Automatic Phase Image Texture Analysis for Motion Detection in Diffusion MRI (APITA-MDD) with Adaptive Thresholding

Combined spin echo and gradient echo slice-to-volume reconstruction in fetal diffusion MRI

Deep Learning Based Super-resolution of Diffusion MRI Data

Author:Zifei Liang  Jiangyang Zhang  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Session Name:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Program Number:1348  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:New York University School of Medicine  

Diffusion-Prepared Fast Spin Echo for Artifact-free Spinal Cord Imaging

Author:Seung-Yi Lee  Briana Meyer  Shekar Kurpad  Matthew Budde  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Session Name:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Program Number:0106  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:Medical College of Wisconsin  

Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Integrated Slice-Specific Dynamic-Shimmingfor Rectal Cancer Detection and Characterization

Flip-angle optimization for the diffusion-weighted SPLICE sequence for applications in brain imaging

A General Framework for Automated and Accurate b-Matrix Calculation for dMRI Pulse Sequences

High-Fidelity Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Thoracic Spinal Cord Using Point-Spread-Function Encoded EPI (PSF-EPI)

Highly-Accelerated Multi-shot Diffusion Imaging with High Angular Resolution Enabled by k-d SVD

High-resolution visualization of isotropically restricted diffusion in brain by strong spherical dMRI and super-resolution reconstruction

Author:Geraline Vis  Markus Nilsson  Filip Szczepankiewicz  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Session Name:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Program Number:0109  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:Lund University  

Improved Super-Resolution reconstruction for DWI using multi-contrast information

Incoherent k-q Under-sampled Multi-shot EPI for Accelerated Multi-shell Diffusion MRI with Model-based Deep Learning Reconstruction

Author:Merry Mani  Vincent Magnotta  Mathews Jacob  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Session Name:Diffusion Acquisition & Post-Processing  

Program Number:0111  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:University of Iowa  

IVIM Imaging of Lung Cancer: A Comparison Between Gradient-and Spin-Echo, Turbo Spin-Echo and Echo-Planar Imaging Techniques

Jointly Denoise Diffusion-weighted Images Using a Weighted Nuclear Norm Minimization Approach

A Model-driven Deep Learning Method Based on Sparse Coding to Accelerate IVIM Imaging in Fetal Brain

Nonparametric 6D D-R1-R2 distribution imaging of the human brain: Initial results on healthy volunteers

Patch2Self denoising reveals a new theoretical understanding of Diffusion MRI

Quantitative Accuracy of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Techniques as a Function of Susceptibility Artifact Resilience

Robust method for Whole Body DWIBS applied both Image based B0 Shimming and Blip-up Blip-down Distortion Correction

Simultaneous Reconstruction of High-resolution Multi b-value DWI with Single-shot Acquisition

SNR efficiency and effectiveness of 7T high-b diffusion imaging with MESMERISED and PGSE

Universal Sampling Denoising (USD) for noise mapping and noise removal of non-Cartesian MRI

Validating the Accuracy of Multi-Spectral Metal Artifact Suppressed Diffusion-Weighted Imaging