Feasibility of magnetization transfer measurement in distinct white matter connections
Pietro Bontempi1,2, Ilana R. Leppert3, Simona Schiavi1,4, Jennifer S. W. Campbell3, Mark Nelson3,5, Bruce G. Pike6, Christine L. Tardif3,5,7, and Alessandro Daducci1
1Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy, 3McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child Health (DINOGMI), University of Genoa, Genova, Italy, 5Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 6Hotchkiss Brain Institute and Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, 7Department of Biomedical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada


Magnetization Transfer (MT) imaging is a MR technique that sensitizes image contrast to protons bound to macromolecules such as protein and lipids. Using an innovative sequence that combines MT and diffusion- imaging, and Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT), a method that allows estimation of bundle tissue properties, we investigate bundle specific MT ratio (MTR) values.

Main findings

Using an innovative sequence that combines magnetization transfer and diffusion imaging we evaluate bundle-specific MTR as an index of myelination.


Magnetization transfer (MT) is an MRI technique that sensitizes image contrast to protons bound to macromolecules (such as protein and lipids) by the application of an off-resonance pulse that saturates the bound-pool magnetization. Due to the MT process, the water proton pool becomes partially saturated and a reduction in signal intensity is measured1. The extent of such transfer is defined by the MT ratio (MTR) and voxel-wise MTR maps are usually calculated as follows:
where MTon and MToff represent the voxel signal intensity with and without the application of the off-resonance saturation pulse respectively.
Tractometry, on the other hand, is an analysis technique that tries to overcome the qualitative nature of tractography by sampling a pre-defined scalar map at each vertex of a reconstructed tract2,3. Such a measure, however, lacks accuracy when multiple fiber populations coexist in the same voxels (there are at least two fiber populations in ~90% of white matter voxels)4–6.
In this work we propose a method that allows for the assessment of bundle-specific MTR by combining a co-encoded diffusion and MT weighted sequence with Convex Optimization Modeling for Microstructure Informed Tractography (COMMIT)7, a framework that allows estimation of bundle-specific tissue properties by assigning the specific signal contribution to each individual streamline. The assumption behind this framework is that the microstructural feature under investigation is constant along the trajectory of a streamline.


Four healthy subjects (HS) were imaged with a 3D MPRAGE with 1mm3 isotropic spatial resolution (TI/TE/TR=900/2.98/2300ms, FA=9deg), and a novel MT-prepared diffusion-weighted (DW) sequence used to acquire dual-encoded data. The MT preparation block consisted of 12 Hanning pulses of 2ms duration, with a gap of 1.2ms, off-resonance frequency of 4kHz and a B1rms of 5uT. Diffusion encoding was done using a b-value of 1500 s/mm2 and 30 directions. Other protocol parameters were TE=58ms, TR=8400ms, 62 slices, resolution=2.6x2.6x2.6mm3. The sequence was repeated with (MTon) and without (MToff) the MT preparation, for a total scan time of 9min. DW images (DWIs) were pre-processed to account for subject movement, susceptibility and eddy current induced distortions with FSL8,9. Then, DWIs were upsampled, registered to MP2RAGE and aligned to the Desikan-Killiany atlas with FreeSurfer10. Anatomically constrained probabilistic tractography was performed on the MToff data only using the iFOD2 algorithm11 (3M streamlines), as implemented in MRtrix3, and non-connecting streamlines were discarded. COMMIT was applied separately to the MTon and MToff datasets using the same tractogram as input to estimate the actual contributions of the streamlines to the signal in both datasets. MT induced signal reduction is expected to occur in the intra- and extra-axonal water near the myelin sheaths, in COMMIT we used a Zeppelin as the forward model for the streamlines and a Ball for the remaining tissue12. Streamlines whose contribution was greater than 0 were grouped in bundles according to the pair of cortical regions they connect. Finally, the total contribution of a bundle was calculated as the weighted average of the streamlines’ contribution assigned by COMMIT to each streamline as in13. We took the following approach to calculate a bundle specific MTR estimated by COMMIT:
MTRbundle = ( MToffbundle – MTonbundle ) / MToffbundle ,
where MTonbundle and MToffbundle are the sum of the contributions of each streamline belonging to a specific bundle for MTon and MToff datasets respectively. A representation of the pipeline is presented in Figure 1.
The proposed method was compared to tractometry which, for each streamline in a specific bundle, averages the MTR values along the streamlines path. The standard tractometry approach was applied to the MTR maps calculated with b0 images.

Results and Discussion

Given that MTR is an indirect measure of myelination, we show in Figure 2 only a few bundles that belong to the left motor network area and that have been previously used as a benchmark for myelin bundle decomposition4,5. To compare COMMIT and tractometry the bundles have been colour-coded by the MTR values recovered by each approach. The MTR estimated with COMMIT are higher for the bundles connecting the left precentral gyri (PrCG) with the medulla than those that connect the left PrCG with the left subcortical nuclei14. In contrast, the tractometry approach appears flat, as also suggested by the connectomes.
In Figure 3 we show a summary of the reproducibility assessment made on the 4 HS. In all the subjects it is possible to observe a consistently higher MTR recovered by COMMIT in the left PrCG - medulla bundles compared to the left PrCG – left subcortical nuclei bundles. The connectomes reported in the bottom-right panels of Figure 3 show a high level of similarity.


For the first time we are able to measure bundle-specific MTR by applying COMMIT to an innovative dual-encoded MT-dMRI weighted sequence. The method proposed here could allow the evaluation of altered macromolecular content at the bundle level and improve our understanding of pathological progression in various neurological diseases.


The following sources of funding have supported this work:Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN), Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives (HBHL), the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), and Brain Research Foundation Verona (BRFV).


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Figure 1: Representation of the processing pipeline. T1 images are aligned to Desikan-Killiany atlas with FreeSurfer and registered to b0s (red box); tractography is performed on the pre-processed MToff dataset, the resulting tractogram is used as input for COMMIT and an MToff COMMIT-weighted connectome is calculated (blue box); the tractogram created on MToff data is used as input for COMMIT on the MTon dataset to obtain a MTon COMMIT weighted connectome (orange box); finally, the COMMIT weighted MTR connectome is calculated (green box).

Figure 2: Comparison between representative bundles colored by COMMIT weighted (orange box) and tractometry weighted (blue box) methods. The arrows highlight PrCG-putamen (green), PrCG-thalamus (red) and PrCG-medulla (blue) bundles. The MTR connectomes calculated with COMMIT and tractometry are reported in the bottom right of the corresponding box.

Figure 3: Summary of the reproducibility assessment made on the 4 HS. The bundles here reported are the same shown in Figure 2. In each box are reported the corresponding MTR connectomes calculated with COMMIT and tractometry.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/0376