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Body Applications of VSASL

Author:Dan Zhu  

Session Type:Member-Initiated Tutorials  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  


Session Name:Velocity-Selective ASL: From Theory to Practice  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 17  

Institution:Kennedy Krieger Institute  

    Comparison of Velocity Selective ASL and PCASL
    with Phase-Contrast MRI for Measuring
    CO2-induced Cerebrovascular Reactivity

    Author:Feng Xu  Cuimei Xu  Dapeng Liu  Dan Zhu  Hanzhang Lu  Qin Qin  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 26: Perfusion and Permeability  

    Session Name:Perfusion & Permeability IV  

    Program Number:4907  

    Room Session:2  

    Institution:Johns Hopkins University  Kennedy Krieger Institute  

    Curve shape analysis of dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI in patients with brain tumor

    Curve shape analysis of dynamic glucose enhanced (DGE) and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI in patients with brain tumor

    Deep learning-based CEST MRI classification of injured kidneys in multiple preclinical models

    Detection of early metastatic lymph nodes using inflow-based vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) MR imaging

    Explaining variation inDTI parameters with meningioma microscopy: A comparison between a neural network and an image-feature-based approach

    Functional activities detected in the olfactory bulb and associated olfactory regions in the human brain using T2-prepared BOLD fMRI at 7T

    Genetically Engineered “Multicolour” MRI Reporters for In Vivo Imaging of Transgenes Expression

    Image Downsampling Expedited Adaptive Least-squares (IDEAL) fitting improves IVIM analysis in the human kidney

    Impact of gradient scheme and shimming on out-of-voxel echo artefacts in edited MRS

    Importance of linear-combination modeling for quantification of GABA and glutathione levels using Hadamard-edited MRS

    Is Editing Ready for the Clinics?

    Author:Georg Oeltzschner  

    Session Type:Weekend Course  

    Session Date:Sunday, 08 May 2022  


    Session Name:Steady-State MRS  

    Program Number:

    Room Session:N11 (Breakout B)  

    Institution:The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine  Kennedy Krieger Institute  

    Learning-based prediction of encoding capability for acquisition schedule of Magnetization Transfer Contrast MR fingerprinting

    Magnetic resonance imaging of cationic compounds using their proton exchange modulating effect

    Noninvasive assessment of unilateral ureter obstruction using dynamic contrast-enhanced MR-CEST urography

    Noninvasive assessment of unilateral ureter obstruction using dynamic contrast-enhanced MR-CEST urography

    On the optimization of 3D inflow-based vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) MRI for the quantification of arteriolar cerebral blood volume (CBVa)

    On the Reliability of Connectome Harmonic Decompositions of Human Brain Structure and Function

    On the Reliability of Connectome Harmonic Decompositions of Human Brain Structure and Function

    Preclinical MR spectroscopy of GABA: conventional PRESS versus spectral editing with MEGAPRESS and HERMES

    Predicting tumor recurrence in patients with gliomas via deep learning-based analysis of structural and amide proton transfer weighted MRI

    Quantification of Electrostatic Molecular Binding Model Using the Water Proton Signal

    Sensitivity of dMRI with TBSS analysis to WM pathology in SLE: influence of field strength, acquisition approach and post-processing strategy

    Sensitivity of dMRI with TBSS analysis to WM pathology in SLE: influence of field strength, acquisition approach and post-processing strategy

    Simultaneous perfusion, diffusion, T2*, and T1 mapping with MR Fingerprinting (MRF-PDT)

    Simultaneous perfusion, diffusion, T2*, and T1 mapping with MR Fingerprinting (MRF-PDT)

    Simultaneous hemodynamic and structural imaging of ischemic stroke with MR Fingerprinting ASL

    Structural abnormalities in olfactory brain regions in early Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients measured by high resolution MRI at 7T

    Ultrafast B1 Mapping with RF-Prepared 3D FLASH Acquisition: Correcting the Bias due to T1-Induced k-Space Filtering Effect

    Author:Dan Zhu  Qin Qin  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 29: Processing & Analysis  

    Session Name:Processing & Analysis II  

    Program Number:4386  

    Room Session:1  

    Institution:Kennedy Krieger Institute  Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine  

    Velocity-selective arterial spin labeling perfusion in the evaluation of treated high grade gliomas at 1.5 Tesla