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An 8-Channel Shielded Transceiver Coil for Carotid Artery imaging at 7T

Accuracy of a commercial high-speed T2-corrected multi-echo single voxel sequence at 3T as a function of R2*for measurement of liver fat content

Accuracy of quantitative DCE-MRI depends on the implementation of the convolution operation

Acquisition optimization for cortical ihMTsat imaging

Author:Christopher Rowley  Ilana Leppert  Jennifer Campbell  G Pike  Christine Tardif  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 31: Molecular Imaging  

Session Name:MT & CEST  

Program Number:2706  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:McGill University  University of Calgary  

Addressing Patient-Related Artifacts: Implants & Motion

Author:Ives Levesque  

Session Type:Weekday Course  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  


Session Name:Physics for Clinicians II  

Program Number:

Room Session:N11 (Breakout B)  

Institution:McGill University  

Application of SAME-ECOS to 7T gradient-echo based myelin water imaging: a comparison of model-free and model-based approaches

Bilateral characterization of fractional anisotropy within the anterior cruciate ligament: A step toward clinical use of DTI in the knee

Author:Allen Champagne  Andrew McGuire  Kaden Shearer  Don Brien  Paul Martineau  Davide Bardana  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 27: MSK II  

Session Name:MSK III  

Program Number:3402  

Room Session:5  

Institution:McGill University  Queen's University  

A comparison of model-based deconvolution methods for estimating the carbon-dioxide response function in resting-state fMRI

Correlations of inflammation metrics from multi echo T2 relaxation and multi-shell diffusion imaging in multiple sclerosis

Differences in myelin measures between slowly evolving and non-slowly evolving lesions

Effects of T2*-blurring on effective resolution of diffusion MRI with spiral and EPI readout trajectories at 7T

Efficient MTsat mapping using sparse MP2RAGE for T1 and M0 measurement with B1+ inhomogeneity correction

Feasibility of magnetization transfer measurement in distinct white matter connections

Feature and voxel fidelity constraints improve the accuracy of direct inversion quantitative susceptibility mapping in deep gray matter

Frequency and Phase Drift Correction of Rosette MRSI Data using Spectral Registration

Author:Sneha Senthil  Brenden Kadota  Jamie Near  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 7: Spectroscopy & Hyperpolarization  

Session Name:Spectroscopy I  

Program Number:2543  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:McGill University  Sunnybrook Research Institute  

Further insight on T1relaxation in fat-water mixtures

A general framework of synthesizing 129Xe MRI data for improved segmentation model training

Harmonization of Huge Data & Preparing It for Machine Learning

Author:Jean-Baptiste Poline  

Session Type:Onsite Tutorial  

Session Date:Saturday, 07 May 2022  


Session Name:Getting a @Handle on Big Neuroimaging Datasets  

Program Number:

Room Session:S11 (Breakout A)  

Institution:McGill University  

    Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI is sensitive to variations in gas exchange impairment in patients with long haul COVID-19

    Increased repeatability in blind source separation analysis of dynamic contrast enhanced MRI

    Multiple sclerosis T2 lesion volume correlates weakly with myelin water fraction

    Myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging provide unique information about multiple sclerosis myelin and axonal damage

    Myelin water and multi-shell diffusion imaging provide unique information about multiple sclerosis myelin and axonal damage

    Neurochemical and cognitive changes precede structural abnormalities in the TgF344-AD rat model of Alzheimer’s disease

    Quality Assessment of Mouse fMRI: Evaluating Temporal Stability of Preclinical Scanners

    Author:Mila Urosevic  Jeremie Fouquet  M. Chakravarty  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 30: Quantitative Imaging  

    Session Name:Quantitative Imaging  

    Program Number:5006  

    Room Session:4  

    Institution:Douglas Mental Health University Institute  McGill University  

    Quantitative T2* and T1 mapping of post-mortem MS tissue at 7T for discrimination of normal-appearing and dirty-appearing white matter pathology

    The Role of Systematic Reviews & Meta-Analyses in Imaging

    Sensitive Quantification of Hypomyelination and Axon g-ratio UsingUltra High Resolution 7T Multi-Echo Gradient Echo MRI with BSS-rPCA

    Ventilation Defect Synthesis in Hyperpolarized 129Xe Ventilation MRI to Accelerate Training of Segmentation Models