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Reproducibility crisis in diffusion MRI: Contribution of software processing pipelines

Resting State Functional Connectivity and Angiogenesis-related Gene Co-Expression Networks in early brain development

Retrospective Electromagnetic interference mitigation in a portable low field MRI system

Return-to-origin probability from single-shell and multi-shell diffusion MRI data correlates with normal aging

Rigorous Prospective Reduction of Inter-scanner Variance of Diffusion Imaging: Initial Experience

Scan-specific assessment of vNav motion artifact mitigation in the HCP Aging study using reverse motion correction

Scout Acquisition enables rapid Motion Estimation (SAME) for retrospective motion mitigation.

Segmented spin-echo BOLD fMRI using a variable flip angle FLEET acquisition with recursive RF pulse design for high spatial resolution fMRI

Simulation of electromagnetic cardiac stimulation: Validation in dogs and application to human threshold limits for MRI gradient coils

Simultaneous distortion and motion correction in abdominal DW-MRI using dual echo EPI and slice-to-volume registration

Single-shot T2-weighted Fetal MRI with variable flip angles, full k-space sampling, and nonlinear inversion: towards improved SAR and sharpness

Single-sided magnet design for an MR guided lumbar puncture (LP) device

SNR efficient diffusion imaging at 7T with B1+ mitigated multi-shot SMS-EPI, using semi adiabatic PINS RF and low-rank completion reconstruction

Stay on the beat: tuning in on time-dependent diffusion in the heart

T2-BUDA-gSlider: fast T2 mapping with blip-up/down acquisition, generalized SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution and subspace reconstruction

Tortuosity assumption not the cause of NODDI’s incompatibility with tensor-valued diffusion encoding

Toward “plug and play” prospective motion correction for MRI by combining observations of the time varying gradient and static vector fields.

Toward “plug and play” prospective motion correction for MRI by combining observations of the time varying gradient and static vector fields.

Towards unconstrained compartment modeling in white matter using diffusion-relaxation MRI with tensor-valued diffusion encoding

A unified framework for analysis of time-dependent diffusion: numerical validation of a restriction-exchange correlation experiment

Vascular effects in fMRI during respiratory-gated auricular vagal nerve stimulation

Author:Nikos Priovoulos  Dimo Ivanov  Benedikt Poser  Linda Pagen  Vitaly Napadow  Roberta Sclocco  Frans Verhey  Heidi Jacobs  

Institution:Harvard Medical School  Maastricht University  Logan University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:fMRI: Contrast & Physiology  

Session Name:fMRI Physiology 2  

Program Number:3846  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Vessel architectural imaging in the human heart using heartbeat-to-heartbeat GESE-EPI

Visualization enhancement and quantitative analysis of relaxation time in medial temporal lobe epilepsy based on 3D high-resolution MRF