Philipp Moser1, Korbinian Eckstein1, Lukas Hingerl1, Michael Weber1, Stanislav Motyka1, Bernhard Strasser1,2, Andre van der Kouwe3, Simon Robinson1, Siegfried Trattnig1,4, and Wolfgang Bogner1
1High Field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Vienna, MA, United States, 3Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology,, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 4Christian Doppler Laboratory for Clinical Molecular MR Imaging, Vienna, Austria
demonstrate the combination of 3D free induction decay proton MR spectroscopic imaging and spatial encoding via
concentric-ring trajectories at 3T. To improve the reliability a well
as the temporal stability, single-echo, imaging-based volumetric
navigators for real-time motion/shim-correction were additionally integrated. All intra-subject coefficients of variation and most of the inter-subject coefficients of variation obtained with
motion/shim-correction were lower (i.e., better) than without and resulted in higher SNRs and lower CRLBs.
We demonstrate the combination of 3D free induction decay (FID)[1]
proton MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI) and spatial encoding via
concentric-ring trajectories (CRT) at 3T[2-4]. FID-MRSI[1] has many
benefits including high detection sensitivity, in particular for
J-coupled metabolites like glutamate (Glu) or glutamine (Gln). This
makes it highly attractive not only for clinical, but also for,
potentially, functional MRSI[5]. To improve the reliability a well
as the temporal stability, single-echo, imaging-based volumetric
navigators (se-vNavs) for real-time motion/shim-correction (SHMOCO)
were additionally integrated but still preserve ultra-short TR
This study was performed on a 3T Prisma MR scanner with a 64-channel
receive-only head coil (all Siemens Healthineers) in six healthy
volunteers (male/female,4/2; age,28.8±5.4y). Institutional Review
Board approval and written, informed consent were obtained prior to
the MR examinations. The tracking accuracy
(position and B0-field)
of our proposed se-vNavs was compared to the original double-echo
volumetric navigators (de-vNavs)[6] in
phantoms (rest and translation) and in
vivo (voluntary head rotation). While
motion updates remain unchanged for the se-vNavs compared to
de-vNavs, B0-maps were created from the single phase
images after subtracting pre-stored, coil-dependent phase offsets
[7]. These are calculated using ASPIRE[8] from a dual-echo EPI
reference prescan whose parameters matched those of the se-vNavs
listed below, except for the dual-echo TE1/TE2 of
The parameters for se-vNavs were: TR, 17ms; TE, 7ms
(de-vNavs: TE1/TE2, 7/9.4ms); matrix, 32×32;
slices, 18; FOV,256×256×144mm3; bandwidth,4734Hz/pixel;
flip angle, 4°;echo train length, 32;water excitation only; slice
partial Fourier, 6/8. Using our se-vNavs, the total navigator
block requires only ~360ms.
The 3D-FID-MRSI sequence (Figure 1) with
CRT readout used the following settings: TR, 850ms; acquisition
delay, 0.8ms; flip angle, 70°; 600µs sinc excitation pulse; B1,
13.2µT; VOI, 220×220×76mm3; field-of-view,
220×220×126mm3; in vivo matrix size, 50×50×21
(in phantoms, 32×32×21); complex spectral data points, 360;
acquisition bandwidth, 1030Hz; no temporal interleaving; acquisition
window, 350ms; averages, 1; spherical k-space coverage; WET water
suppression; outer-volume saturation (OVS) band (30mm thick) below
VOI covering nasal cavity and skull base; TA, 5:40min.The CRT data
reconstruction was performed as described previously[2].
We investigated the intra-session stability of a
5:40min 3D-FID-MRSI scan with SHMOCO and no correction (NOCO) in
five resting subjects which were scanned each within
one session and without repositioning with a total of
eight 3D-FID-MRSI scans: four no correction (NOCO) and
four shim/motion-correction(SHMOCO) in an interleaved fashion.
Intra/inter-subject coefficients of variation
(CV) of major metabolites over the whole 3D volume and in selected
regions of interest (ROI) were assessed.Results
Figure 2 shows motion and B0-field logs from the
phantom and in vivo (volunteer 1) measurements. Phantom and in vivo
scans showed highly consistent tracking performance for se-vNavs
compared to the original de-vNavs, but lower frequency drift. Sample
spectra for volunteer 2 are shown in Figure 3. Figure 4 depicts the
four Glx/tCr (Glx=glutamate+glutamin, tCr=total creatine) metabolic
ratio maps with SHMOCO for volunteer 3 in three adjacent slices. The
average maximum translations from the NOCO (0.9±0.4mm) and SHMOCO
(1.2±0.4mm) scans were statistically non-significant (p=0.1). Table
1 summarizes the means and standard deviations of the
intra/inter-subject CVs obtained for the different metabolites ratios
and brain regions averaged over all five volunteers. All
intra-subject CVs and most of the inter-subject CVs obtained with
SHMOCO were lower (i.e., better) compared to NOCO, with improvements
of up to ~30%. Intra-subject CVs of 9.3%, 6.9%, 6.5%, and 7.8% were
obtained across the full VOI for Glx/tCr, tNAA/tCr
(tNAA=N-acetyl-aspartate+N-acetyl-aspartyl glutamate), tCho/tCr
(tCho=total choline) and m-Ins/tCr (m-Ins=myo-inositol) with SHMOCO.
For Glx/tCr, values of 9.8% and 8.2% were obtained in visual and
motor cortex. Significant differences were found between NOCO and
SHMOCO over the whole VOI (p<0.001), but no moderation effect
(p=0.67) with the metabolites, i.e., no evidence that the difference
between NOCO and SHMOCO was more pronounced for certain metabolites.
No moderation effect was also found with the ROIs and metabolites,
i.e., no significant evidence that SHMOCO performed better for
certain metabolites in certain ROIs (p=0.92). Using SHMOCO led to
moderately higher SNR (VOI SNR: 16.5±5.3, FWHM 8.2±2.8 Hz) and
lower CRLBs (tNAA 4.1±1.3%) compared to NOCO (VOI SNR 15.9±5.3,
FWHM 8.4±2.5 Hz, tNAA CRLB 4.2±1.5%), while the FWHMs were little
affected.Discussion and Conclusion
presented the first use of CRTs in a 3D-FID-MRSI sequence at 3T to
generate high-resolution metabolic maps in 5:40 min. The sequence was
further equipped with a two times shorter, single-echo volumetric EPI
navigator for real-time motion/shim correction. Our
results confirm that the use of SHMOCO gives overall significantly
better intra-subject CVs than NOCO, which mainly reflects SHMOCO’s
ability to correct for temporal frequency drifts and involuntary
subject movements. Concerning possible applications, functional
MRS studies have reported changes in glutamate [5] range from only
subtle increases of 2-4% after visual or motor stimuli to more
pronounced changes (up to 22%) after pain stimuli. While functional
MRSI has not yet been conducted so far, this report contributes to
paving the way to functional MRSI by assessing the stability of
3D-FID-MRSI which
makes it possible to judge if small metabolite changes can actually
be resolved on a single-subject basis or on a group level.Acknowledgements
study was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): KLI 718, P
30701, P 31452 and J 4124, and the Christian Doppler Laboratory for
Clinical Molecular MR Imaging.References
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