Malte Laustsen1,2,3, Mads Andersen4, Rong Xue3,5,6, Kristoffer H. Madsen2,7, and Lars G. Hanson1,2
1Section for Magnetic Resonance, DTU Health Tech, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark, 3Sino-Danish Center, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 4Philips Healthcare, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Beijing MR Center for Brain Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 6Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders, Beijing, China, 7DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Tracking and retrospective correction of high-resolution
structural 3D-GRE images is accomplished with a slightly modified EEG cap and sampling system. Carbon wire loops added
to the EEG cap allow for motion tracking using gradient-induced signals from native
sequence elements, without the need for sequence modification, or
electrode-skin contact, while requiring only a short calibration scan, and mounting
of the cap. The motion estimates closely resemble estimates from interleaved
navigators (mean absolute difference: [0.13,0.33,0.12]mm, [0.28,0.15,0.22]deg). Retrospective correction using carbon wire loops yield
similar improvements to Average Edge Strength (12%) for images with
instructed movement, and does not degrade images without motion.
Sensors consisting of orthogonally arranged gradient pickup-coils
fixed to the subjects head have proven useful for motion tracking when combined with interleaved gradients or tones.1,2
Pilot studies have shown that tracking is possible during simultaneous EEG-fMRI
using only EEG-equipment
sensitive to field changes.3-8 With a modified EEG setup including carbon wire loops,
and after a short calibration scan, motion tracking is
achieved using native gradients of a high-resolution T1w 3D-GRE sequence,
requiring only a short calibration scan and mounting of the cap. The method is
validated with retrospective correction for three healthy subjects, with direct
comparison to interleaved 3D navigators (NAVs)9.Methods
Gradient switching induces voltages in the
wire loops and
it follows from Faraday's
law that the recorded time signal of channel i can be described as: vi(t)=wix∂˜gx(t)∂t+wiy∂˜gy(t)∂t+wiz∂˜gz(t)∂t+ηi(t)
with ˙~GG(t)=[∂˜gx(t)∂t,∂˜gy(t)∂t,∂˜gz(t)∂t] representing filtered time derivatives of gradient
activity, and wwi=[wix,wiy,wiz] being weights that depend on wire loop geometry,
position, and orientation. ηi(t) is measurement noise. ˙~GG(t) is recorded for any sequence, for each of the gradients gx(t), gy(t), and gz(t), in a static phantom
pre-scan (Figure 1) where RF and the remaining gradient systems are
deactivated, and is determined as the primary component from singular value
decomposition (SVD) across wire loop channels i=[1,2,…,I]. wwi is determined for a new signal snippet using a
general linear model expressed by ˙~GG(t). Additional nuisance
regressors are appended to ˙~GG(t) to model ηi(t). These are determined
in the pre-scan by sampling RF contributions without gradients (Figure 1,RF), and
by modelling eddy currents and cross talk by including non-primary components
from the aforementioned SVD. Additionally, mechanical vibrations are modelled
with a low-frequency harmonic expansion [120-400Hz] fitted to periods free
of gradient ramping (Figure 2), and are subtracted.
The relation between weights ww (3I vector) and subject pose rr (position and
orientation, six degrees-of-freedom), is determined in a short subject-specific
calibration scan with instructed free head movement during a dynamic series of
rapid 3D-EPI. Small changes in subject pose from a reference position corresponds to small changes in ww in the linear approximation:
where Δww=[Δww1,Δww2,…,ΔwwI], and Δrr=[Δx,Δy,Δz,Δθ,Δϕ,Δψ]. The elements
of AA (3I×6 matrix) are found by
jointly solving the linear approximation for a number (≥6) of calibration positions by least squares
estimation, using motion parameters from rigid alignment of the 3D-EPI volumes (SPM12 volume
realignment, UCL, UK).
The developed method was evaluated
in-vivo using three healthy volunteers. An 80s calibration scan, and four structural
T1w 3D-GRE images (all with NAVs), were acquired for each
subject (3T Achieva MRI, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands). Subjects were
instructed to remain stationary during 2 structural scans, and to perform various amounts
of voluntary motion for 2 scans. The structural scans were retrospectively
corrected using the RetroMoCoBox10
with pose estimates from either rigid alignment (SPM12) of NAVs9 (recorded every
1561ms interleaved11,12 with acquiring slices of k-space),
or from carbon wire loop (CWL) recordings. Loop recordings during interleaved
navigators were excluded from pose estimation for fair comparison between the
two methods. The sequence used during calibration was identical to the interleaved
NAVs with sequence parameters TE/TR: 5.8/14ms, duration per dynamic: 472ms,
tip angle: 2°, voxel size: 7.1×8.2×7.2mm,
matrix: 36×31×32. Sequence
parameters for the T1w 3D-GRE images were TE/TR: 3.5/6.5ms, tip
angle: 14°, voxel size: 1×1×1mm, matrix: 240×240×240,
outer/inner phase-encoding order: center-out/linear.
CWL voltages were sampled with a high bandwidth EEG sampling system (80kHz
sampling, HP/LP-cutoffs: 100Hz/16kHz, NeurOne Tesla, Bittium Biosignals Ltd, Kuopio, Finland), and an
EEG-cap (Easycap, Germany) with 9 channels interconnected to the reference
electrode with resistive carbon wire forming inductive loops evaluated for
safety. CWL motion estimation was based on signals from two consecutive dynamics
with 50% overlap yielding 1561ms tracking frequency.
Average Edge Strength (AES) was calculated before and after
retrospective correction using the AES toolbox13,
over sagittal, coronal, and axial orientation. Before calculation, reference,
corrupted, and corrected images were transformed to a common reference frame
using sinc interpolation.Results
Figure 3 and 4 show retrospectively corrected volumes with
instructed-, and uninstructed movement respectively. Table 1 shows AES for
each structural scan, before and after retrospective correction. The average
improvement to AES in volumes with instructed movement was
12/13% for CWL and
NAVs, respectively, and -0.39/1.8% in volumes where the subject was instructed to lay still. The average mean absolute difference (MAD) for all
structural scans between CWL pose estimates and NAVs estimates were [0.13,0.33,0.12]mm
and [0.28,0.15,0.22]deg, revealing close similarity between the two.Discussion & Conclusion
While comparable in terms of improvements to image sharpness
(visually and calculated AES), CWLs can offer decreased tracking noise, especially in
anterior/posterior direction, where NAVs are most sensitive to field fluctuations. Neither method introduced noise in motion-free scans. No line-of-sight or sequence
modification was needed for CWL. The method is suited for prospective updating, which requires
scanner interfacing and updating of
three columns of ˙~GG(t) whenever the field-of-view is updated5. Residual
artifacts from local Nyquist violations in k-space may improve with prospective updating, and reacquisition. CWLs for
EEG artifact rejection have recently become commercially available, and may be suited for the method.Acknowledgements
Malte Laustsen is supported by the Sino-Danish Center for
Education and Research.References
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