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Room Session:

Do You Double-Dose? Clinical Validation of Single-Dose, Dual-Echo Perfusion Protocols in Glioma Patients

Does basal forebrain volume reduction in MRI indicate cholinergic degeneration? A validation study in mouse model of Alzheimer's Disease

Author:Xiaoqing Zhou  Grace Ngiam  Lei Qian  Tammy Sankorrakul  Elizabeth Coulson  Kai-Hsiang Chuang  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Tuesday, 18 May 2021  

Topic:Aging & Dementia  

Session Name:Brain in Healthy Elderly & Dementia  

Program Number:1937  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:The University of Queensland  

Dopamine Directional Circuits Detected by Metabolic Effective Connectivity and Granger Causality using Integrated PET/MR

Author:Lei Wang  Longxiao Wei  Menghui Yuan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:Imaging Metabolites: CEST, MT & MRS  

Session Name:Imaging Metabolites in the Brain  

Program Number:3716  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:Tangdu Hospital of Air Force Medical University  

DTI and NODDI assessment of posterior optic pathway function in sellar and parasellar tumor patients

DTI-based Longitudinal Assessment of Stroke Recovery at 21.1 T

Dynamic GlucoCEST MRI: results in primary brain tumors at 3 Tesla

Dynamic parallel transmission for diffusion MRI at 7T

Dysfunction of Olfactory Resting-State Functional network in Early-onset Early-stage Parkinson's Disease

Early Adoptive Transfer of T Cells Decreases Brain Bleeding during Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Infection: A MRI Study

Early prediction of progression free survival and overall survival of patients with glioblastoma using machine learning and multiparametric MRI

The Effect of Cariporide on Tumour Intracellular pH: A Study in Rat C6 Glioma using AACID-CEST-MRI

Effect of low dose daily aspirin on cerebral blood flow and kidney function in hypertensive rats

Effect of Normalization of DCE-MRI derived Tracer Kinetic Parameters on Glioma Grading

Effect of Small Vessel Disease Burden on Collateral Perfusion in Symptomatic Large Vessel Stenosis or Occlusion

Effect of Wearing a Face Mask on fMRI BOLD Contrast

Author:Christine Law  Patricia Lan  Gary Glover  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:MRI in COVID-19  

Session Name:Role of Advanced Imaging in COVID-19  

Program Number:1738  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:Stanford University  

Effect of white matter hyperintensities on tractometry and its relationship with white matter connectivity

Emerging MRI Data & Controversies of Cardiac Complications Related to SARS-CoV-2

    Evaluating the Effects of Motion Compensation to IVIM Fitting in In-Vivo DW-MRI of the Muscle

    Evaluation and Quantification of SWI MRA of Cerebral Vasculature in Parkinson's Disease Patients

    Evaluation for Myocarditis in Competitive Athletes Recovering from COVID-19using Cardiac MRI

    Evaluation of Brain Glioma Using Non-Contrast Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping: Correlations between Vascular proliferation and Perfusion MR

    Evaluation of different b-value sampling strategies in cerebral IVIM: application to interstitial fluid

    Evaluation of leptomeningeal collaterals by DSC-based signal variance and hemodynamic features in asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis

    Evaluation of PASAT test performance and diffusivity indices in U-fiber regions in healthy subjects and RRMS patients.

    Evaluation of pharmacological hypothermia in rhesus monkey brains using diffusion MRI

    Evaluation of registration accuracy for cerebral vessel on pre- and postcontrast T1 black blood images by Elastix

    Author:Wei Qiu  Hanyu Wei  Shuo Chen  Rui Li  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

    Topic:MRI in Stroke: Vessels, Flow & Tissue Structure  

    Session Name:Vessel Walls, Flow & Angiography in Stroke Imaging  

    Program Number:4161  

    Room Session:Concurrent 6  

    Institution:Tsinghua University  

    Evaluation of Saturation Effects in Simultaneous Multi-Contrast (SMC) Imaging

    Evaluation of the agreement of metabolite levels between PRESS and MEGA-PRESS techniques in the grading of glioma patients

    Evidence on the association between executive functions and tractography-derived nodal properties in Parkinson's disease

    Ex vivo quantitative MR characterization of brain lesions induced by SARS-COV-2 infection

    ExcessiveBrain Iron Deposition Detected by QSM in Extrapyramidal Systemin Parkinson's with Type 2 DiabetesMelitusPatients

    Exploration of highly accelerated multi-echo MPRAGE using compressed sensing for brain morphometry applications

    Exploring Brain Regions Involved in Working Memory using Interpretable Deep Learning

    Exploring the effect of aquaporin-4 suppression on cell membrane water exchange in a mouse model of brain ischemia using diffusion-weighted MRI

    Exposure to Traffic-Related Particulate Matter Impact Motor Function and White Mater Integrity in Elder Rodent Model

    A Fast Tissue Segmentation Algorithm Using ASL Fingerprint Timeseries