Evaluation of Brain Glioma Using Non-Contrast Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping: Correlations between Vascular proliferation and Perfusion MR
Yaoming Qu1, Qin Qin1,2, Haitao Wen1, Xiaochan Ou1, Yingjie Mei3, Weibo Chen4, and Zhibo Wen1
1Radiology, Zhujiang hospital of southern medical university, Guangzhou, China, 2F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Philips Healthcare, Guangzhou, China, 4Philips Healthcare, Shanghai, China


Cerebral blood volume (CBV) mapping employing velocity-selective saturation pulse trains is an emerging velocity-selective arterial spin labeling (VSASL) based method for quantifying perfusion with higher SNR. Its utility was assessed for glioma patients at 3T and corelation between histopathologic vascular proliferation and perfusion MR Imaging. VSASL based CBV mapping, in good agreement with DSC-PWI and VSASL based cerebral blood flow (CBF) mapping, showed great promise for accurate quantitative assessment and preoperative grading of brain gliomas, and further potential in the IDH genotype and vascular proliferation status predicting.


Cerebral blood volume (CBV) mapping with a dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) perfusion technique has become a routine clinical tool in diagnosing and follow-up of brain tumors.1-3 A novel velocity-selective arterial spin labeling (VSASL) based technique using conventional velocity-selective saturation pulse trains was proposed for absolute CBV quantification.4 Its clinical value needs to be further investigated. The purpose of this work is to evaluate the performance of this non-contrast CBV mapping on preoperative patients with gliomas. Correlation studies were evaluated between histopathologic vascular proliferation and perfusion MR.


Patients with newly diagnosed brain tumors were recruited to undergo preoperative MRI between Nov. 2017 and Feb. 2019 using a 3T Philips Ingenia scanner. In addition to anatomic sequences, all the patients performed the VSASL based CBV mapping. 22 cases of gliomas (Grade IV, N=8, 52±11yo, glioblastoma, IDH mutant/wildtype/unknown,2/5/1]; Grade III, N=4, 56±11yo, anaplastic astrocytoma, IDH mutant/wildtype,3/1; Grade II, N=10,46±12yo, astrocytoma, IDH mutant/wildtype, 5/5) with a histopathological diagnosis of primary gliomas based on the 2016 WHO brain tumor classification5 were included in this analysis. Meanwhile, 20 and 17 patients also performed the DSC-PWI and VSASL based CBF mapping,6 respectively.
Three representative 3×3 pixel ROIs were manually chosen from all cases of glioma regions showing the maximal perfusion signal on CBV and CBF maps. The ratio of tumor blood volume (TBV) or tumor blood flow (TBF) and the values from contralateral normal-appearing white matter or gray matter (CBVWM and CBFGM) were compared, respectively. After normality testing, Mann-Whitney U test was used to assess differences in rTBV and Ki-67 labeling index between low-grade glioma (LGG, WHO grade II) and high-grade glioma (HGG, WHO grade III&IV). The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves were constructed to determine the diagnostic accuracy of rTBV parameters derived from CBV mapping for grading glioma. Student t test was used to evaluate the differences for rTBV between two IDH mutation statuses in LGG and HGG, respectively.
Linear regression and Bland-Altman analyses were performed to evaluate the correlation and agreement of rTBV between VSASL based CBV mapping and DSC-PWI. The correlation between Ki-67 labeling index, rTBF-DSC, rTBF-VSASL and rTBV-CBV was assessed using Spearman correlation analysis.


Representative non-contrast CBV images in different grades of glioma are shown in Figure 1-2. CBV maps derived from VSASL based method and DSC-PWI in each case are largely comparable on visual inspection. As expected, low-grade astrocytoma does not have elevated TBV (Fig. 1), and markedly elevated TBV is seen in the glioblastoma (Fig. 2)
The rTBV parameters derived from CBV mapping of HGGs were significantly higher than that in LGGs (median, 5.64 [interquartile range {IQR},4.40-7.06] vs 1.94,[IQR, 1.59-3.42], P<0.001) (Fig. 3a). For the ROC curve, the rTBV of CBV mapping yielded an AUC of 0.90 with a sensitivity of 91.67% and a specificity of 90.00% when the value higher than 3.49 (Fig. 3b). Recent studies have indicated that IDH genotype is associated with DSC relative CBV.7, 8 Though with a small sample size, we further evaluated the potential value of CBV mapping in predicting IDH mutation status in both LGG and HGG groups (Fig 3c-d). The trends toward higher rTBV with IDH wildtype gliomas than IDH mutant were observed, either in LGG or HGG (P>0.05 for both).
The proliferation index in grade II glioma were significantly lower than that in grade III&IV (3.5%, [IQR, 2.75-5.75%] vs. 40%, [IQR, 22.5-57.5%], P<0.001). The rTBV values derived from CBV mapping were moderately correlated with Ki-67 labeling index in gliomas (r=0.58, p=0.005).
Fig.4a-b shows linear regression and Bland-Altman analyses of the ratios of TBV over CBFWM, between CBV mapping and DSC-CBV. The rTBV value derived from CBV mapping was positively correlated with DSC-PWI (X: rTBV-DSC, Y: rTBV-CBV, Y=0.96*X + 0.44, R2=0.87; r=0.91, P<0.001). The mean difference between these two CBV measurement methods was 0.27 with 1.96 standard deviation of -1.33 to 1.87. Positive correlations were also found between rTBF-DSC (X: rTBF-DSC ,Y: rTBV-CBV, Y=2.68*X + 0.25, R2=0.78; r=0.86, P<0.001), rTBF-VSASL (X: rTBF-VSASL ,Y: rTBV-CBV, Y=2.97*X - 0.64, R2=0.83; r=0.92, P<0.001) and rTBV-CBV (Fig. 4c-d), as shown on cases in Figure 1 and 2.


A study using VSASL based CBV mapping was evaluated among glioma patients at 3T, demonstrating the robustness of this technique in the quantitative assessment and preoperative grading of brain gliomas, and further potential in predicting the IDH genotype and the histopathologic vascular proliferation status of brain gliomas. As a relatively newer non-invasive perfusion method, VSASL based CBV mapping, is in good agreement with DSC-PWI and VSASL based CBF mapping, and it may provide a preferred alternative method for evaluating the perfusion of brain tumors, especially for patients with contraindications to contrast agents.


The authors thank the radiologist and nurse colleagues who helped during the research study. A special thank you is also expressed to the patients for participating in the study.


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Figure 1:A 44-year-old female with left frontal lobe diffuse astrocytoma (WHO Grade II, IDH mutated, non-1p19q codeleted) that shows a heterogeneous FLAIR hyperintensity, and no associated contrast enhancement. The mass does not show increased perfusion (CBV or CBF) as depicted by VSASL based CBV/CBF mapping, and DSC-PWI.

Figure 2: A 34-year-old female with right frontal lobe glioblastoma (WHO grade IV, IDH wildtype). CBV maps are comparable for VSASL based CBV mapping and DSC-CBV, all revealing a thickened rim of increased vascularity corresponding to irregular and heterogeneous contrast enhancement with central necrosis.

Figure 3: Box and whisker plot (a) and receiver operating characteristic curves (b) of rTBV derived from VSASL based CBV mapping in glioma grading. The middle line in the central box represents the median, and the top to bottom of the box indicates the interquartile range. The vertical line extends from the minimum to the maximum value. Scatter dot plots show the trends for higher rTBV with IDH wildtype gliomas than IDH mutant, either in low-grade (c) or high-grade gliomas (d). The middle line in the central represents the mean and the vertical line extends from standard deviation.

Figure 4: Correlation (a) and agreement (b) plots of the rTBV values of both LGG (WHO GradeⅡ) and HGG (WHO Grade Ⅲ&Ⅳ) measured between VSASL based CBV mapping and DSC-PWI. Correlation plots of rTBF-DSC (c), rTBF-VSASL (d) and rTBV-CBV values.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)