Jonathan R. Polimeni1,2, Olivia M. Viessmann1, Qiyuan Tian1, Michaƫl Bernier1, Meher R. Juttukonda1, Yi-Fen Yen1, and David H. Salat1,3
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Neuroimaging Research for Veterans Center, VA Boston Healthcare System, Boston, MA, United States
Previous studies have reported an orientation effect in DSC
data within the white matter in which CBV estimates vary systematically with
the orientation of local fiber orientation. Other studies have reported similar
orientation effects in BOLD fMRI data both with respect to white-matter fiber
orientation and gray-matter cortical orientation. Here we extend these findings
by investigating orientation effects in gray and white matter in DSC-based CBV estimates.
We find strong effects in both brain regions consistent with both groups of
prior studies, corroborating previous interpretations that the observed BOLD effects
in the white matter are vascular in origin.
Previous studies have indirectly investigated between vascular anatomy and tissue anatomy by observing a consistent relationship
between the amplitude of BOLD-fMRI signal fluctuations and the orientation of
the cortical gray matter surface and the orientation of the cerebral
white matter tracts relative to the B0 direction, both due to susceptibility effects[1–3]. Other studies demonstrated this orientation effect in the white matter in measurements of
cerebral blood volume (CBV) from dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)
data by comparing the estimated CBV values with local fiber orientations
estimated using diffusion-weighted MRI[4–6],
again most likely caused by susceptibility effects.
Here we reproduce and extend these
previous findings by again investigating the orientation dependence of baseline
CBV estimates made from DSC data acquired at 7T in the white matter and for the
first time also in the gray matter. We observe strong orientation effects in
both the gray (15%) and white matter (10%), supporting previous interpretations
of the vascular origins of BOLD fMRI orientation dependence in the white
Twenty-nine volunteers (66±5 y.o., 17 F) participated after
providing written informed consent. Volunteers were scanned on a whole-body 7-Tesla
MRI scanner (MAGNETOM, Siemens). Each functional session began with two diffusion-weighted
EPI protocols at b=1000 and 2000 s/mm2 (TE=62 ms, TR=5000 ms,
nominal echo spacing= 0.53 ms, R=3 acceleration, no partial Fourier, 2
mm iso., 64 slices, TA=6:00) with 60 diffusion directions interspersed with
seven b=0 s/mm2 images. The DSC protocol consisted of SMS-EPI[7] (TE=22 ms, TE=1500 ms,
nominal echo spacing=0.69 ms, R=3, MultiBand-2, fa=75°, 58 slices, 20%
gap, TA=3:08) acquired during Gadolinium contrast agent injection. Volunteers returned
for an anatomical session on a 3-Tesla MRI scanner (TimTRIO, Siemens) and a Multi-Echo
data were corrected for eddy current distortions and bulk motion and
co-registered using the “eddy” function from FSL. The diffusion tensor model
was fitted on pre-processed diffusion data using FSL's “dtifit” to derive the
primary eigenvector (V1). For each subject, the averaged b=0 diffusion image
was affinely co-registered to the averaged DSC image (first 10 volumes) using
FSL's “flirt”. Voxel-wise V1 was then resampled to the fMRI space using the
derived affine transformation with nearest-neighbor interpolation, and rotated
accordingly to account for the rotation in the affine transformation.
DSC data
were analyzed by first motion-correcting with FSL’s “mcflirt”, then perfusion
analysis was performed with PGUI software (Center for Functionally Integrative
Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Denmark) to derive parametric perfusion
images. An arterial input function (AIF) from middle cerebral artery branches
was selected based on cluster analysis of voxel-wise dynamic curves[8]. MTT was computed via the
central volume theorem using CBV from the integration of the dynamic curve and
CBF from the residue function after singular value decomposition of the AIF[9,10].
reconstruction was performed automatically, using the MPRAGE data, with
of the cortical surface normal relative to the B0 field axis was
computed for the position of the brain at the time of the DSC acquisition, as
described previously[1,2]. White matter tract orientation was also computed
for the position of the brain at the time of the DSC acquisition, as described
previously[3]. Finally, CBV values estimated from the DSC
data were binned according to both cortical gray matter and white matter
Examples of the 7T DSC data and associated CBV estimates are
provided in Fig. 1, and show high data quality. Example of the same-session 7T
diffusion-weighted images and associated fractional-anisotropy estimates are
presented in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 presents the orientation dependence relative to the cortical surface of the CBV estimates
in the gray matter for three cortical depths. At the gray/CSF interface a
strong 15% effect is seen, suggesting that CBV may be overestimated in regions
parallel to B0 due to strong extravascular dephasing of the pial vessels. The
effect is negligible for the mid-gray surface, and reappears at the gray/white
interface but with an opposite sign.
Fig. 4 presents the orientation dependence
relative to the fiber tracts of the CBV estimates in the white matter. These results
largely reproduce previous findings consistent with a strong effect of blood vessels
running parallel to the tracts.Discussion
Here we have reproduced previous findings both from
DSC-based estimates of CBV[4–6]
and from resting-state BOLD fluctuations[3]
of a strong orientation dependence in the white matter that reflects the blood
vessels. While our previous BOLD data exhibited WM orientation effects in part
from blood vessels and presumably the myelinated fibers themselves, the current
data are consistent with a strong geometric coupling between blood vessels and
fiber anatomy, and support our previous interpretation of a vascular
contribution to the observed BOLD orientation dependence in the white matter.
We also demonstrate experimentally, for the first time, an expected orientation
effect on the baseline CBV estimates in the cortical gray matter with a
magnitude of roughly 15%, in this case reflecting a coupling between cortical
and pial vascular geometry. These orientation biases are due to the
susceptibility effect underlying the CBV estimates, which is more pronounced at
higher field. Future work will quantify the strength of this orientation effect
in individual fiber bundles to infer which bundles exhibit the presence of
large blood vessels.Acknowledgements
We thank Kimberly Stephens and Randa Almaktoum for help with data curation and preprocessing.
work was supported in part by the NIH NIBIB (grants P41-EB030006, R01-EB019437
and R21-NS106706), by the BRAIN
Initiative (NIH NIMH grants R01-MH111419 and R01-MH111438), and by the
MGH/HST Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging; and was
made possible by the resources provided by NIH Shared Instrumentation Grants
S10-RR023043 and S10-RR019371. We gratefully acknowledge the use of Siemens
Works-In-Progress (WIP) package #511.References
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