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23Na MRI of human intervertebral cervical discs in Mucopolysaccharidosis type II

Accelerated T2 Mapping of the Lumbar Intervertebral Discs: Robust Quantification in Clinically Feasible Acquisition Times

Cardiac 31P MR Spectroscopy With Interleaved 1H Image Navigation for Prospective Respiratory Motion Compensation – Initial Results

Ex vivo whole brain metabolic fingerprinting at 7T - protocol optimization and preliminary results

Fast, high resolution QSM of the brainstem at 7T using super-resolution 2D EPI

Fully Automated Quantitative Assessment of the Lumbar Intervertebral Disk

Functional spectroscopic imaging (fMRSI) detects metabolite changes in the activated primary sensorimotor cortex at 7T

The impact of through-plane motion on 2D FISP-MR Fingerprinting: a simulation study based on realistic patient and healthy volunteer movements

Improved Susceptibility Weighted Imaging using bipolar multi-echo acquisition and optimized processing of phase and magnitude data: CLEAR-SWI

In Situ Quantification of the Longitudinal Relaxation Time of Phophatidylcholine in Human Bile at 7T

The influence of the knee position on vTE-T2* values of patellar- and quadriceps tendon measured at 3T and 7T

Rapid Opensource Minimum Spanning TreE AlgOrithm for Phase Unwrapping (ROMEO)

Real-time motion and retrospective receiver sensitivity correction for gluCEST using volumetric navigators (vNavs) at 7T

Studying Human Plantar Flexor Muscles at Low-Intensity Exercise by Interleaving Perfusion 1H MRI with Localised 31P MRS

Author:Fabian Niess  Albrecht Schmid  Siegfried Trattnig  Ewald Moser  Martin Meyerspeer  

Institution:Medical University of Vienna  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Tuesday, 11 August 2020  

Topic:Other Nuclei MRI and MRS to Study Metabolism  

Session Name:Simultaneous or Interleaved MRS & X-Nuclei  

Program Number:0488  

Room Live Q&A Session:Tuesday Parallel 5  

Synthetic T2-weighted contrasts of the lumbar spine derived from fast quantitative mapping – the icing on the cake