Between 35-40% of very preterm infants (≤32 weeks’ gestational age) develop cognitive deficits, thereby increasing their risk for poor educational, health, and social outcomes. Timely and accurate identification of infants at risk soon after birth is desirable for early intervention allocation. We proposed a novel Ontology-guided Attribute Partitioning Ensemble Learning (OAP-EL) model using quantitative structural MRI data obtained soon after birth to predict cognitive deficits at 2 years corrected age in very preterm infants.
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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of OAP-EL for early prediction of cognitive deficits at 2-year corrected age using brain geometric features derived from T2-weighted MRI data acquired at term equivalent age in very preterm infants. (A) Brain geometric feature extraction, (B) Ontology graph construction and clustering, (C) Ontology-guided feature clustering, and (D) Ensemble learning model. OAP-EL: Ontology-guided Attribute Partitioning Ensemble Learning.
Fig. 2. Internal validation and comparison of our proposed OAP-EL model versus traditional machine learning models on (A) Accuracy, (B) Sensitivity, (C) Specificity, and (D) AUC in early prediction of cognitive deficits. Gray dots indicate metrics of repeated experiments, and blue diamonds indicate mean values. KNN: K-nearest neighbor; LR: Logistic Regression; SVM: Support Vector Machine; DT: Decision Tree; RF: Random Forest; NN: Neural Network; OAP-EL: Ontology-guided Attribute Partitioning Ensemble Learning.
Table 1. Demographics of all very preterm infants at term equivalent age and assessment at 2 years corrected age
Table 2. Internal validation and comparison of our proposed OAP-EL model versus peer ensemble learning models in early prediction of cognitive deficits.
Table 3. External validation and comparison of our proposed OAP-EL model versus traditional machine learning and peer ensemble learning models in early prediction of cognitive deficits.