Algorithm for Automated Identification of Spectral Characteristics

Assessment of Shear Strain in Intervertebral Discs In Vivo with Magnetic Resonance Elastography

Cardiac 1H MRS detected reduced myocardial triglycerides after Doxorubicin injection: an in vivo animal study

Clinical MSK Imaging and Challenges at 7T

A Comparison on the Estimated Stiffness and Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Elastography Images Acquired at 3T and 7T

Deep learning based synthetic CT skull for transcranial MRgFUS interventions using 3D V-net–Transfer learning implications

Deep Learning-Based Liver Fat and R2* Mapping with Uncertainty Estimation using Self-Gated Free-Breathing Stack-of-Radial MRI

Dual-echo volumetric navigators for field mapping and shim correction in MR neuroimaging

Evaluating Pilot Tone and self-gating for retrospective cardiac binning in highly accelerated, whole heart 4D flow imaging

Evaluation of Dixon MRI Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Thigh Muscle Fatty Infiltration in Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis

Hepatic iron quantification using a Free-breathing 3D Radial Dixon technique and validation with a 2D GRE biopsy calibration

Impact of gadolinium contrast on image quality and quantitative flow assessment using conventional and compressed sensing 4D flow prototypes

Improved Efficiency of Free-Breathing Stack-of-Radial MRI for Liver Fat and R2* Quantification Using Accelerated k-space Shift Calibration

Intra-patient comparison of 3D and 2D MRE techniques for assessment of liver fibrosis

Motion Correction of Abdominal Diffusion-Weighted MRI Using Internal Motion Vectors

MR Multitasking based Multidimensional Assessment of Cardiovascular System (MT-MACS) with Extended Spatial Coverage and Water-Fat Separation

Multi-Task MR Simulation for Abdominal Radiation Treatment Planning: Technical Development

Performance evaluation of a Compressed Sensing SWI technique on a clinical 7T MRI system

Regulating labeling efficiency in arterial spin labeling using a multi-coil B0 shim array: Application to territory mapping

Single ProjectIon DrivEn Real-time (SPIDER) Multi-contrast MR Imaging Using Pre-learned Spatial Subspace

Six-Dimensional, Free-Breathing Multitasking Multi-Echo (MT-ME) MRI for Whole-Liver T1, PDFF, and R2* Quantification

Spectral-Heterogeneity-Adaptive Radiofrequency Pulses for Improving the Conspicuity of Meniscal Tears at 3T and 7T

Streaking artifact reduction of free-breathing undersampled stack-of-radial MRI using a 3D generative adversarial network

Uniform Combined Reconstruction for Improving Receive Intensity Homogeneity of N-dimensional 7T MRI