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Session 1: The Sights & Sounds of MRI

Author:Martin Graves  


Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

Session Live Q&A Date:Sunday, 9 August 2020  

Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 4  

Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 1 - The Essentials of MR Physics: The Sights & Sounds of MRI Q&A  

Program Number:

Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 4  

    Session 2: The X-Factor

    Author:Martin Graves  


    Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

    Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 9  

    Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 2 - The Essentials of MR Physics: The X-Factor Q&A  

    Program Number:

    Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 9  

      Session 3: k-Space, the Final Frontier

      Author:Martin Graves  


      Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

      Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

      Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 13  

      Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 3 - The Essentials of MR Physics: k-Space, the Final Frontier Q&A 2  

      Program Number:

      Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 13  

        Session 3: k-Space, the Final Frontier Q&A 1

        Author:Martin Graves  


        Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

        Session Live Q&A Date:Monday, 10 August 2020  

        Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 10  

        Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 3 - The Essentials of MR Physics: k-Space, the Final Frontier Q&A 1  

        Program Number:

        Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 10  

          Session 4: Size Matters!

          Author:Martin Graves  


          Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

          Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

          Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 16  

          Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 4-The Essentials of MR Physics: Size Matters! Q&A 2  

          Program Number:

          Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 16  

            Session 4: Size Matters!

            Author:Martin Graves  


            Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

            Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

            Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 14  

            Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 4 - The Essentials of MR Physics: Size Matters! Q&A 1  

            Program Number:

            Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 14  

              Session 5: Compare & Contrast

              Author:Martin Graves  


              Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

              Session Live Q&A Date:Wednesday, 12 August 2020  

              Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 17  

              Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 5 - The Essentials of MR Physics: Compare & Contrast Q&A 1  

              Program Number:

              Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 17  

                Session 5: Compare & Contrast

                Author:Martin Graves  


                Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

                Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 19  

                Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 5 - The Essentials of MR Physics: Compare & Contrast Q&A 2  

                Program Number:

                Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 19  

                  Session 6: The Fast and the Furious

                  Author:Martin Graves  


                  Session Type:SMRT Ed Session  

                  Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                  Topic:SMRT Live Q&A 20  

                  Session Name:SMRT Masterclass with Martin Graves: Session 6 - The Essentials of MR Physics: The Fast & The Furious Q&A  

                  Program Number:

                  Room Live Q&A Session:SMRT Parallel Room 20  

                    Session 7: You Say "Artifact," I Say "Artefact"

                      Shape and Volume Analysis of the Fetal Brain Pre and Post Fetal Spina Bifida Surgery

                      Shaping the BOLD signal through Excitatory and Inhibitory Interaction.

                      Author:Rik Ubaghs  Harald Dermutz  Roman Böhringer  Markus Marks  Mehmet Fatih Yanik  Benjamin Grewe  

                      Institution:ETH Zurich  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:fMRI: Multimodal & Preclinical  

                      Session Name:fMRI Preclinical  

                      Program Number:3948  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Sharper Images in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with Magnetometric Dipole Kernels

                      Author:Anders Sandgaard  Sune Jespersen  

                      Institution:Aarhus University  Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Quantitative Tissue Properties and Novel Contrast Mechanisms  

                      Session Name:QSM & Its Methods  

                      Program Number:3197  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Shearlet-based susceptibility map reconstruction with iterative reweighting and nonlinear data fitting

                      Author:Janis Stiegeler  Sina Straub  

                      Institution:German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)  Heidelberg University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Quantitative Tissue Properties and Novel Contrast Mechanisms  

                      Session Name:Potpourri of Contrast Mechanisms  

                      Program Number:3246  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Shielded Electromagnetic Transducer for Liver Magnetic Resonance Elastography

                      Shielding Effects on Signal-to-Noise Ratio at Ultra-High Field MRI

                      A Shim Algorithm to Improve the Field Homogeneity and Image Quality in Cortico-Spinal fMRI

                      Author:Björn Fricke  Jürgen Finsterbusch  

                      Institution:University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf  

                      Session Type:Oral  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                      Topic:High resolution fMRI  

                      Session Name:fMRI Acquisition & Analysis  

                      Program Number:1216  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 4  

                      Short breathing tasks at the start of a resting state scan: feasible measures of cerebrovascular reactivity

                      Author:Rachael Stickland  Apoorva Ayyagari  Kristina Zvolanek  Molly Bright  

                      Institution:Northwestern University  

                      Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                      Topic:fMRI Physiology  

                      Session Name:Probing Physiology with fMRI  

                      Program Number:1112  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 4  

                      Short T1 Measurement Using an Inversion Recovery Prepared Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Cones (3D IR-UTE-Cones) Method

                      Short T2 Fraction Mapping of Skeletal Muscle Integrating Ultralow TE (UTE) and MP-IDEAL multiecho data

                      Author:Usha Sinha  Vadim Malis  Edward Smitaman  Shantanu Sinha  

                      Institution:San Diego State University  University of California San Diego  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Bone, Cartilage, and Muscle  

                      Session Name:Muscle 2  

                      Program Number:2722  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Short T2* Components Separation Based on Hyperbolic Tangent R2* Model Using Dual-Echo UTE Imaging

                      Short T2* quantification of knee structures based on accelerated UTE Spiral VIBE MRI with SPIRiT reconstruction

                      Short Term Effects of Running on Knee Cartilage: Global and Regional T2 Relaxation Times in Femoral Cartilage of Female Recreational Runners

                      Author:Hollis Crowder  Valentina Mazzoli  Marianne Black  Lauren Watkins  Feliks Kogan  Brian Hargreaves  Marc Levenston  Garry Gold  

                      Institution:Stanford University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Bone, Cartilage, and Muscle  

                      Session Name:Cartilage 1  

                      Program Number:2728  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Short TR DWI in prostate

                      Shortening Diagnostic T2w Breast Protocols to Capitalize on the Benefits of a Deep Learning Reconstruction

                      Short-range Tractography with high Throughput And Reproducibility (STTAR) characterized by FDT tracing and HDBSCAN clustering

                      Short-T2 MRI of Ancient Egyptian Mummified Human Tissue

                      Short-term effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on cerebral blood flow measured with ASL MRI

                      Short-term repeatability of magnetic resonance fingerprinting for T1 and T2 measurements of metastatic bone lesions in prostate cancer patients

                      Sigma-1 Receptor PET-MRI for Imaging Nociceptive Sources of Low Back Pain

                      Author:Daehyun Yoon  Peter Cipriano  Sandip Biswal  

                      Institution:Stanford University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Hyperpolarization and Molecular Imaging  

                      Session Name:Molecular Imaging: Applications 1  

                      Program Number:3060  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Signal Intensity in Dentate Nucleus Does Not Always Correlate with Accumulative Gadolinium doses after Whole-Brain Radiotherapy

                      The Signal Intensity of Anterior and Posterior Lobe of Pituitary and Thyroid Gland in Preterm and Term Infants

                      Signal-to-noise measurement of a 4-channel parallel radiofrequency transmission system for MRI at 3 T

                      Author:Benson Yang  Chih-hung Chen  Simon Graham  

                      Institution:McMaster University  Sunnybrook Research Institute  University of Toronto  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:RF coils  

                      Session Name:RF Coils 2  

                      Program Number:4035  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Signatures of microstructure in R2* decay: defining the limits of the weak field approximation

                      Author:Pippa Storey  Dmitry Novikov  

                      Institution:New York University School of Medicine  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Quantitative Tissue Properties and Novel Contrast Mechanisms  

                      Session Name:Potpourri of Contrast Mechanisms  

                      Program Number:3248  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Significance of Perivascular Spaces in Acute Ischemic Stroke and its Predictions of Epileptogenesis

                      Significant changes of APT signal in the Substantia Nigra and striatum of subacute PD mouse induced by MPTP

                      Author:Quan Tao  Peiwei Yi  Zimeng Cai  Yingjie Mei  Zhifeng Chen  Ruiyuan Liu  Wufan Chen  Yanqiu Feng  

                      Institution:Philips Healthcare  Southern Medical University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:CEST, Magnetization Transfer and Relaxometry  

                      Session Name:CEST Friends & Family  

                      Program Number:3107  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      SigPy.RF: Comprehensive Open-Source RF Pulse Design Tools for Reproducible Research

                      Author:Jonathan Martin  Frank Ong  Jun Ma  Jonathan Tamir  Michael Lustig  William Grissom  

                      Institution:Stanford University  University of California Berkeley  Vanderbilt University  UT Austin  

                      Session Type:Oral - Power Pitch  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                      Topic:Quantification, ML, and Tools  

                      Session Name:MRI Toolbox  

                      Program Number:1045  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 1  

                      Silent EPSI using a gradient axis driven at 20 kHz

                      Author:Edwin Versteeg  Kyungmin Nam  Dennis Klomp  Jeroen Hendrikse  Alex Bhogal  Jeroen Siero  Jannie Wijnen  

                      Institution:University Medical Center Utrecht  Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging Amsterdam  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:New Techniques in MRS  

                      Session Name:MRS Technical 4  

                      Program Number:2908  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Silent functional MRI for novel sound discrimination using the auditory oddball paradigm

                      Author:Nikou Damestani  David Lythgoe  Owen O'Daly  Florian Wiesinger  Ana Beatriz Solana  Steven Williams  Fernando Zelaya  

                      Institution:GE Healthcare  King's College London  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:fMRI: Acquisition & Applications  

                      Session Name:Non-Connectivity-Based Applications  

                      Program Number:3894  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Similar mechanisms and locations of white matter lesions in elderly healthy controls and asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis patients

                      Author:Stephan Kaczmarz  Jens Göttler  Andreas Hock  Claus Zimmer  Fahmeed Hyder  Christine Preibisch  

                      Institution:Philips Healthcare  Technical University of Munich  Yale University  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Aging Brains and Dementia  

                      Session Name:Aging Brains  

                      Program Number:1449  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      Similarity-Based Angiography (SIMBA) for Fast Reconstruction of Static Whole-Heart Coronary MR Images from Free-Running Acquisitions

                      Simple Anatomical Measures Correlate with Individual PNS Thresholds for kHz-range Homogeneous Magnetic Fields

                      Author:Omer Demirel  Toygan Kilic  Tolga Çukur  Emine Saritas  

                      Institution:Bilkent University  University of Minnesota  

                      Session Type:Oral  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

                      Topic:Engineering and Safety of MRI  

                      Session Name:MRI Safety  

                      Program Number:1127  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 5  

                      Simple Method for Off-Resonance Gas Artifact Removal in 129Xe Gas-Transfer MRI

                      Author:Matthew Willmering  Peter Niedbalski  Laura Walkup  Zackary Cleveland  Jason Woods  

                      Institution:Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center  University of Cincinnati  

                      Session Type:Digital Poster  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

                      Topic:Thoracic and Breast MRI  

                      Session Name:Hyperpolarized Gas Lung MRI  

                      Program Number:2282  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:

                      A simple method to estimate gradient delay for MRF

                      Author:Koji Fujimoto  Martijn Cloos  Tomohisa Okada  

                      Institution:Kyoto University  New York University School of Medicine  

                      Session Type:Oral  

                      Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

                      Topic:System Imperfections, Artifacts, and More  

                      Session Name:Measuring & Correcting System Imperfections  

                      Program Number:0657  

                      Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 3  

                      A simple phantom for extracting Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) model parameters