Gerhard Drenthen1, Jacobus Jansen1, Paulien Voorter1, Joost de Jong1, and Walter Backes1
1Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands
it was shown that besides the parenchymal diffusion and microvascular perfusion
an additional, intermediate, component can be observed in the IVIM signal. The
fraction of this intermediate diffusion (fint) is suggested to be related to
interstitial fluid in the perivascular spaces (PVS). In
this study we examine several b-value sampling strategies for measuring
the (fint) using simulated IVIM data. When a large intermediate diffusion component is present in the IVIM signal (eg. white matter hyperintensities), b-value sampling strategies specifically aimed to quantify this component can provide better estimates of fint compared to linear or logarithmic spaced b-values.
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion
(IVIM) MR imaging is a diffusion weighted imaging technique that is sensitive
to the diffusion of water in the parenchyma as well as flow-mediated
diffusivity of microvascular blood (perfusion). Commonly, the fraction of
microvascular perfusion in the IVIM signal fperf is calculated
using a bi-exponential model. Recently, however, it was shown that besides the
parenchymal diffusion and microvascular perfusion an additional, intermediate, component
can be observed [1]. The fraction of the intermediate diffusion is suggested to
be related to interstitial fluid in the perivascular spaces (PVS). PVS are
associated with a number of disorder, ranging from Alzheimer’s disease, stroke
and multiple sclerosis [2]. Therefore, estimating fint from IVIM data can provide valuable
clinical insights. However, estimating fint can be
challenging, since three-component models and spectral decompositions of the
IVIM signal are dependent on the acquired b-values and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
Therefore, in this study we will examine several b-value sampling strategies
for measuring the fint using simulated IVIM data. Methods
Ground-truth IVIM data with
three components were computationally synthesized using the IVIM signal decay equation:
Where, E1,k=(1−2e−TIT1,k+e−TRT1,k), with k=par or int; E1,perf=(1−e−TRT1,perf); E2,k=e−TET2,k, with k=par, int or perf; and fpar=1−fint−fperf.
The IVIM parameters used to
simulate the signal decay were fint=.050; fperf=.022; Dpar=7.15⋅10−4mm2/s; Dint=2.4⋅10−3mm2/s and Dperf=1.63⋅10−2mm2/s; corresponding to normal
appearing white matter (NAWM). Additionally, data with high fint were synthesized simulating white
matter hyperintensities (WMHs) using fint=.271; fperf=.024; Dpar=8.93⋅10−4mm2/s; Dint=2.0⋅10−3mm2/s and Dperf=7.85⋅10−2mm2/s [1][3]. The following relaxation
times were used; T1,par=1081ms, T2,par=95ms, T1,pef=1624ms, T2,perf=275ms, T1,int=1250ms, T2,int=1500ms
To estimate the effects of
acquired b-values on the quantification of fint, 1000 Gaussian noise
realizations were calculated for nine sets of b-values and an SNR of 100 (defined as the signal at b = 0s/mm2 divided by the standard deviation of the noise). Each of the b-values sets that are considered range from 0 to 1000s/mm2.
Three sets were linearly spaced, three were logarithmically spaced, and three had an
oversampling in the range of 300<b<600s/mm2 where b⋅Dint≈1.
The number of b-values is varied for each sampling strategy (10, 15 and 30).
Figure 1 graphically depicts the nine schemes with different b-values.
The NNLS uses a predefined
basis set A with M exponential decays to characterize the measured signal y as; yi=∑Mjsje−biDj=∑MjAijsj,i=1,2,..,N where sj is the
amplitude corresponding to the Dj diffusivity, bi is the measured
signal of b-value i and N represents the total number of b-values.
Now, the NNLS problem can be written as, χ2min=min where \chi_{min}^2 represents the misfit that is minimized by the
NNLS algorithm. Typically, the number of b-values is smaller than the elements
in the basis set (N<M) making the NNLS an ill-posed problem. To provide a
more stable solution, a regularized version of the NNLS can be used, adding a
smoothing constraint, \chi_{reg}^2=\min_{s \geq 0}(\sum_{i=1}^N\mid\sum_{j=1}^M\mathbf{A}_{ij}s_j-y_i\mid^2+\mu\sum_{j=1}^M\mid s_{j+2}-2s_{j+1}+s_j\mid^2) where \mu is the regularization parameter and \chi_{reg}^2 is the regularized misfit [8].
A basis set with 120
logarithmically spaced elements ranging from 0.1\cdot10-3 to 1000\cdot10-3 is used. Subsequently,
the f_{int} is defined as the amplitude fraction of the D_j elements in the range of 1.5\cdot10-3 to 4.0\cdot10-3. The f_{int} is corrected for
the effects of inversion and relaxation [1].
The accuracy of the different
strategies was evaluated using the bias, \hat{f_{int}}-f_{int}, where \hat{f_{int}} is the mean estimated intermediate fraction, and f_{int} is the ground-truth intermediate fraction.
The precision of the different
strategies was evaluated by the standard deviation of the estimated intermediate
The accuracy and precision of the f_{int} estimation
in terms of bias and standard deviation is shown in figure 2 for the NAWM and
in figure 3 for the WMHs. For the NAWM a linear spacing of the b-values seems
to provide the best trade-off between accuracy and precision. However, for the
WMHs, where a large f_{int} is present, oversampling the b\cdot D_{int}\approx1 range provides the highest accuracy and precision.Discussion & Conclusion
Interestingly, acquiring more
b-values does not appear to be valuable in the NAWM, as the accuracy drops,
while in the WMHs acquiring more b-values does relate to better performance. This
can be explained; when simulating data with 10 b-values, for roughly 14% of the
noise realizations no third component is found, artificially lowering the
measured f_{int}. The third component
is absent in 6% of the realizations with 15 b-values, and in less than 1% in
the 30 b-values case. This effect, combined with a systematic over-estimation
of the f_{int}, results in the presented behavior. Over-estimation of the intermediate fraction can be contributed to an under-estimation of the D_{par} and f_{par}, which is a known phenomenon related to the logarithmic distribution of the basis set [9].
When a large intermediate
diffusion component is present in the IVIM signal (e.g. in WMHs), b-value
sampling strategies specifically aimed to quantify this component can provide a
better estimate of f_{int} compared to linearly or logarithmically spaced
b-values. However, studies interested in measuring f_{perf} benefit more from logarithmically spaced b-values (which oversamples b\cdot D_{perf}\approx1 range), while a linearly spaced b-value set provides a good trade-off between f_{int} and f_{perf} (Figure 4A&B).Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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