post-contrast T1, T2, and T2-FLAIR. We excluded 17 patients due to the unavailable IDH mutation status or incomplete MRI modalities. All MRI were processed using a standard pipeline10 including co-registration, skull stripping, histogram-matching normalization, and denoising. We applied DeepMedic to segment the tumor and generated a binary tumor ROI after manual correction. MRI voxels within the ROI were fed into the image encoder for feature extraction. Additionally, the surface voxels of binary tumor ROI were sampled to point clouds and fed into the morphology encoder (Figure 1).
The image features and morphology features were extracted from the corresponding encoders using contrastive learning (Figure 2). The image encoder has a three-dimensional CNN architecture with four input channels corresponding to the four MRI modalities and four batch-normalized convolutional layers. The morphology encoder based on GNN learns from points cloud. First, the points cloud is converted into a graph by linking points within a radius. In the graph, node features are coordinates and edge features indicate the difference between node features. Second, graph convolutional operators aggregate node and edge features to their center node11. Finally, nodes are sampled with pooling. Overall, we repeated those three steps four times. Both encoders are followed by three fully connected layers called projection heads to extract features. Finally, a contrastive loss was applied to maximize the agreement between features extracted from the image and morphology encoders across all patients. The contrastive loss is defined12:
$$L = \frac{1}{N}\sum _{i=1}^{N} \left( -\log\frac{\exp(\cos(v_i,u_i))}{\sum _{k=1}^{N} \exp(\cos(v_i,u_k))} -\log\frac{\exp(\cos(u_i,v_i))}{\sum _{k=1}^{N} \exp(\cos(u_i,v_k))} \right)$$
Where $$$v$$$, $$$u$$$ represent features of image and morphology; $$$cos$$$ represents cosine similarity; $$$N$$$ is the size of the min-batch. Specifically, the loss function is designed to maximize the mutual information between image features and morphological features of the same patient by predicting $$$(v_i, u_i)$$$ and $$$(u_i, v_i)$$$ as true pairs.
After feature extraction, the entire patient cohort was represented as a large graph, where node weights indicated image features, whereas the edge weights represented the cosine similarity score of morphology features between patient pairs (Figure 3). A GNN architecture was trained to classify the nodes in the generated large graph. The GNN consists of four graph convolutional layers11 that embed the graph information into nodes. The embedded nodes were then applied to predict the IDH mutation status using the cross entropy loss.
The Grad-CAM13 approach was applied to visualize the activation map of the image encoder on images while GNNExplainer14 was used to visualize the importance of points of points cloud from the morphology encoder.
We performed ablation experiments to validate the proposed method. The image and morphology encoders were converted to end-to-end classifiers respectively, by adding one fully connected layer to directly predict the IDH mutation status using a binary cross entropy loss instead of the contrastive loss.


The visualization from the Grad-CAM and GNNExplainer showed that both the agreed and disagreed regions were identified as important for model prediction, suggesting that both encoders could capture both common and unique tumor characteristics (Figure 4).
Results of performance experiments in Table 1 showed that the proposed method outperformed both the classifiers based on either image or morphology encoders only.

Discussion and Conclusion

Our approach showed improved classification performance, indicating the feasibility of integrating image and morphology features in radiogenomics analysis. The model interpretation results from the contrastive learning showed that both image and morphology encoders identified similar regions of interest, suggesting the potential internal association between tumor content and shape. In future work, image and morphology encoders could be replaced by deeper pre-trained neural networks to further improve the performance. In conclusion, contrastive learning and graph neural networks showed promising results for predicting IDH mutation status in glioma patients.


This study was supported by the NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative. SJP acknowledges National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Career Development Fellowship (CDF-18-11-ST2-003). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care.

CL acknowledges Cancer Research UK biomarker grant (CRUK/A19732).


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Figure 1 Data preparation for encoders. Multi-modal MRIs of each patient are pre-processed to generate binary tumor ROI (Red). The MRI voxels within the ROI are fed into the image encoders while surface voxels of the tumor ROI are sampled into points cloud for the morphology encoders

Figure 2 Feature extraction using contrastive learning. The contrastive learning framework includes a CNN architecture as the image encoder and a GNN architecture as the morphology encoder. Both encoders are followed by a projection head to extract features. The framework was trained using a contrastive loss that maximizes the agreement between two encoders.

Figure 3 Classification using GNN. The image and morphology features extracted by contrastive learning are converted into one large patient graph. A GNN architecture is then applied to perform node classification tasks on the patient graph for predicting IDH mutation status of individual patients.

Figure 4 Interpretation of encoders in contrastive learning. A. Post contrast T1 of a glioma example. B. Grad-CAM overlaid on post-contrast (T1C) of the example. C. GNNExplainer indicates the important points in the points cloud. D. Grad-CAM is mapped to the corresponding points cloud for comparison.

Table 1 Performance comparison of the proposed method and benchmarks

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/1156