Daiki Tamada1 and Scott B. Reeder1,2,3,4,5
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 3Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 4Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 5Emergency Medicine, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
A novel T2
mapping method is proposed using RF-phase modulated dual echo steady-state
sequence (DESS). T2 information is encoded into the phase of the DESS signals
by using a small RF phase increment. T2 value is estimated from the phase
difference between the FISP and PSIF signal of the DESS acquisition. Phantom
studies demonstrated that estimated T2 using the proposed method agrees closely
with spin-echo-based T2 mapping, and volunteer studies demonstrate the
feasibility of the proposed method in vivo. These results suggested that the
proposed method enables fast and three-dimensional T2 mapping with a single acquisition.
T2 mapping is gaining attention as a promising approach for the diagnosis and
evaluation of various diseases. The
Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence is the most commonly used approach for determining
quantifying T2. Other approaches to T2
mapping include the use of T2-prep(1) and balanced steady-state free
precession sequence is used in the myocardium(2). The magnitude signal from dual echo
steady-state (DESS), and triple echo steady-state sequences have also been
proposed for rapid T2 mapping(3)(4).
Recently, a
phase-based T2 mapping method that encodes T2 into phase of RF
phase modulated gradient echo signal has been proposed and demonstrated (5). Despite rapid T2
mapping using the phase-based approach, two-pass imaging is required
to subtract background phase. This doubles acquisition time and
can result in misregistration between the two separate acquisitions.
In this
study, we propose a novel phase-based T2 mapping using a multi-echo DESS with RF phase modulation. The feasibility in phantom and volunteer studies is demonstrated.THEORY
We adopted Sobol's approach to explain the signal
mechanism of the DESS signal with RF phase modulation (6). The RF phase modulation was
performed by incrementing the RF
phase (ϕ)
quadratically such that ϕ(n)=ϕ(n−1)+nθ, where θ is the RF phase increment. The
signal FISP (S+) and PSIF (S-)
signals with RF pulse with flip angle (FA) of α, and a repetition time of TR can be expressed as
where β, ϵ and η are real coefficients, determined by recursive
calculation depending on T1, T2, TR, α, and θ (6). The phase
difference Φ between S+ and S- is defined as
These equations reveal that using small RF phase
increments (θ) that the measured
phase (Φ) is sensitive to T2,
but relatively insensitive to T1 for long T1 (> 1000 ms). Hence, Eq. 1-3
enables phase-based T2 mapping using the phase difference between the S+
A three-echo
DESS sequence shown in Figure 1 was developed. RF excitation was performed with
quadratic phase modulation of θ. Acquisitions consist of two FISP echoes
S+1 and
S+2) followed by PSIF echo (
S−1). Calibration acquisitions were incorporated into the
errors induced by eddy current of k-space
was are corrected
using calibration acquisitions consisting
of positive and negative readouts. The calibration algorithm is explained in
Figure 2a.
B0 demodulation of
S+1 and S+2 was is
performed to remove the off-resonance phase components of these
echoes. A B0 map was is calculated
from the phase difference.
lookup table (LUT) for phase-based T2 estimation was is
used. The LUT was is calculated
using equations 1-3 with an
assumption of T1 of 1000 ms. The estimation of T2 was
is performed by matching the phase
difference of S+1 and S−1, and with
the LUT.
Phantom and in vivo studies were performed using a clinical 3T MRI. T2 values of a phantom were measured using the multi-echo spin-echo (MESE) and the proposed
method. T2 mapping of the brain
was also acquired. Healthy volunteers were recruited from an
Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved database of healthy volunteers after
signing informed written consent. Acquisition parameters are shown in Table 1.
T2 maps of the phantom measured using the proposed method
is shown in Figure 3a. T2 values agreed well (R2 = 0.99) with those
measured using MESE, although slight overestimation of the proposed method was
observed, as shown in Figure 3b. The
slopes of the linear regression of the plot were 1.18 (95% CI = 1.12 to 1.24) and -17.1
(95% CI = -11.9
to -22.3).
Figure 4 shows the T2 maps acquired using the MESE and
proposed method. T2 values of white matter, gray matter, and CSF estimated using
the proposed method were 60 (±11), 78 (±9.7), and 401 (±186) ms, while those using MESE were 62 (±2.5), 73
(±2.8), and 354 (±70).DISCUSSION
In this study, we developed and demonstrated a novel T2
mapping method using a proposed RF phase-modulated DESS acquisition strategy. T2
was estimated from the phase difference of FISP and PSIF signals using the
lookup table approach. Phantom and in vivo studies demonstrate the feasibility
of the proposed method to enable fast three-dimensional T2 mapping.
The proposed method requires a single acquisition, which
enables faster T2 mapping without the potential for misregistration between two
separate acquisitions. The majority of previously described T2 mapping methods require
the use of multiple acquisitions. Conventional DESS-based T2 enables T2 mapping
with one acquisition. However, it utilizes magnitude information for an estimation,
which may be biased by T2*. On the other hand, since the proposed phase-based method
does not depend on T2*.
A major limitation of the proposed method is that T2 may be
bias by T1 and B1+, although it has been shown that phase-based T2 mapping is
insensitive to them(5). In addition, the unbalanced readout gradient
used in our method may lead to motion artifacts.Conclusion
A new phase-based T2 mapping method using a multi-echo DESS was proposed. Phantom and volunteer studies suggested the proposed method may enable fast and reliable 3D T2 mapping.Acknowledgements
We wish to acknowledge support from the UW-Madison Department of Radiology, UW Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, and the Clinical and Translational Science Award of the NCATS/NIH. Further, we wish to acknowledge GE Healthcare who provides research support to the University of Wisconsin. Finally, Dr. Reeder is a Romnes Faculty Fellow, and has received an award provided by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.References
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