Accelerating spin-lock imagingusing signal compensated low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition

Aging-Related Spatial Changes in the Microstructure of the Human Striatum Detected Through Quantitative MRI in vivo

Asymmetries in the distribution of quantitative MRI parameters in the brain

BLAKJac - A computationally efficient noise-propagation performance metric for the analysis and optimization of MR-STAT sequences

BUDA-SAGE with unsupervised denoising enables fast, distortion-free, high-resolution T2, T2*, iron and myelin susceptibility mapping

Combined multiparametric high resolution diffusion-relaxometry on 7T (OKAPI)

Diffusion sensitivity of spin echo sequences affects white matter R2 fiber orientation dependency

Fast and repeatable multi-parametric mapping using 3D Echo-Planar Time-resolved Imaging (3D-EPTI)

Fast T1 mapping and weighting MRI in preclinical and clinical settings using subspace-constrained joint-domains reconstructions


Fast T2 Mapping with Improved Accuracy Using Memory-Efficient Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Reconstruction

Faster Bloch simulations and MR-STAT reconstructions on GPU using the Julia programming language

High resolution in-vivo relaxation time mapping at 50 mT.

High spatial and temporal resolution rapid 3D IR-radFLASH pulse sequence for T1 mapping in the brain

Isotropic T1-mapping of the whole brain by MP-RAGE at different inversion times

Joint sodium MR reconstruction and T2* estimation using anatomical regularization

Mapping correlation spectra of T1 and mean diffusivity in the human brain

Motion-Resolved Brain MRI for Quantitative Multiparametric Mapping

Multi-parametric R2' Measurement of Brain Oxygen Extraction Fraction: Reproducibility and Application in Moyamoya Disease

Optimization of fast Quantitative Multiparameter Mapping (MPM) at 7T using parallel transmission

Phase-based T2 mapping using RF phase-modulated dual echo steady-state (DESS) imaging

Quantitative T1 mapping by multi-slice multi-shot inversion recovery EPI: correction of fat suppression MT effects.

RAMSES: Relaxation Alternate Mapping of Spoiled Echo Signals sequence for simultaneous accurate T1 and T2* mapping

Rapid Parametric Mapping Using the Unsuppressed Water Signals in Metabolic Imaging of the Brain

Robust T2 Mapping from Standard Brain Images: Repeatability and Lifespan Changes in Healthy Participants

A simple approach to control rms(B1) by pulse length in variable flip angle (VFA) T1 mapping of human brain

Simultaneous 3D T1 and B1+ mapping at 7T using MPRAGE with multiple volumes and driven equilibrium (DE)

Simultaneous Mapping of MetaboliteConcentration and T1 Relaxation Time Using Subspace Imaging Accelerated Inversion Recovery MRSI

Simultaneous Mapping of Myelin Water Fraction and Quantitative Susceptibility of Whole Brain

Simultaneous T1, T2*, and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping with Stimulated Multi-Echo-Train EPI

Single-shot Simultaneous Double-slice T2 Mapping based on Overlapping Echo Detachment Planar Imaging

Single-shot T2 mapping in severe head motion with multiple overlapping-echo detachment planar imaging

STARE (Steady-state T2 And Rf Estimation) - A fast 3D-GRE acquisition for phase-based mapping of T2 and B1

T1 Relaxation of White Matter Following Adiabatic Inversion

Two multi-echo SPGR acquisitions for the simultaneous generation of SWI, qT1 and other parametric maps: preliminary data

Ultra-high Spatial Resolution Multispectral qMRI with Compressed Sensing Tri-TSE