Chi Zhang1,2, Jinghan Jia3, Burhaneddin Yaman1,2, Steen Moeller2, Sijia Liu4, Mingyi Hong1, and Mehmet Akçakaya1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, 4MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, IBM Research, Cambridge, MA, United States
Although deep learning (DL) has
received much attention in accelerated MRI, recent studies suggest small
perturbations may lead to instabilities in DL-based reconstructions, leading to
concern for their clinical application. However, these works focus on
single-coil acquisitions, which is not practical. We investigate instabilities caused
by small adversarial attacks for multi-coil acquisitions. Our results suggest
that, parallel imaging and multi-coil CS exhibit considerable instabilities against
small adversarial perturbations.
Deep learning (DL)
reconstruction has recently received much attention due to its improved
reconstruction quality1-5. While DL has been transformative in many
image processing tasks, it is well-understood that these methods may be susceptible
to instabilities arising from small adversarial perturbations due to their
non-linear nature6-8. Such instabilities were also explored for MRI
reconstruction recently9, which suggested that both researchers and
FDA need to be cognizant of these issues. Several follow-up studies10,11
explored adversarial training frameworks to improve the robustness of DL-MRI
reconstruction. However, all these works concentrated on a single-coil setup,
which has little practical application.
In this work, we investigate
how small adversarial perturbations affect multi-coil MRI reconstruction,
using conventional non-DL methods. Our results indicate that for multi-coil
MRI reconstruction, parallel imaging and multi-coil compressed sensing (CS)
methods are also susceptible to large instabilities from small adversarial
perturbations. Methods
Multi-coil MRI Acquisition
Model and Inverse Problem: The multi-coil encoding model
is given as: $$\textbf{y$_\Omega$}=\textbf{E$_\Omega$x}+\textbf{n}\tag{1}$$ where $$$\textbf{y$_\Omega$}$$$ is the acquired measurements with sub-sampling
pattern $$$\textbf{$\Omega$}$$$, $$$\textbf{E$_\Omega$}$$$ is the
multi-coil encoding matrix, and $$$\textbf{n}$$$ is
noise. For i.i.d. Gaussian noise, the maximum likelihood estimate is $$\mathrm{arg}\min\limits_{x}||\textbf{y$_\Omega$}-\textbf{E$_\Omega$x}||_2^2=(\textbf{E$^\textit{H}_\Omega$}\textbf{E$_\Omega$})^{-1}\textbf{E$^\textit{H}_\Omega$}\textbf{y$_\Omega$}\tag{2}$$ which is the CG-SENSE12
output without regularization. Alternatively, a regularized version of the
problem can be solved $$\mathrm{arg}\min \limits_{x}||\textbf{y$_\Omega$}-\textbf{E$_\Omega$x}||_2^2+\mathcal{R}(\textbf{x})\tag{3}$$ where $$$\mathcal{R}(\textbf{$\cdot$})$$$ is a regularizer, e.g. Tikhonov or l1-norm
of transform coefficients. In DL methods that rely on algorithm unrolling5,
the regularizer is implicitly learned through neural networks, leading to a
non-linear representation.
Adversarial Attacks: Let $$$\textbf{z} = \textbf{E$^\textit{H}_\Omega$}\textbf{y$_\Omega$}$$$ denote the zero-filled image,
and $$$\textit{f}(\textbf{z$_{\Omega}$})$$$ be a reconstruction algorithm
that takes as input the zero-filled image. Note that while the reconstruction
algorithm may take $$$\textbf{y$_\Omega$}$$$ as input, using the zero-filled
image allows consistency with the setup in9. We use an l∞-attack,
i.e. the attack $$$\textbf{r}$$$ on the input with $$$||\textbf{r}||_{\infty}<\epsilon$$$ leads to a reconstruction $$$\textit{f}(\textbf{z$_{\Omega}$}+\textbf{r})$$$ that largely deviates from the
original output $$$\textit{f}(\textbf{z$_{\Omega}$})$$$. The attack is chosen on the
zero-filled image instead of the fully-sampled image as done in9, because the latter is not practical: 1) One does not have access to
fully-sampled images to generate a practical attack, 2) In multi-coil MRI, the
encoding operator is not known exactly, but estimated. Finally, the attack is
not chosen in k-space, since it is difficult to define an l∞-perturbation
in k-space due to the varying signal strength between center and edges.
Imaging Data and Experiments: Coronal proton density knee MRI with
15-channel coils were obtained from the fastMRI database13. An
acceleration rate, R = 4 with 24 ACS lines was used, as common in DL-MRI reconstruction14. Both uniform and random undersampling were
investigated. For the former, CG-SENSE and GRAPPA were considered, while for
the latter, CG-SENSE and multi-coil CS were explored. For both undersampling
patterns, the attacks were performed on the CG-SENSE solution. Specifically,
the CG algorithm was unrolled for 10 iterations3. The attack was
generated on this unrolled CG using fast gradient sign method15 with
an MSE loss and $$$\epsilon=||\textbf{r}||_{\infty}/255$$$ (Fig. 1). For random
undersampling, this attack was used directly on multi-coil CS. For uniform
undersampling, the small perturbation attack on the zero-filled image was
converted to k-space for GRAPPA. Among the infinitely many k-space
perturbations on $$$\textbf{$\Omega$}$$$ that led to $$$\textbf{r}$$$ , the minimum l2
solution was picked.
For testing, CG-SENSE used 10 iterations; GRAPPA used
5×4 kernels. Multi-coil CS reconstruction utilized variable splitting, l1-norm
of Daubechies4 wavelets as the regularizer, and its parameters were tuned
empirically. All coil maps
were generated using ESPIRiT16.
Additionally, an attack was generated
on a pre-trained DL method17,18 based on an unrolled network to
investigate whether the linear data- consistency
units or the non-linear neural networks used for regularization were affected
more substantially.Results
Fig. 2 depicts CG-SENSE and GRAPPA results for uniform
undersampling. While the perturbation causes no visual difference in the fully-sampled
image, both methods fail under the attack. Fig. 3 shows CG-SENSE
and multi-coil CS reconstructions for random undersampling. The same conclusions apply, with both methods failing under a
non-visible small perturbation.
Fig. 4 depicts the results of an unrolled neural network
under an attack that targets it end-to-end. There is no major change when the
attack is run through a single regularizer unit, but output collapses when the
attack is passed through a single data-consistency unit. This suggests the end-to-end
attack on an unrolled network targets the linear data-consistency units.Discussion and Conclusions
Our results
indicate that for multi-coil MRI reconstruction, parallel imaging and
multi-coil CS are also susceptible to large instabilities from small
adversarial perturbations. Moreover, for DL reconstruction that utilize $$$\textbf{E$_\Omega$}$$$ explicitly,
adversarial attacks predominantly target the linear data consistency units. The
ill-conditioning of the encoding operator is well-discussed for CG-SENSE in
non-Cartesian acquisitions, which has led to an early stopping criterion in
practice19. While in
general, it is hard to compute the condition number, which depends on the coil
configuration and R, adversarial attacks enable a method to exploit such
ill-conditioning. Since these attacks also breakdown multi-coil MRI
reconstruction methods, including parallel imaging and CS, it is worthwhile to
interpret the instabilities of DL methods within this broader context. Acknowledgements
first three authors contributed equally to this work. Grant support: NIH R01HL153146, NIH P41EB027061, NIH U01EB025144;
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