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Deep Learning Approaches Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Generate Synthetic CT from Spinal MRI for Radiotherapy Planning

Deep Learning for CMR Image Analysis

Author:Avan Suinesiaputra  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Date:Sunday, 08 May 2022  


Session Name:Cardiovascular Anatomy & Function with CMR  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 8-9  

Institution:King's College London  

Deep Learning-enabled Prostate Segmentation: Large Cohort Evaluation with Inter-Reader Variability Analysis

Dictionary Generation and Matching with Conditional Invertible Neural Networks for Cardiac MR Fingerprinting

Diffusion MRI in Group Studies

Author:J. Donald Tournier  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Date:Saturday, 07 May 2022  


Session Name:Diffusion  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Hall 1  

Institution:King's College London  

Disentangling apparent discordance between ASL-MRI and [18F]-FDG PET following a single dose of the β2-agonist clenbuterol

Dose-dependent response of cerebral blood flow in healthy volunteers following administration of β2-adrenergic receptor agonist clenbuterol

Dynamic Glucose Enhanced (DGE) CEST imaging at 3T: from phantom to patient with brain metastases

Author:Yulun Wu  Sophie Derks  Tobias Wood  Astrid van der Veldt  Marion Smits  Esther Warnert  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:CEST: Cancer  

Program Number:2805  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:Erasmus MC  King's College London  

Early tumour response to radiotherapy assessed by magnetic resonance elastography

Efficient 3D dark-blood thoracic and abdominal aortic imaging with novel motion-corrected water/fat DANTE sequence

Efficient 3D dark-blood thoracic and abdominal aortic imaging with novel motion-corrected water/fat DANTE sequence

Author:Camila Munoz  Alina Hua  Karl Kunze  Radhouene Neji  Tevfik Ismail  René Botnar  Claudia Prieto  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Poster: MRA & Flow  

Program Number:0090  

Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

Institution:King's College London  Siemens Healthcare Limited  

Evaluating the Risks of Scanning Children With Implants or Devices in Situ: Physics Considerations

Author:David Carmichael  

Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Pediatric MR Safety  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 14-16  

Institution:King's College London  

    Evaluation of a new, openly accessiblein vivo MP2RAGE mouse brain template for registration and morphometric analysis

    Evaluation of dynamic 2D-EPI acquisitions for fetal brain tracking with neural networks

    Evaluation of SAR and heating in children exposed to a 7T MRI Head Coil

    Author:Shaihan Malik  David Carmichael  Jeffrey Hand  Joseph Hajnal  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 8: Safety, Low-Field, and Interventional  

    Session Name:MRI Safety I  

    Program Number:2551  

    Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

    Institution:King's College London  

    Evaluation of banding artifacts suppression for inner ear MR imaging by 3D b-FFE-XD technique

    Extended Phase Graphs

    Author:Shaihan Malik  

    Session Type:Weekend Course  

    Session Date:Saturday, 07 May 2022  


    Session Name:MR Physics & Engineering I: Dances with Spins  

    Program Number:

    Room Session:N11 (Breakout A)  

    Institution:Kings College London  

    Fast and accurate creatine chemical exchange saturation transfer muscle imaging with quasi-steady state post-processing algorithm at 3T

    Feasibility and repeatability of oxygen-enhanced T1 measurements in primary colorectal cancer: a prospective study in 22 patients.

    Author:Davide Prezzi  Radhouene Neji  Isabel Dregely  Sami Jeljeli  Paul Bassett  Gary Cook  Vicky Goh  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 20: Cancer  

    Session Name:Cancer I  

    Program Number:3421  

    Room Session:4  

    Institution:King's College London  Statsconsultancy Ltd  Siemens Healthineers  

    Feasibility of compressed sensing accelerated Ristretto magnetic resonance elastography in the pancreas

    Free-running 3D T1 and T2 myocardial mapping and cine MRI in 3 mins using low-rank non-rigid motion-corrected reconstruction

    From Image Contrast to Quantitative Imaging

    Author:Tobias Wood  

    Session Type:Weekday Course  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


    Session Name:Physics for Clinicians I  

    Program Number:

    Room Session:N11 (Breakout B)  

    Institution:King's College London  

    Gadolinium-free Bright and Black-Blood 3D whole-heart MRI for efficient anatomical assessment in patients with Congenital Heart Disease

    Gauging tumour pressure and vasculature organization via Magnetic Resonance Elastography to grade brain tumours.

    Heartbeat-resolved cardiac CINE imaging via motion corrected reconstructions

    Author:Gastao Cruz  René Botnar  Claudia Prieto  

    Session Type:Power Pitch  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 18: Cardiac  

    Session Name:Pitch: Quantifying the Heart  

    Program Number:0015  

    Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

    Institution:King's College London  

    Heartbeat-resolved cardiac CINE imaging via motion corrected reconstructions

    Author:Gastao Cruz  René Botnar  Claudia Prieto  

    Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


    Session Name:Poster: Quantifying the Heart  

    Program Number:0015  

    Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

    Institution:King's College London  

    High resolution motion compensated contrast-free free-breathing 3D CMRA at 7T using single transmit coil

    Image enhancement of Quasi-Diffusion Imaging using a fully connected neural network

    Improving the Flexibility of RF Power-Sharing Networks with High-Power Phase Shifters

    Individualised assessment of regional brain volumes in neonates with Down syndrome reveals extreme deviation in white matter and cerebellum.

    Inline Implementation of Motion-Compensated, High-Resolution Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Initial Experience

    An integrated 64-channel receive array design for 7 Tesla head and torso MRI of young infants

    Author:Jérémie Clément  Joseph Hajnal  Özlem Ipek  

    Session Type:Oral  

    Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 24: RF Coils, Technologies & Sequences  

    Session Name:High-Field RF Coils & Arrays  

    Program Number:0712  

    Room Session:N11 (Breakout B)  

    Institution:King's College London  

    Intravoxel Incoherent Motion-Diffusion Weighted Imaging derived parameters for survival prediction of multiple myeloma

    Author:Yang Li  Nan Hong  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

    Session Name:MSK I  

    Program Number:3090  

    Room Session:2  

    Institution:Peking university people's hospital  

    Investigating the contribution of hyaluronan (HA) to the breast tumour microenvironment using multiparametric MRI and histology