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Accelerating spin-lock imaging using signal compensated low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition 
Yuanyuan Liu1, Yanjie Zhu1, Yuxin Yang2, Xin Liu1, Hairong Zheng1, and Dong Liang1
1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, China, 2Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, China, Chongqing, China


Recent studies show that variations in the rate of T1ρ(R1ρ) reflect changes in the spectral density of the local dipolar fields experienced by protons due to slow molecular motions. The quantitative data for R1ρ dispersion requires multiple T1ρ-weighted images with different spin lock times (TSLs) and different locking fields, which makes the acquisition time very long. In this work, a signal compensation strategy with low-rank plus sparse model (SCOPE) was used to reconstruct T1ρ-weighted images from highly undersampled data. We provide the reconstructed images, the estimated R1ρ maps, and the results of R1ρ dispersion curves at different acceleration factors.


The spin-lattice relaxation in the rotating frame (T1ρ) reflects the relatively slow motional characteristics of macromolecules [1,2] and can quantify dynamic processes such as chemical exchange [3,4]. The variations in the rate of T1ρ (R1ρ=1/T1ρ) reflect changes in the spectral density of the local dipolar fields experienced by protons due to relatively slow molecular motions. However, to obtain the R1ρ dispersion information, several datasets with different locking field amplitudes and spin-lock times (TSLs) need to be acquired, which makes the acquisition time very long. Compressed sensing has shown significant performance in fast quantitative T1ρ mapping [5,6]. In this work, we reconstruct the T1ρ-weighted images and obtain the R1ρ dispersion from highly undersampled k-space data based on our previous fast T1ρ mapping method (SCOPE) [7].


The SCOPE method based on the exponential signal decay in T1ρ mapping was applied by multiplying the original signal by a compensation coefficient. In this study, T1ρ-weighted images with different TSLs and different locking fields (ω)need to be acquired. Signal evolution of T mapping varies with each locking field. Therefore the total image matrix obtained doesn’t exhibit low-rankness and the acceleration factor that can be achieved in undersampling is limited. In this work, images at each locking field can be compensated to the same signal intensity level as the image acquired at the first TSL by applying the signal compensation strategy. After compensation, T-weighted images with each locking field are combined together and theoretically the rank of the total image matrix would be 1. The compensation coefficient can be calculated by :
coefω,n=1/exp(TSLn/Tω1ρ)n=1,2,...,N          (1)
where TSLn is the nth spin-lock time;Tω1ρ is the T1ρ value at locking field ω; N is the total TSL number.

The image reconstruction model can be expressed asl as follows:
where ||L||_* is the nuclear norm of the low-rank matrix L; TV is the total variation transform which is applied to the sparse matrix S; ||.||_1 is the l1-norm of the matrix; X_{\omega ,n} is the T-weighted image at the nth spin-lock time with locking field ω ;\lambda is a regularization parameter; d is the undersampled k-space data; C(∙) performs pixel-wise signal compensation; E is the encoding operator [8]; \text{Rank}(·) represents the rank value of the image matrix.

To solve the above equation, an initial compensation coefficient was calculated using the T_{1\rho} map estimated from the fully sampled central k-space. Iterative hard thresholding of the singular values for L and a soft-thresholding of the entries for S was used to solve the optimization problem in Eq. (2). A new T_{1\rho} map was estimated from the reconstructed images and then used to update the compensation coefficient. The reconstruction and signal compensation coefficient updating steps were repeated alternately until convergence.

The R_{1\rho} measurements can be estimated using the monoexponential model:
M=M_0\text{exp}(-TSL_n\times R_{1\rho})_{n=1, 2, \dots, N}\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (3)
where M is the image intensity obtained at varying TSL_s, M_0 is the baseline image intensity without the application of spin lock pulse.


Two in vivo human brain T -weighted data sets (2 female, age 23±1, IRB proved) were acquired using a 2D fast spin echo (FSE) sequence with a self-compensated paired spin-lock preparation [9]. The MRI scan was performed on a 3T uMR 790 scanner (United Imaging Healthcare, Shanghai, China) using a commercial UIH 32-channel phased-array head coil. Imaging parameters were: TR/TE=4649ms/8.74ms, spin-lock frequency w= 500,3000, and 5000 Hz, FOV=200\times200 mm2, matrix size =192 \times192, slice thickness 5mm, and TSLs =1, 20, 40, 60 ms. The acquired k-space data were retrospectively undersampled along the ky dimension with pseudo-random undersampling acquisition scheme [10] with net acceleration factors R=3 and 4. T-weighted images were reconstructed by the SCOPE method and L+S method [11]. The quality of the reconstructed images and the estimated T maps were assessed by normalized root mean square error (nRMSE).

Results and discussion

Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the reconstructed T-weighted images using SCOPE and L+S. Figure 3 shows the estimated R maps using SCOPE at each acceleration factor for different locking fields. Figure 4 shows the R dispersion curve of the reconstructed R maps in selected regions of interest (ROI) using SCOPE with R=3 and 4. The corresponding nRMSEs are shown at the bottom of each image. All reconstructed images and maps using SCOPE are comparable with the reference. Artifacts can be observed in the reconstructed images and maps using L+S, especially at a higher acceleration factor. It can be observed that the SCOPE method achieves better reconstruction quality with lower nRMSEs than the L+S method for all the acceleration factors. The R dispersion curve of the reconstructed R maps for each R is highly consistent with the reference .


The proposed method can accurately reconstruct the T-weighted image series and R dispersion from highly undersampled k-space data, and thereby significantly reduce the scan time of T imaging.


This work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant nos. 61771463,81971611, National Key R&D Program of China nos. 2020YFA0712202, 2017YFC0108802 , the Innovation and Technology Commission of the government of Hong Kong SAR under grant no. MRP/001/18X, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences program under grant no. 2020GZL006.


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Figure 1. The reconstructed T_{1\rho}-weighted images at TSL=1 ms with locking field amplitude w=500 Hz using the SCOPE method and the L+S method for net acceleration factor R=3 and 4, respectively.

Figure 2. The reconstructed T_{1\rho}-weighted images at TSL=40 ms with locking field amplitude w=5000 Hz using the SCOPE method and the L+S method for net acceleration factor R=3 and 4, respectively.

Figure 3. The estimated R_{1\rho} parameter maps from the reconstructed T_{1\rho}-weighted image using the SCOPE for locking field amplitude w=500 and 5000Hz with R = 3 and 4, respectively. The reference R_{1\rho} was obtained from the fully sampled k-space data.

Figure 4. The R_{1\rho} dispersion curves for selected ROI of the R_{1\rho} maps estimated using SCOPE with R = 3 and 4. The reference R_{1\rho} dispersion curve was obtained from the fully sampled k-space data.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)