Miha Fuderer1,2, Oscar van der Heide1,2, Cornelis A. T. van den Berg1,2, and Alessandro Sbrizzi1,2
1Computational Imaging Group for MR Diagnostics and Therapy, Center for Image Sciences, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Radiology, Division of Imaging and Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In MR-STAT, data from a sequence of time-varying RF
pulses and gradient encodings is reconstructed into multiple quantitative parameter maps
by solving a large scale inversion problem. The combined interaction of RF and
gradient events determines the noise-propagation into the reconstructed maps. We derive a
computationally efficient performance metric to study this effect, by analyzing
the block-diagonal of the k-space representation of the Jacobian. This allows for extremely fast prediction of the noise spectrum of the reconstructed parameter maps.
In MR-STAT1,2, data from a sequence of time-varying RF pulses and
gradient encodings is reconstructed into multiple quantitative parameter maps by solving
a large scale non-linear inversion problem. To determine the amount of noise-propagation in the
reconstructed maps, it is therefore important to study the combined effect of
RF and gradient events. Previous analysis work3 has focused on the MR Fingerprinting
framework. Here, we propose an alternative analysis for MR-STAT. We derive a
computationally efficient performance metric, called “BLock Analysis of
K-space of Jacobian” (BLAKJac),which matches well with the noise level in the
reconstructed ρ, T1 and T2-maps from noisy simulated brain data.Theory
Consider a 2D Cartesian pseudo-SSFP sequence with varying
flip angles, where each phase
encode is acquired Ni=5 times. A sample is thus characterized by its
phase encode vector \boldsymbol{k}=\left(k_x,k_y\right) and by its instance i\in\left\{1,...,N_i\right\}. Together, i and
\boldsymbol{k} define
the time of the sample. Here, N_x=N_y=224; T_R=10ms and
For a point object at position \boldsymbol{r} (with \boldsymbol{r}=(x,y)), the signal at t=t_{\boldsymbol{k},i} is a function of the tissue properties \boldsymbol{\theta} (e.g. \rho,T_1 and T_2) and of the RF-history of the sequence up to time t_{\boldsymbol{k},i}. I.e. s_{\boldsymbol{k},i}=\exp{\left(2\pi\mathrm{i}\cdot\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}\right)}m\left(\boldsymbol{\theta};t_{\boldsymbol{k},i}\right). Using the EPG
signal model4, m(\boldsymbol{\theta}) can be calculated, as well as \frac{\partial
m\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)}{\partial\rho}, \frac{\partial
m\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}\right)}{\partial{T_1}} and \frac{\partial
The MR-STAT reconstruction calculates \boldsymbol{\theta}_{\boldsymbol{r}} from the data s_{\boldsymbol{k},i}. The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound in
the reconstructed \boldsymbol{\theta}_{\boldsymbol{r}} is provided by C=\left(J^hJ\right)^{-1}, with J being the full Jacobian of the system, i.e. the
matrix \left(\frac{\partial
s_{\boldsymbol{k},i}}{\partial\boldsymbol{\theta}_\boldsymbol{r}}\right), which is of size N_xN_yN_i\times3N_xN_y, thus very large. It is clear that an explicit inversion of such a
matrix is not feasible in a reasonable timeframe for realistic resolutions.
For performance prediction, we are interested in the diagonal elements of
C, which provide the expected noise variance, for each parameter map and location \boldsymbol{r}.
We realize that the k-space representation of the Jacobian, written as JF, has a block-wise, diagonally-dominant
structure. See figure 1. This allows approximating {D=\left(F^hJ^hJF\right)}^{-1} by retaining only the diagonal elements of JF. Upon re-arrangement of the matrix elements, we can treat JF as block-diagonal. This way, we only need to
invert (N_xN_y) small matrices of size {3}\times{3}. A further speedup is obtained by calculating the
Jacobian for a reference set of \rho, T_1, T_2 properties close to grey and white brain matter: \boldsymbol{\theta}_{\mathrm{reference}}=\left(1.0,0.67s,0.076s\right)
BLAKJac – resulting procedure
Calculate w_{k\left(t\right),i\left(t\right),1}=\left.\frac{\partial
m\left(\boldsymbol{\theta};t\right)}{\partial\rho}\right|_{\boldsymbol{\theta}=\boldsymbol{\theta}_{\mathrm{ref}}}, w_{k\left(t\right),i\left(t\right),2}=\left.\frac{\partial
m\left(\boldsymbol{\theta};t\right)}{\partial{T_1}}\right|_{\boldsymbol{\theta}=\boldsymbol{\theta}_{\mathrm{ref}}} and w_{k\left(t\right),i\left(t\right),3}=\left.\frac{\partial
Together, this defines a matrix W_\boldsymbol{k}=\left(w_{ij}\right)_\boldsymbol{k} (in our example, 5\times{3}) for each
encoding value.
Calculate {(W_k^HW_k)}^{-1} for each \boldsymbol{k}.
- The diagonal thereof is written
as v_{k,j}, with j\in{\rho,T_{1,}T_2}.
The cumulative value of \sigma_j=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N_xN_y}\sum_{k}\
v_{k,j}} is an estimate of the standard deviation of
the resulting reconstructed map of property j.
- This is condensed into a single
performance metric by calculating \frac{\sigma_\rho}{\rho_{\mathrm{ref}}}+\frac{\sigma_{T_1}}{T_{1,\mathrm{ref}}}+\frac{\sigma_{T_2}}{T_{2,\mathrm{ref}}}.
This way, calculation of the BLAKJac
performance metric takes just few milliseconds on a desktop PC.
Four different RF-sequences have been
compared: one that was originally used for MR-STAT1,2, one that has been
intuitively adapted for better performance (“out-of-sync” sequence) and two
that resulted from applying a numerical optimization process (NelderMead method) in the
Julia language8, with BLAKJac as the minimization
criterion. The first optimization was based on interpolation from 20
independently optimized RF-flip angle values and took a few seconds. The other was fully optimized over all
1120 points, which required about eight hours. See figure 2.
These four sequences were applied to
simulate data based on a human brain phantom5. Gaussian independent noise was added. The noise level in the
resulting map was calculated as \frac{\sigma_\rho}{\rho_{\mathrm{ref}}}+\frac{\sigma_{T_1}}{T_{1,\mathrm{ref}}}+\frac{\sigma_{T_2}}{T_{2,\mathrm{ref}}} (where \sigma values refer to noise in the reconstructed maps, measured in grey/white-matter regions in the brain). Also the proposed
performance metric BLAKJac was calculated, independently from the
For both approaches, the results were normalized to the
noise values of the best performing sequence.
A gel
phantom was scanned using a 3T scanner (Philips Elition), 1mm2 in-plane
resolution, 5mm slice thickness, TR/TE=6/3ms.Results
Figure 3 shows the monotonic
correspondence between predicted and measured noise levels. Figure 4 shows the actual difference in reconstructed
quantitative maps between the cases that differ most, i.e. between the Original
and the Optimized sequence. The difference in high-spatial-frequency noise is
apparent and is predicted by BLAKJac-generated noise variance per phase-encode
value (fig. 4, bottom). Figure
5 shows experimentally acquired reconstructions.Discussion
BLAKJac reflects the trend measured in the
actual noisiness of the resulting maps. Only in cases where the noise-level is
clearly suboptimal (as in the “Original” case), the metric tends to
overestimate the resulting noise. The main benefit of BLAKJac is that it can be generated in a few milliseconds, while the
full calculation of (J^{h}J)^{-1} is 10^5 times slower.
The approach is demonstrated for 2D but is readily extensible to 3D.
BLAKJac has been shown on MR-STAT, but it is likely that a similar methodology applies to other inversion-based reconstruction strategies used for MR Fingerprinting6,7.Conclusion
The proposed method takes into
account RF excitation and gradient encoding simultaneously for a whole object. It
is useful for fast performance predictions and better understanding
of the spatial-frequency dependent noise propagation in MR-STAT sequences, as shown in the graphs of figure 4.Acknowledgements
This work has been financed by NWO grant number 17986References
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