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Combining functional and structural information for optimal planning during ultrahigh temporal resolution line-scanning

Dependence of CBV estimated from 7T Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast data on white matter tract and cortical gray matter orientation relative to B0

Double spin-echo EPI improves sensitivity and specificity for cortical depth-dependent BOLD fMRI in the human somatosensory cortex at 7 T

Functional connectome of arousal and motor brainstem nuclei using 7 Tesla resting-state fMRI in living humans

Highly Accelerated Sub-millimeter Resolution 3D EPI using Variable Density CAIPI Sampling with Temporal Random Walk for Functional MRI at 7 Tesla

Investigating in-vivo function of Zebrin-II stripes of the cerebellum using tactile stimulation and prediction.

Author:Lenno Ruijters  Nikos Priovoulos  Wietske van der Zwaag  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:3367  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging  

Laminar analysis of luminance-dependent visual activation in human V1 with voxel centroid mapping method

Mapping digit-representations in BA3b during stimulation and investigating their intrinsic connectivity at rest using VASO

Author:Sebastian Dresbach  Renzo Huber  Rainer Goebel  Amanda Kaas  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:0635  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University  

Mapping of Whole-brain Resting-State Networks with Half-millimetre Resolution using TR-external EPIK at 7T

Motor preparatory inhibition is reflected as a layer dependent suppression in the human primary motor cortex

Multi-centre, multi-vendor 7 Tesla fMRI reproducibility of hand digit representation in the human somatosensory cortex

Multi-echo line-scanning for ultra-high spatiotemporal resolution: optimal settings for BOLD sensitivity enhancement

New Frontiers of Human Neuroscience: 0.5 mm isotropic 7T in Vivo Human fMRI

Author:Luca Vizioli  Logan Dowdle  Steen Moeller  Essa Yacoub  Kamil Ugurbil  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:3377  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:University of Minnesota  

Optimization of simultaneous multislice (SMS) technique for submillimeter whole brain functional MRI at 7T

Author:Baolian Yang  Graeme McKinnon  Brice Fernandez  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:3380  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:GE Healthcare  

Shot-wise separate motion correction and ICA denoising for BISEPI high-resolution fMRI study at 7T

Simultaneous pure spin-echo and gradient-echo BOLD fMRI using Echo Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI) for mapping laminar fMRI responses

Author:Fuyixue Wang  Zijing Dong  Lawrence Wald  Jonathan Polimeni  Kawin Setsompop  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:0631  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Massachusetts General Hospital  Stanford University  MIT  

Submillimeter Arterial Blood Contrast fMRI at 7T

Temporal deviant detection in human auditory cortex using high-field fMRI

Author:Miriam Heynckes  Elia Formisano  Peter De Weerd  Federico De Martino  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:3368  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Maastricht University  

Topographical and Laminar Distribution of Audiovisual Processing within Human Planum Temporale

VASO-fMRI with Nordic-PCA for laminar sensory testing at 7 Tesla

Author:Nils Nothnagel  Alison Symon  Andrew Morgan  Renzo Huber  John Riddell  Jozien Goense  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:0632  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Maastricht University  NIH  University of Glasgow  

Whole brain layer-fMRI: An open dataset for methods benchmarking