Adapting the U-net for Multi-coil MRI Reconstruction

Artificial Intelligence based smart MRI: Towards development of automated workflow for reduction of repeat and reject of scans

AutoSON: Automated Sequence Optimization by joint training with a Neural network

Deep J-Sense: An unrolled network for jointly estimating the image and sensitivity maps

Deep Learning Based Joint MR Image Reconstruction and Under-sampling Pattern Optimization

A Deep-Learning Framework for Image Reconstruction of Undersampled and Motion-Corrupted k-space Data

DeepSlider: Deep learning-powered gSlider for improved robustness and performance

Design of slice-selective RF pulses using deep learning

Enhancing the Reconstruction quality of Physics-Guided Deep Learning via Holdout Multi-Masking

ENSURE: Ensemble Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimator for Unsupervised Learning

Feasibility of Super Resolution Speech RT-MRI using Deep Learning

Higher Resolution with Improved Image Quality without Increased Scan Time: Is it possible with MRI Deep Learning Reconstruction?

Improving Deep Learning MRI Super-Resolution for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping

Intelligent Incorporation of AI with Model Constraints for MRI Acceleration

Joint Data Driven Optimization of MRI Data Sampling and Reconstruction via Variational Information Maximization

Joint Reconstruction of MR Image and Coil Sensitivity Maps using Deep Model-based Network

MAGnitude Image to Complex (MAGIC)-Net: reconstructing multi-coil complex images with pre-trained network using synthesized raw data

A Marriage of Subspace Modeling with Deep Learning to Enable High-Resolution Dynamic Deuterium MR Spectroscopic Imaging

Motion-resolved B1+ prediction using deep learning for real-time pTx pulse-design.

MRI super-resolution reconstruction: A patient-specific and dataset-free deep learning approach

Multi-channel and multi-group-based CNN Image Reconstruction using Equal-sized Multi-resolution Image Decomposition

Noise2Recon: A Semi-Supervised Framework for Joint MRI Reconstruction and Denoising using Limited Data

On Instabilities of Conventional Multi-Coil MRI Reconstruction To Small Adversarial Perturbations

Optical Flow-based Data Augmentation and its Application in Deep Learning Super Resolution

PCA and U-Net based Channel Compression for Fast MR Image Reconstruction

Rethinking complex image reconstruction: ?-loss for improved complex image reconstruction with deep learning

Robust Multi-shot EPI with Untrained Artificial Neural Networks: Unsupervised Scan-specific Deep Learning for Blip Up-Down Acquisition (BUDA)

Subtle Inverse Crimes: Naively using Publicly Available Images Could Make Reconstruction Results Seem Misleadingly Better!

Uncertainty estimation for DL-based motion artifact correction in 3D brain MRI

Ungated time-resolved cardiac MRI with temporal subspace constraint using SSA-FARY SE

A unified model for simultaneous reconstruction and R2* mapping of accelerated 7T data using the Recurrent Inference Machine