Accelerated MR parametric mapping with a hybrid deep learning model

AI Methods for Predicting Sensitivity of Total Neoadjuvant Treatment (TNT) in Rectal Cancer Based on Multiparameter MRI and Clinical Data

Clinical Phenotype Polymorphism of Ischemic Stroke Underpinned by Inter-network Functional Connectivity

Comprehensive T1? Measurement of in vivo Lumbar Intervertebral Discs using a 3D Adiabatic T1? Prepared UTE (UTE-Adiab-T1?) Sequence

Contrast-enhanced MRI radiomics for predicting therapeutic response to transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in HCC

Deep Learning 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Noninvasive Evaluation of Pathologic Grade of HCC Using Contrast-enhanced MRI

Fast T1 Measurement of Cortical Bone using 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Actual Flip Angle Imaging and Single Repetition Time Acquisition (UTE-AFI-STR)

Head Motion Tracking using an EEG-system and Retrospective Correction of High-Resolution T1-weighted MRI

Importance of Clinical MRI Features in Predicting Epilepsy Drug Treatment Outcome for Pediatric Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

A new route of ultrahigh field MRI shimming: hybrid superconducting matrix coil and multi-order spherical harmonics room-temperature shim coils

PAA-g-(DTPA-Gadolinium): A Versatile Agent to Visualize the Effiencient Interstitial Stream at 7 Tesla

Reduced Field of View Parallel Imaging with Wave Encoded k-Space Trajectory

Resolving fold-over artefacts for Reduced Field-of-View Parallel Imaging with Cartesian Sampling

A Two-Stage Deep Learning Model for Accurate Vessel Segmentation and Reconstruction in the MRI of Live

Using deep domain adaptation method to improve liver segmentation performance in Limited MRI images

VCC-Wave for Improved Parallel MRI of High Resolution and High Bandwidth