Comprehensive T Measurement of in vivo Lumbar Intervertebral Discs using a 3D Adiabatic T Prepared UTE (UTE-Adiab-T) Sequence
Zhao Wei1,2,3, Alecio F. Lombardi1, Zubiad Ibrahim1, Mohammadamin Cheraghi1, Koihi Masuda4, Jiang Du1, Eric Y. Chang1,5, Graeme M. Bydder1, Wenhui Yang2,3, and Ya-Jun Ma1
1Department of Radiology, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 4Department of Orthopedic Surgery, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 5Radiology Service, Veterans Affairs, San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA, United States


To assess the feasibility of using a 3D ultrashort echo time sequence with adiabatic T preparation (UTE-Adiab-T) to map the T of entire lumbar intervertebral discs (IVDs), 17 human subjects’ lumbar spines were scanned. Correlations between T values of all of the components of the IVD and disc degeneration grades and subjects' ages were calculated. T differences between subjects with and without low back pain were also assessed. The study showed that the UTE-Adiab-T sequence can measure T values of the whole IVD. These may be useful for assessment of IVD degeneration.


With aging and degeneration, the intervertebral disc (IVD) undergoes changes to its morphology and biochemical composition including proteoglycan loss, dehydration, cartilaginous endplate (CEP) degradation/calcification, disc height loss, annular tears and extrusion1-3. T is a biomarker that reflects low frequency motional biological processes including macromolecule–water interactions4. Studies have demonstrated that quantitative T mapping can detect biochemical changes in IVDs during the process of degeneration4-9. To date, research on T measurements of IVDs has focused on the changes in the nucleus pulposus (NP)6,8-12, with a few studies describing T changes in the annulus fibrosis (AF)9,11-12. To the best of our knowledge, no quantitative T measurement study has been performed to evaluate the CEP during aging and degeneration. This is because conventional clinical sequences cannot capture the fast decaying CEP MR signal (i.e., short T2/T2*) effectively due to their relatively long echo times13. To address this problem, we have created a 3D ultrashort echo time sequence with adiabatic T preparation (UTE-Adiab-T) which allows T mapping of entire lumbar IVDs, including the NP, AF and CEP. Moreover, the Adiab-T preparation is much less sensitive to the magic angle effect than conventional continuous-wave T method14. In this feasibility study, 17 human subjects were scanned and IVD T values were correlated with the IVD degeneration grades and ages. The T value difference between subjects with low back pain (LBP) and without LBP (No-LBP) was also assessed.


The features of the UTE-Adiab-T sequence are described in Figure 1 of reference 14. A set of spin-locking preparations containing an even number of adiabatic full passage pulses is followed by multiple UTE acquisition spokes with an equal time interval τ between acquisitions to allow fast data collection14. The signal S(TSL) at the acquisition time is given by:
where M0 is the equilibrium state magnetization, α is the flip angle (FA), and C is the constant describing non-T related signals.
Seventeen human subjects (43±16 years, nine females) were recruited for this study and informed consent was obtained from all of them in accordance with guidelines of the Institutional Review Board. A phased array spine coil was used for signal reception. Both the UTE-Adiab-T and a clinical 2D T2-weighted fast spin echo (T2w-FSE) sequences were used to scan the lumbar spine of each subject with a 3T clinical MRI scanner. The sequence parameters were: (i) UTE-Adiab-T sequences: TE=0.1 ms, TR=2000 ms, FA=6°, field of view (FOV)=280$$$\times$$$280$$$\times$$$56mm3, matrix=320$$$\times$$$320$$$\times$$$14, bandwidth = 250 kHz, spin lock time (TSL)=0, 34.56, 69.12, and 103.68 ms, number of spokes per-Adiab-T preparation (Nsp)=41, total scan time is around 16min; (ii) 2D T2w-FSE sequence: TE=102 ms, TR=4041 ms, slice thickness=3.5 mm, FOV=340$$$\times$$$340mm2, matrix=384$$$\times$$$384, bandwidth = 250 kHz, slice number =14, scan time=1min50sec.
A total of 85 lumbar IVDs were analyzed. Each IVD was manually segmented into seven regions (i.e., outer anterior AF (OAAF), inner anterior (IAAF), outer posterior AF (OPAF), inner posterior AF (IPAF), superior CEP (SCEP), inferior CEP (ICEP), and NP), as shown in Figure 1. The IVDs were graded according to the modified Pfirrmann system based on the T2w-FSE images by two observers (an experienced musculoskeletal radiologist and a trained Ph.D. student). The T values of the sub-regions were correlated with the modified Pfirrmann grades and ages using Spearman's Rank Order Correlation. In addition, the T difference between subjects with and without LBP was evaluated using Student’s t-test.

Results and Discussion

Figure 2 shows representative T maps of lumbar IVDs from four subjects with the corresponding T2w-FSE images. The T maps demonstrate that the UTE-Adiab-T sequence can measure T values of the whole IVD, including the CEP. The CEP regions were very low signal on the T2w-FSE images. Qualitatively, Figure 2 shows lower T values in the NPs of the discs that are associated with higher modified Pfirrmann grades.
The IVDs were grouped by their modified Pfirrmann grades and the corresponding T values are shown in Table 1. There were significant correlations between Ts of the OPAF, SCEP, ICEP, and NP and modified Pfirrmann grades (P values < 0.05). The corresponding correlation coefficients were 0.51, 0.36, 0.38, and -0.94, respectively (Figure 3). These results demonstrate the potential of T values of OPAF, SCEP, ICEP, and NP as quantitative markers of lumbar IVD degeneration.
As can be seen in Table 2, the correlations between T values of the OAAF, OPAF, and NP and ages were significant with P values of 0.004, 0.000, and 0.004 (positive correlations for OAAF and OPAF and negative for NP), respectively. These findings imply that the UTE-Adiab-T measurement of the OAAF, OPAF, and NP is also associated with age. In addition, T value differences between the LBP and No-LBP groups in the OPAF, ICEP, and NP were significant with P values of 0.005, 0.020, and 0.000, respectively. These findings imply that the UTE-Adiab-T measurement of the OPAF, ICEP, and NP is related to LBP, possibly via effects due to IVD degeneration and age.


The 3D UTE-Adiab-T technique can provide comprehensive volumetric T mapping of all the components of the lumbar IVD including the CEP. This may be valuable for assessment of age related changes and disease in the IVD in patients with LBP.


The authors acknowledge grant support from NIH (R01AR068987, R01NS092650, and R21AR075851), Veterans Affairs (I01RX002604 and I01CX001388), GE Healthcare and scholarship support from the Joint Ph.D. Training Program of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS).


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Table 1. T value (mean and standard deviation) of each sub-region of IVDs. The IVDs were grouped according to their modified Pfirrmann grades. The number of discs in each grade are shown. The P value of the Spearman’s correlation coefficient between the T value and the modified Pfirrmann grade within each compartment is also shown. P < 0.05, significant correlation.

Table 2. Summarized IVD T values (mean and standard deviation) for each subject. The subject ages are shown for all the individuals from the two groups (i.e., LBP and No-LBP). P-LBP = P value of the T difference comparison (Student’s t test) between LBP group and No-LBP group; P-Age = P value of the correlation analysis between mean T value and age. The mean T value is the average of all five disc levels of a subject.

Figure 1. Disc segmentation diagram. (a) and (b) are acquired UTE-Adiab-T images with TSLs of 0 and 69.12 ms respectively; (c) is subtraction of (b) from (a), which highlights CEP structure for better segmentation; (d) shows the seven regions of interest within a disc.

Figure 2. Representative T maps (first row) and corresponding T2w-FSE images (second row) of four subjects (as shown in four columns respectively). These T maps demonstrate that UTE-Adiab-T sequence allows measurement of Ts of the whole IVD, including the CEP. In comparison, the CEP regions were low signal on the T2w-FSE images. The modified Pfirrmann grades of discs are included on the T2w-FSE images.

Figure 3. Spearman’s correlation coefficient results between modified Pfirrmann grades and T values of OPAF (a), SCEP (b), ICEP (c), and NP (d). A strong negative correlation is observed in the NP, and moderate positive correlations are observed in the OPAF, SCEP, and ICEP.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)