Correlation between inter-cortical depth fMRI signals and oscillatory neuronal responses during music listening
Hsin-Ju Lee1,2, Pu-Yeh Wu1, Hankyeol Lee3, Kamil Uludag3,4, Hsiang-Yu Yu5,6,7, Cheng-Chia Lee6,7,8, Chien-Chen Chou5,6, Chien Chen5,6, Wen-Jui Kuo7,9, and Fa-Hsuan Lin1,2,10
1Physical Sciences Platform, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic Science, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 4Techna Institute & Koerner Scientist in MR Imaging,, Joint Department of Medical Imaging and Krembil Brain Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Department of Epilepsy, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 6School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 7Brain Research Center, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 8Department of Neurosurgery, Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 9Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 10Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland


We explored the correlation between cortical depth-dependent fMRI signal and oscillatory neural activity during music listening using high-resolution fMRI (7T with 0.8 mm and 3T with 1.5 mm isotropic resolution, respectively) and invasive electrode recording on epilepsy patients. The hemodynamic responses in the auditory cortex were found positively and negatively correlated with neural oscillations in the gamma and alpha/beta band at right and both hemispheres, respectively. These correlations were highest at the intermediate cortical depth. Core and non-core areas of the auditory cortex had different correlations.


The fMRI signal in the human auditory cortex is positively and negatively correlated to gamma and alpha band neuronal oscillations, respectively, during movie watching1. Yet how BOLD signals at different cortical depths are correlated to neural signals under naturalistic acoustic stimuli remained unknown. Because of different input-output neuronal connections and vascular reactivities, the coupling between the fMRI signal and oscillatory neural activity is expected to vary across cortical depths. Specifically, with preferential anatomical feed-forward connections to the intermediate cortical depth in the primary sensory regions2,3, we hypothesize that the hemodynamic response in intermediate cortical depth is more significantly correlated to neural signals than in superficial or deep layers. We further hypothesize that this correlation is more significant in the primary auditory cortex and most prominent at the right hemisphere4. Here we use cortical-depth dependent fMRI5-7 and invasive electrode recording on epilepsy patients to study the correlation between neural oscillations and fMRI signals across cortical depths in the auditory cortex during music listening.


All patients and participants joined this study with written informed consent after the approval of the Institute Review Boards. Functional MRI data were acquired on a 7T (Terra, Siemens) and 3T MRI systems (Skyra, Siemens) with a 32-channel whole-head coil array and a customized 24-channel coil array fitted the right temporal lobe8, respectively. Structural and functional images from 3 (at 7T) and 16 (at 3T) healthy participants were acquired with MP2RAGE and a 0.8-mm (at 7T) and 1.5-mm (at 3T) isotropic resolution EPI, respectively. Nine cortical surfaces with equally spaced cortical thickness were reconstructed from the structural images using FreeSurfer 9,10. Auditory stimulus including three songs (Song 1: “Doraemon” theme song, Song 2: “Brahms Piano Concerto No. 1”, and Song 3: “Lost stars” from Adam Levine). Each participant listened to each song twice in a randomized order.
Electrophysiological responses were measured from six epilepsy patients by stereotactic electroencephalography (sEEG). All patients had an electrode (Ad-Tech Medical Instrument, Oak Creek, WI, USA) with up to eight contacts (5-mm separation) at the temporal lobe. Pre-surgery and post-surgery structural MRIs were obtained from patients to identify electrode and contact locations. The same three songs were presented to each patient, who listened to each song twice in a randomized order.
The sEEG data were re-referenced to the average of each electrode. Frequency-specific oscillatory neural activities were estimated by first applying the Morlet wavelet transform (the central frequencies varying between 4 Hz and 150 Hz in steps of 2 Hz and 7-cycle width) to the sEEG time series and then taking the absolute values. At each central frequency, a modeled fMRI time series was created by convolving a canonical hemodynamic response function to the oscillatory neural activities at that frequency. Singular Value Decomposition was applied to the collection of the modeled fMRI time series from all contacts on the electrode at the temporal lobe. The first singular vector was taken as the average of the modeled fMRI time series elicited by frequency-specific oscillatory neural activities.
At each central frequency, a General Linear Model was used to correlate between the sEEG and cortical depth specific fMRI data from two different participant groups to reduce the concern of within-subject variability. We particularly focused on the core and noncore regions of the auditory cortex8.


Figure 1 shows the average of the modeled fMRI time series elicited by frequency-specific oscillatory neural activities in listening to three different songs in two repetitions. Reproducible patterns were found below 30 Hz. At the auditory cortex, negative and positive correlations were found between the fMRI signals and neural activity at alpha/beta bands (8 to 24 Hz) and gamma band (36 to 76 Hz), respectively (Figures 2 and 3). These correlations were stronger at intermediate depth (normalize depth n.d.=0.5; Z > 5) and weaker at superficial (gray-pial boundary; n.d.=0.9; Z < 3) as well as deep (gray-white matter boundary; n.d.=0.1; Z < 3) depths (Figures 2 and 3). Comparing to the non-core auditory cortex, the core auditory cortex has more negative fMRI-alpha/beta bands neural activity correlations and more positive fMRI-gamma band neuronal activity (Figure 4). The core auditory cortex had a particularly positive correlation in the gamma band in the intermediate depth. At the non-core auditory cortex, the positive correlation in the gamma band was stronger at the superficial depth. The negative correlation in the alpha/beta band at the non-core auditory cortex was less than that at the core auditory cortex.


We found the hemodynamic responses in human auditory cortex were significantly negatively and positively correlated with neuronal oscillation in alpha/beta band and gamma band, respectively, corroborating with previous studies of the auditory1 and visual system7. Consistent with our hypothesis, the correlation between the fMRI signals and oscillatory neural responses was stronger in the core than the non-core area. At the core area, the intermediate cortical depth has particularly strong correlation in the gamma band between 50 Hz and 80 Hz. This finding is in line with the notion that gamma-band oscillations are related to the bottom-up information processing11,12.


This work was partially supported by the Academy of Finland (No. 298131), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-2020-05927).


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Figure 1. The average of the modeled fMRI time series elicited by frequency-specific oscillatory neural activities in listening to three different songs (left, middle, and right columns) in two repetitions (top and middle rows). The correlation coefficients of the modeled fMRI time series between two listening at each frequency were shown in the bottom row. Modeled fMRI time series were more correlated between two listening at the frequency below 30 Hz across songs.

Figure 2. Maps of fMRI signals correlating the modeled fMRI signal from 20 Hz, 40 Hz, 60 Hz, 80 Hz, and 100 Hz neural oscillatory responses at deep (gray-white matter boundary; normalized depth n.d. = 0.1), intermediate (n.d. = 0.5), and superficial (n.d. = 0.9) depths at 7T (A) and 3T (B). The magnified areas at the left and right temporal lobe are indicated by the purple rectangles over the inflated brain surfaces.

Figure 3. Z-scores of the correlation between fMRI signal and frequency-specific (8 Hz to 150 Hz) neural oscillatory response at deep (gray-white matter boundary; normalized depth n.d. = 0.1), intermediate (n.d. = 0.5), and superficial (n.d. = 0.9) depths in the auditory cortex (the pink area on the brain) at right (A, C) and left (B) hemispheres using 7T (A, B) and 3T (C) data. Significant differences between deep/superficial and intermediate depths have a transparent reddish/bluish background.

Figure 4. Color-coded Z-scores of the correlation between fMRI signal and frequency-specific (8 Hz to 150 Hz) neural oscillatory response at deep (gray-white matter boundary; normalized depth n.d. = 0.1), intermediate (n.d. = 0.5), and superficial (n.d. = 0.9) depths at the core (top row) and non-core (middle row) auditory cortex (pink areas on the brain) and their differences (bottom row) derived from 7T (left column) and 3T (right column) data.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)