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Reverse-Encoding MRI Near Metallic Implants Using Missing Pulse Steady-State Free Precession

Author:Michael Mullen  Michael Garwood  

Institution:University of Minnesota  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Mitigating motion, artifacts and imperfections  

Session Name:Mitigating Sample-Induced Artifacts  

Program Number:3404  

Room Live Q&A Session:

RF Coil and Gradient Shim Considerations for Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging of the Human Myocardium

RF coil system for accelerated 129Xe hyperpolarized imaging at 1.5T

Author:Claudio Puddu  Madhwesha Rao  Guilhem J. Collier  Adam Maunder  Ho-Fung Chan  Oliver Rodgers  Xiaojun Xu  Nicola De Zanche  Fraser Robb  Jim M. Wild  

Institution:Cross Cancer Institute  GE Healthcare  POLARIS,University of Sheffield  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:RF coils  

Session Name:Multinuclear RF Coils  

Program Number:4098  

Room Live Q&A Session:

RF endoluminal coils with NMR electro-optical conversion and transmission for colon wall imaging: Initial finding

RF field extension and improvement by using floating strip conductors for parallel microstrip coil for PET/MRI insert

Author:Md Shahadat Hossain Akram  Takayuki Obata  Taiga Yamaya  

Institution:National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS-QST)  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:RF coils  

Session Name:RF Coils 3  

Program Number:4049  

Room Live Q&A Session:

RF Power Deposition and Temperature Rise for Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound Signal Generation from Lead Tips in MRI

Author:Neerav Dixit  John Pauly  Greig Scott  

Institution:Stanford University  

Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  


Session Name:MRI Safety & Intervention  

Program Number:0119  

Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 4  

RF Shim Flexibility with Multi-Surface-Loop Arrays Over Varying Head Geometries

Author:Benjamin Hardy  Yurui Gao  Adam Anderson  

Institution:Vanderbilt University  Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:RF coils  

Session Name:RF Coils 4  

Program Number:4076  

Room Live Q&A Session:

RF-coil with variable resonant frequency for multiheteronuclear MRI

Author:Viacheslav Ivanov  Anna Hurshkainen  Georgiy Solomakha  Mikhail Zubkov  

Institution:Faculty of Physics and Engineering, ITMO University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:MR Engineering  

Session Name:Simulation in MR Design & Analysis  

Program Number:4253  

Room Live Q&A Session:

RF-Induced Heating During MRI Examinations Depends on The Baseline Temperature

Author:Jessica Martinez  Kevin Moulin  Daniel Ennis  

Institution:Stanford University  Veteran Affairs Health Care System  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Interventional MR and Safety Issues  

Session Name:RF Safety  

Program Number:4202  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Rich-Club Organizational Changes Over the Course of Motor Recovery after First-Time Acute Stroke

Author:Lu Wang  Hing-Chiu Chang  Peng Cao  Edward.S Hui  

Institution:The University of Hong Kong  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Diffusion Applications  

Session Name:Diffusion: Brain Applications 2  

Program Number:4526  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Right and Left Ventricular Volume Quantification in Children with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Using 4D Flow MRI

Right ventriclar myocardial strain in chronic total occlusion patients by cardiac magnetic resonance tissue tracking: a polit study

Author:Xin Li  Zhiyong Li  Qingwei Song  Ailian Liu  

Institution:First affiliated Hospital of dalian medical University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Myocardial Tissue Characterization and Perfusion  

Session Name:Myocardial Tissue Characterization 1  

Program Number:2051  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Right Ventricular Deformation in Patients with Connective Tissue Disease: Evaluated by 3.0T Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Tissue Tracking

    Right ventricular T1-mapping in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and healthy controls at 3T

    Rigorous Prospective Reduction of Inter-scanner Variance of Diffusion Imaging: Initial Experience

    RIPPLE: A new framework for estimating rotationally-invariant with paired-ODF spatial correlations in fiber tracking using MRI

    The Risks of MRI & Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices: Separating Truth from Fiction

    Author:Robert Russo  


    Session Type:Plenary Session  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

    Topic:Plenary Session Thursday  

    Session Name:MRI in Patients with Implantable Electronic Devices  

    Program Number:

    Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Plenary  

      An RNN and Autoencoder-based Deep Learning Approach for Detecting Brain Metastases in MRI

      Robust Coil Combination for bSSFP Elliptical Signal Model

      A Robust Deep-Learning-based Automated Cardiac Resting Phase Detection: Validation in a Prospective Study

      Robust Diffusion-Weighted Imaging near Metallic Objects with Inner-FOV Single-Shot STEAM based on 2D-Selective RF Excitations

      Author:Caspar Florin  Jürgen Finsterbusch  

      Institution:University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

      Topic:Diffusion Acquisition, Reconstruction and Signal Analysis  

      Session Name:Diffusion: Acquisition 1  

      Program Number:4302  

      Room Live Q&A Session:

      Robust Morphological Myelin Imaging Using a Short TR Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Prepared Ultrashort Echo Time (STAIR-UTE) Sequence

      Author:Yajun Ma  Hyungseok Jang  Zhao Wei  Zhenyu Cai  Yanping Xue  Eric Chang  Jody Corey-Bloom  Jiang Du  

      Institution:University of California San Diego  VA health system  

      Session Type:Oral  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

      Topic:Novel Pulse Sequences and Reconstruction Techiques  

      Session Name:RF Pulses & Pulse Sequences  

      Program Number:0606  

      Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 4  

      Robust non-contrast pulmonary perfusion imaging using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling with background suppression

      Author:Joshua Greer  Yiming Wang  Limin Zhou  Tarique Hussain  Ananth Madhuranthakam  

      Institution:University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center  

      Session Type:Digital Poster  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

      Topic:MR Elastography and Perfusion  

      Session Name:Arterial Spin Labeling: Acquisition  

      Program Number:3277  

      Room Live Q&A Session:

      Robust Outer Volume Suppression Utilizing Elliptical Pulsed Second Order Fields (ECLIPSE) for Human Brain Proton MRSI

      Robust Perfusion Parameter Quantification from 3D Single-Shot Multi-Delay ASL measurements

      A robust shimming method for in vivo abdominal mice studies based on ultrafast pulse sequences

      Author:Qingjia Bao  Ricardo Martinho  Lucio Frydman  

      Institution:Weizmann Institute of Science  

      Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

      Topic:Educational Q&A: Preclinical  

      Session Name:Preclinical Imaging Advances  

      Program Number:0907  

      Room Live Q&A Session:Wednesday Parallel 1  

      Robustness of MR Elastography in the brain – Test-retest reliability and effect of different reconstruction methods

      Robustness of Texture Features on 3 Tesla Liver MRI.

      Rodent Stroke Models for MRI and monitoring pathological processes

      Author:Yuki Mori  

      Institution:University of Copenhagen  

      Session Type:Sunrise Session  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

      Topic:Educational Q&A: Neuro Sunrise  

      Session Name:Rodents vs. Humans: Stroke  

      Program Number:

      Room Live Q&A Session:Monday Parallel 2  

      ROKET: a Robust Keto Enol Tautomerisation phantom for multi-site, multi-vendor hyperpolarized 13C studies

      Role of Diffusion MRI-Derived Free Water Fraction in Predicting Progression to Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia from Mild Cognitive Impairment

      The Role of Inflammation in Neurodegeneration

      Author:Itamar Ronen  

      Institution:University of Leiden  

      Session Type:Weekend Course  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Saturday, 8 August 2020  


      Session Name:Neuroinflammation  

      Program Number:

      Room Live Q&A Session:Saturday Parallel 3  

        The Role of Iron Chelation in the Tumour Microenvironment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

        The role of rapid capillary resistance decreases in the BOLD response assessed through simulations in a realistic vascular network

        Role of the combination of T2 values and edema volume as a biomarker in evaluating the neuroprotective effect of LITUS to moderate TBI with rat model

        Author:Du Juan  Zheng Tao  Yuan Yi  Wang Zhanqiu  Liu Defeng  Shi Qinglei  Wu Shuo  Wang Xiaohan  Liu Lanxiang  

        Institution:Qinhuangdao Municipal No. 1 Hospital  Siemens Healthcare,  Yanshan University  

        Session Type:Digital Poster  

        Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

        Topic:fMRI: Multimodal & Preclinical  

        Session Name:fMRI Preclinical  

        Program Number:3951  

        Room Live Q&A Session:

        Role of the Radiographer/MR Tech in Ensuring Quality in Research Studies

          Role of the Radiographer/MR Tech in Ensuring Quality in Research Studies

            Rosette spectroscopic imaging of epilepsy at 3T

            Author:Jullie Pan  Arun Antony  Victor Yushmanov  Claud Schirda  Hoby Hetherington  

            Institution:University of Pittsburgh  UPMC  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

            Topic:Neuro Acquisition and Processing  

            Session Name:All Things Neurospectroscopy  

            Program Number:1859  

            Room Live Q&A Session:

            SADDLE: A Stand Alone Device for Deep Learning Execution

            Safety of active implantable hearing systems in MRI: an overview of the most common adverse events

            Author:Guy Fierens  Nina Standaert  Ronald Peeters  Christ Glorieux  Nicolas Verhaert  

            Institution:KU Leuven  UZ Leuven  Cochlear Technology Centre Belgium  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

            Topic:Interventional MR and Safety Issues  

            Session Name:Implant Safety  

            Program Number:4184  

            Room Live Q&A Session:

            Safety, Tolerability and Reproducibility of HP13C-MRI in Normal, Healthy Human Subjects

            Sampling and Modeling UTE Signals is Important to Estimate Bone Marrow Susceptibility

            Author:Christof Böhm  Sophia Kronthaler  Maximilian Diefenbach  Jakob Meineke  Dimitrios Karampinos  

            Institution:Philips Research  TUM  Division  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

            Topic:Quantitative Tissue Properties and Novel Contrast Mechanisms  

            Session Name:QSM in Applications  

            Program Number:3212  

            Room Live Q&A Session:

            SAR Safety Analysis for a 8Tx/16Rx Coil Array Prototype for Human Cardiac MRI at 7 T

            Scanner Control and Realtime Visualization via Wireless Augmented Reality

            Author:Andrew Dupuis  Dan Ma  Mark Griswold  

            Institution:Case Western Reserve University  

            Session Type:Digital Poster  

            Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

            Topic:Interventional MR and Safety Issues  

            Session Name:MR Thermometry Methods  

            Program Number:4135  

            Room Live Q&A Session: