Self-supervised and physics informed deep learning model for prediction of multiple tissue parameters from MR Fingerprinting data
Richard James Adams1, Yong Chen1, Pew-Thian Yap2, and Dan Ma1
1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States


Magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) simultaneously quantifies multiple tissue properties. Deep learning accelerates MRF’s tissue mapping time; however, previous deep learning MRF models are supervised, requiring ground truths of tissue property maps. It is challenging to acquire quality reference maps, especially as the number of tissue parameters increases. We propose a self-supervised model informed by the physical model of the MRF acquisition without requiring ground truth references. Additionally, we construct a forward model that directly estimates the gradients of the Bloch equations. This approach is flexible for modeling MRF sequences with pseudo-randomized sequence designs where an analytical model is not available.


MRF1 is an imaging technique that offers quantification of multiple tissue parameters via a single MRI signal acquisition. Previously, supervised neural networks2 have been trained to act as inverse models that predict quantitative tissue parameters from MRF signals. However, this supervised technique relies on comparing predictions to discretized ground truths. These ground truths can be difficult to obtain, especially as the number of tissue parameters of interest increases. We propose the addition of a physics-informed forward model to create a self-supervised3 training loop independent of the need for a ground truth to teach the inverse model neural network.


MRF data simulation
T1, T2, and proton density (M0) quantitative parameter maps are obtained from multi-slice 2D MRF scans of five healthy subjects. A total of 58 2D brain slices are used to simulate time evolutions of a MRF-FISP scan with 480 time points via the Bloch equations. The flip angles and TR are based on an automated sequence design4. The simulated signal is normalized against its maximum absolute value across the entire training dataset such that the normalized signal is bounded by the range [-1,1] to improve network learning.

Model architecture
The self-supervised model consists of two halves: the inverse model, which takes a simulated signal and predicts T1, T2, and M0 tissue parameters, and the forward model, which uses a physical model to reconstruct the signal’s time evolution given the predicted tissue parameters from the network. Thus, the model both takes in and outputs time-domain signal data, such that an L1-norm loss can be computed from direct comparison of the two without the need for a ground truth of tissue parameters. This loss is analytically back-propagated through the forward model via the chain rule, such that the gradient dLoss/dParameter is found. From there, Pytorch’s Autograd feature is utilized to update the inverse network’s convolutional weights and biases based on the computed gradient. This network architecture is summarized in figure 1.The inverse model is a convolutional u-net that accepts a number of input channels equal to the time points in the signal evolution and outputs a number of channels corresponding to the tissue parameters of interest. By convolving neighboring pixels, each pixel’s predicted parameter values are related to its neighbor’s values. This imposes a spatial constraint on the inverse model prediction.There is no pre-existing analytical signal model available for MRF scans; the forward model is the Bloch model used to simulate the original dataset, including partial derivatives with respect to T1, T2, and M0 computed for the inverse model’s learning. Including this physical model reinforces the learning of the inverse model such that only tissue parameters similar to the ground truths can be learned, as MRF has previously demonstrated that unique signal evolutions exist for unique combinations of tissue parameters.

Network training, validation, and performance analysis
46 slices from 4 different subjects are designated as the training dataset, while 12 slices from a fifth subject are reserved for validation. Training data is iteratively fed through the model in batches of 32 patches, with patch size of 8x8 pixels. Validation data is processed as an entire 256x256 pixel slice.The inverse network is trained with an L1-norm loss function and the ADAM optimizer for 1 epoch at a constant learning rate of 10-5 and then 9 epochs with a learning rate that linearly decays from 10-5 to 0. For validation purposes, the inverse model’s tissue parameter predictions are compared to the corresponding ground truths via their absolute percent difference.


For the gray and white matter regions of the validation slices, the tissue parameters estimated by the network were compared against the ground truth tissue parameter maps used to simulate the dataset. The results of an example slice are depicted in figure 2. T1 values were predicted with an accuracy of 4.29 ± 13.9 percent, T2 values were predicted with an accuracy of 5.39 ± 5.42 percent, and M0 values were predicted with an accuracy of 4.81 ± 5.36 percent. Error in CSF regions were considerably higher.


The self-supervised model performed well for T2 and M0 in the tissues of interest. Mean T1 error is also quite good, though its large standard deviation demands attention. Long T1 and T2 values of cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) lead to the Bloch simulation having poor signal differentiation on the 4,800ms timescale over which the signal was simulated. We exclude CSF pixels as described in Results to focus on gray and white matter. Some partial volume pixels of CSF remain, especially around the central ventricle, leading to large errors in isolated locations on the validation slices. Outside these anomalies, T1 error is comparable to the T2 and M0 error.


We propose a physics-informed, self-supervised deep learning model for simultaneous quantification of three tissue properties from the MRF data without the need for ground truth tissue maps. The model performs well for all three tissue parameters of interest in grey- and white-matter areas, with an average of only 5% error as compared to the conventional dictionary matching results.


This work was supported in part by NIH grants R01 NS109439 and R21 EB026764.


1. Ma D, Gulani V, Seiberlich N, et al. Magnetic resonance fingerprinting. Nature. 2013;495(7440):187-192. doi:10.1038/nature11971

2. Fang Z, Chen Y, Liu M, et al. Deep Learning for Fast and Spatially Constrained Tissue Quantification From Highly Accelerated Data in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting. IEEE Trans on Med Imag. 2019;38(10):2364-2374.

3. Liu F, Kijowski R, Fakhri G, Feng L. Magnetic resonance parameter mapping using model-guided self-supervised deep learning. Magn Reson Med. 2021;85:3211-3226.

4. Jordan S, Hu S, et al. Automated design of pulse sequences for magnetic resonance fingerprinting using physics-inspired optimization. PNAS. 2021 118(40)e2020516118


A depiction of the model architecture. MRF time courses are accepted as input, which are processed into tissue parameters via a convolutional u-net before being reconstructed back into the signal domain via the forward model. The loss between input and output is back-propagated through the gradient of the forward model with respect to the tissue parameters.

Comparison of network-predicted tissue parameter values (A, D, G) to ground truths used to simulate the signal data (B, E, H) and the percent error difference between the two (C, F, I). T1 performs quite well across the slice except for localized areas around the central ventricle where some pixels have high T1 values related to partial volumes of CSF and white matter. T2 and proton density (M0, in [au] arbitrary units) similarly perform well.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/3472