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3D Ultrashort Echo Time MR Fingerprinting (3D UTE-MRF) for Whole Brain Myelin Imaging

Accelerated Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Acquisition by Joint K-space and Image-space Parallel Imaging (KIPI)

Acceleration of magnetic field calculation of permanent magnet arrays for their optimizations

Analysis of Exchangeable Pool Contributions to the Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Signal Using a 2-stage Simulation Method

Automated CEST Measurements for the Lateralization of Epileptic Foci in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy at 3 T

Automated motion correction of multi-slice fetal brain MRI using a deep recursive framework

Brain asymmetry and development of healthy preterm infants within half-year-old: a diffusion MRI study based on ROI and fixel methods

BUDA-SAGE with unsupervised denoising enables fast, distortion-free, high-resolution T2, T2*, iron and myelin susceptibility mapping

b-Value Dependency of Diffusion Parameters Derived from the DTI and DKI Models in Postmortem Human Brain Hemispheres

The Development of a Digital-twin of a Permanent-Magnet-Array (PMA)-Based Portable MRI System

Fast T2 Mapping with Improved Accuracy Using Memory-Efficient Low-Rank Hankel Matrix Reconstruction

High-resolution myelin-water fraction (MWF) and T1/T2/proton-density mapping using 3D ViSTa-MR fingerprinting with subspace reconstruction

Identification of Bone Marrow Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Weakly Supervised Deep Learning

Lipid Artifact Removal by Dynamic Shimming (LARDS) with multi-coil B0 shim arrays

Locus coeruleus degeneration associated with less levodopa responsiveness in Parkinson's Disease

Author:Cheng Zhou  minming zhang  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Parkinson & Neurodegeneration  

Session Name:Brain Stem & Cerebellar Diseases  

Program Number:3019  

Room Session:Concurrent 6  

Institution:Zhejiang University  

Locus coeruleus degeneration is associated with disorganized functional topology in Parkinson's disease

Longitudinal Registration of Knee MRI Based on Femoral and Tibial Alignment

Author:Zhixuan Liang  Yin Guo  Chun Yuan  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:Data Processing & Software Tools  

Session Name:Data Processing for Quality & Efficiency  

Program Number:3734  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:University of Washington  Zhejiang University  

Microstructural mapping with diffusion-time dependent diffusion MRI improves diagnosis of prostate cancer at 3T

Numerical Fit of Extrapolated Semisolid Magnetization Transfer Reference Signal (NEMR) for Improved pH-Weighted Imaging of Ischemic Stroke

Optimization of 3D prostate APTw MR imaging

Optimized multi-axis spiral projection MRF with subspace reconstruction for rapid 1-mm isotropic whole-brain MRF in 2 minutes

Pathological changes in subcortex disrupt cortical synchronization and metastability affecting cognitive function in Parkinson's disease

Author:Cheng Zhou  minming zhang  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI: Applications with Clinical Relevance & Beyond  

Session Name:fMRI: Applications with Clinical Relevance  

Program Number:1505  

Room Session:Concurrent 5  

Institution:Zhejiang University  

A rapidin vivo method for mapping cortical connections of primate amygdala with infrared neural stimulation and 7T fMRI

Robust Multi-shot EPI with Untrained Artificial Neural Networks: Unsupervised Scan-specific Deep Learning for Blip Up-Down Acquisition (BUDA)

Sensitivity-enhanced and Shading-reduced Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging of the Abdomen using Parallel Transmission

Single-shot T2 mapping in severe head motion with multiple overlapping-echo detachment planar imaging

Task-aware 3D-Convolutional Neural Networks for Detailed Brain Parcellation

Water Exchange in Gray Matter: More Challenges & Opportunities for Diffusion MRI