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3D joint T1/T1ρ mapping and water-fat imaging for contrast-agent free myocardial tissue characterization

An 8-Channel Shielded Transceiver Coil for Carotid Artery imaging at 7T

Automatic segmentation of whole-body MRI using UnnU-Net: Feasibility of whole-skeleton ADC evaluation in plasma cell disorders

Clinical evaluation and reproducibility of 3D whole-heart free-breathing joint T1/T2 quantification with isotropic resolution.

Distortion correction of 3D EPI for cortical depth-resolved fMRI at 7T

Efficient 3D dark-blood thoracic and abdominal aortic imaging with novel motion-corrected water/fat DANTE sequence

Efficient 3D dark-blood thoracic and abdominal aortic imaging with novel motion-corrected water/fat DANTE sequence

Author:Camila Munoz  Alina Hua  Karl Kunze  Radhouene Neji  Tevfik Ismail  René Botnar  Claudia Prieto  

Session Type:Power Pitch Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Poster: MRA & Flow  

Program Number:0090  

Room Session:Power Pitch Theatre 1  

Institution:King's College London  Siemens Healthcare Limited  

High resolution motion compensated contrast-free free-breathing 3D CMRA at 7T using single transmit coil

The impact and correction of inter-scan motion artefacts in variable flip angle R1 mapping at 3T and 7T

The impact and correction of inter-scan motion artefacts in variable flip angle R1 mapping at 3T and 7T

Improving cortical bone imaging using a novel Flexible Ultra Short Echo time (FUSE) sequence for optimal synthetic CT generation

Author:Lumeng Cui  Emily McWalter  Gerald Moran  Niranjan Venugopal  

Session Type:Online Pitches  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

Topic:Module 27: MSK II  

Session Name:MSK III  

Program Number:3401  

Room Session:5  

Institution:Siemens Healthcare Limited  University of Manitoba  University of Saskatchewan  

Inline Implementation of Motion-Compensated, High-Resolution Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Initial Experience

Inter- & Intra-visit Reproducibility of Free-Breathing Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease

Optimization of dual flip angle T1mapping at 7T with B1 transmit variability

Perfusion Observations using Spherical Slice-shuffled Ultra-high-field MRI (POSSUM)

Pilot Tone meets DISORDER: Improved data-driven motion-corrected brain MRI by leveraging Pilot Tone signal variations

Prospective 3D FatNav motion correction for 7T Terra

Simultaneous lumen and vessel wall imaging withiT2Prep-BOOST for an efficient comprehensive assessment of aortic disease

Towards quantification of semisolid tissue properties at 7T using multiband-MRF methods.